General Discussion

General DiscussionSo many buffs to supports

So many buffs to supports in General Discussion

    Bane will be the most contested first pick hero with its ridiculous sleep buff. I think he will be nerfed as soon as Lich one day that could eat creep every wave.

    Rubick finally can toggle null field working like aoe perma Veil of Discord - pretty good.

    Dazzle got aoe posion touch.

    Io and his 15 lvl talent that give effect of scepter. Like wtf ? 25 lvl talent is not that important since rarely Io games last so long.

    Chen - will be Chen meta again. With no shrines on HG it will be again easier to go for raxx min 15 mark. Also neutrals give 10% stacking magic immu aura so you can get 40% aoe magic aura for your team. Rip Tinker defence.

    PS. What about acc boosters and sellers now ?

    Will it be actually worth buying any acc when its mmr will be reset anyway ?

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