General Discussion

General DiscussionSEA SERVER PLAYERS

SEA SERVER PLAYERS in General Discussion



      Lol welcome to the party


        where do u play before?? and welcome :D

        Palmen aus Plastik

          Not just you. Welcome to hell. Use the mute button judiciously.


            Can someone give me an account? Even no rank hehe I'm so tired in sea

            unbreakable spirit

              It should be you coz Im playing in the same server and rarely get people who flame


                Oh cmon. 3k sea too harsh for you?


                  Cancer meet cancer


                    Sea always full of trash brother, thats why they doesnt has good country in there

                    Just deal with it or leave it brother

                    chicken spook,,,,



                        It's always been this way. Pinoys and Indons are the most toxic simply because they are the most in number, therefore higher chance of getting toxic people. I guarantee you if there were as many Malaysians or Singaporeans who played, they'd be considered toxic also.


                          bear with looks like it only gets harder the higher you go

                          Cancer Malaria

                            but thats what makes it special , all hail sea doto for lyfe


                              Pignoys* indogs*

                              Hot Bird

                                lol when i was 1k, sea ppl had a bit of humanity.And as higher you go not only games get a bit challenging you get team mates who lost their humanity along the way.Occasionally you will see pinoise or indogs who was never even humans to begin with .

                                Melodic Star

                                  Well Those Rude People most of them are Uneducated. You have mute bottom or you don't mind them like " I don't give a fuck " and do you're thing. You can't win by talking back or trash talks. Not all people the same remember don't curse and Judge people that easly because where they from country SEA US EU. Just have fun playing the best solution to win a game. One Person in your team is enough tag team with her/him. Win EZ

                                  I'm playing with SEA trying to cure them by showing positive or good attitude.

                                  Melodic Star

                                    Hold You're Temper it's just like you practicing to deal with Toxic ppl they will get tired too ;)


                                      Lol.. Every region have retard. Not only indonesian or phillipines. Its just not your lucky day when you meet some retards at SEA Region.

                                      Like me example, even i tried hard to win every game i play, there always some clown who ruin the game.

                                      I can play all role, but almost all my games my team push me playing support, and in the end support playing better than core. Guess what, that core picker, yes that clown blame support shamelessly. It happen everytime in sea region especially in my brackett.

                                      The conclusion is you should get with it.

                                      Its so sad every clown cant compare their kda as core or supp with mine while drafting phase, if KDA matter to see how good you playing this game.

                                      Este comentário foi editado
                                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                        SEA IS LUV SEA IS LYFE

                                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                          I love pignoise and indogs, they give me more reports to send even more of their species back to their true home: low priority.


                                            sea server is cancer. guardian players talk like they are 7k players.

                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                              i always pretend to be pinoy when im flaming/trash talking


                                                DONT TRUST ANYONE CARRY URSELF , IF U STILL LOSE THEN U NEED TO GIT GUT

                                                SPUNKY SPUTNIK

                                                  I can confirm. I'm from SEA and It saddens me to see that I'm playing with 10-12 year old kids who don't even know proper English. It's really chaotic, and yet learn to use the report feature and mute button.

                                                  100% WINRATE MASTER

                                                    when u dont mute toxic players and is still immune to their rants, road to Divine5 is real.


                                                      Dont play at weekend


                                                        nothing you can do. just enjoy your game and dont take it too serius. you in that categories if you start flaming blaming or reply trash talker. just enjoy the game.


                                                          Play @ 12am


                                                            Why cant i play in chinese svs

                                                            Happy Pill <3

                                                              Here's the best advice I can give you when playing in SEA

                                                              Avoid playing in the peak hours during these months:

                                                              2nd half of December - 1st of January (Christmas Vacation)
                                                              2nd week of March - 2nd Week of June (Summer Break)
                                                              Last week of October - 1st Week of November (Semestral Break)

                                                              Highly advisable to play from 1am-6am (PH time) during these times as a huge majority of the cancerous players are either:
                                                              a.) Asleep
                                                              b.) Drunk
                                                              c.) Out of money
                                                              d.) Being sent to jail trying to stab either their mom or grandmother to get said money (you may consider this dark humor but it really has happened unfortunately. People have died here in PH because of cancerous fucks that unfortunately had access to guns/other dangerous weapons and shot/stabbed the other person because they responded to them trashtalking)

                                                              That rule applies when playing either ranked or normal mm.

                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                cancerous like ur phantom assassin xd


                                                                  whats wrong with sea lol


                                                                    ^^^ 3k matches still normal skill hope u play for fun.

                                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                                    A DOG ASKED INVOKER COMBO...

                                                                      indog and pignoy


                                                                        What did you expect its the HOLIDAYS and its time for children to play DOTES haha

                                                                        Cancer Malaria

                                                                          The best thing about playing sea server, when you have 2 pinoys in one team and both of them are "ako mid" and the fight start from there. Pinoys arguing with pinoys. *Grabs popcorns*

                                                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                            How can you say that SEA players are cancerous when youve only play SEA server? Its like your saying that everyone in your home is ugly eventhouhh you never step outside of your home.

                                                                            All region have these cancer players, not just SEA alone.

                                                                            Here are my thought on people you call cancer:
                                                                            -The person saying that his team sucks are usually the cancer.
                                                                            -You are paired with cancers because you are cancer yourself.

                                                                            But real cancers do exist. Not just in SEA region but all region. Among them are:
                                                                            -Account buyer. Since you can calibrate up to 3.5k solo mmr, MMR below 3.5k tend to have this kind of account buyer. But as the mmr climbs up, it gets rarer.
                                                                            -Lag. Its a real issue. I hate encountering these player playing ranked even though he is lag.

                                                                            Bottomline is:
                                                                            Everyone have a bad game. I have a 16-0 something invoker but also a 0-10 one (lol).

                                                                            "Cancer player never admits he's wrong.
                                                                            -Albert Einstein

                                                                            [ Crisis- ]

                                                                              play in japan server, a little better

                                                                              mlvn Fruits` and Veggies`

                                                                                Lol these people keep on blaming their "noob" teammates when they also don't realize that they are also "noob" themselves because they are being matched with people of the same similar skill level.

                                                                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                  Lol these people keep on blaming their "noob" teammates when they also don't realize that they are also "noob" themselves

                                                                                  Because of their ego. My definition of cancer are the quitters and the intentional feeders. Some players have bad game, but that doesnt mean that theyre cancer.

                                                                                  P.S. I also hate those teammate that yell "gg" everytime his ally dies, despite the game still at 5mins and the score is close. *smh*

                                                                                  Melodic Star

                                                                                    just don't play with uneducated pinoys who only can badmouth team! they should improve the system about those people punish them really serious who anyone toxic or ruin every fuckin game.

                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!