General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to pick and not to pick Centaur?

When to pick and not to pick Centaur? in General Discussion

    I just want to know all your thoughts about when to pick and not to pick Centaur in a game.

    Story Time

      better not to pick him when the team has already one initiator like roaming slardar or any axe. Centaur is all about setting up a fight and perhaps is best for early and mid game. Also best is the strong early draft so you can finish before 30 min.

      Hatrið mun sigra

        I wouldn't pick him when there are a lot of spell casters in the other team, especially a Necro for obvious reasons, and there's already an initiator in the team. I'd pick him when the team needs a strong and reliable solo offlaner who can also initiate and there are lots of right-clickers in the other team. I don't think he scales that bad late game tbh, like Story Time said. With aghs, AC/pipe and the lvl 25 talent where his passive becomes an aura he can make a difference in team fights even after min 30.


          I love having a cent in my team when playing invoker


            this is a good start

            you dont want to lane against heroes that has natural lifesteal [wk/naix] as they can trade hits with you very easily with minimal incoming dmg. you also dont want to lane against supports like undying who can just spam dmg reduction, essentially forcing you to farm in nc.

            you want to lane him against heroes like drow/sniper or agi carries that you can take advantage with your return. its a good pick if the opponent carry is PA/PL/sniper/WR or generally any carries with spammable skills (buy magic stick for that) / faster left clicks.

            he is also a good counter to arc warden, as during 5v5 fights, cw will be a nuisance to arc warden due to his ulti + 5 sec cd double edge, as well as the return dmg that is based on % of str.

            Riguma Borusu

              The hero is actually amazing right now, talents are ultra good (lvl 25 talent is broken), he can rotate to the jungle if rekt in lane, or just between waves, also he can easily clear creeps when the enemy tries to push (because you do not want to dive a centaur), so he will always get his shit and even if he doesn't, he can just run at people with his ult to disable them, if the enemy doesn't have a lot of stuns, as he counters slows easily. Unlike slardar, you are tanky with just a few items, unlike axe, you have a reliable speed boost ultimate and unlike dark seer you are still useful and able to solo kill even if your team is clueless, making him one of the best and most fool proof and well rounded offlaners in your bracket. Double edge rips agi carries apart, too.

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              Mlada i Luda

                ban ursa, even if he is not banned fuck it doesnt matter that much, insta lock as cw in your bracket he is good in every game, doesnt matter even if it goes ultra late he scale rly good compare to other offlane/initiators. super tanky , can clear waves rly fast, crush towers byhimself, you can compensate a lot for you ' retarded ' carries' . about early game lanning phase he is almost imposible to zone out, even if that happens can farm jungle rly well with iron talon, but mostly of the time if your solo of you must be able to own them and ' get out of control' just run to others as an unkilleable beast. waht i like more to him among other offlane initators its his ult. you can use it many time to save your retarded teammats out of postion. even yourself lul. you can itemaze him depends on enemy -right clikc , or magic. force stuf is almost always a must item , to disengage , bait, kite carries. trust me you dont have to end game before 30 min , you will majority of the late games with cent, at least you wil have more impact than the enemy oflaner usually. after all i jsut lost a cw game lul, but i tilted and trolled my team cause es sabotaged my lane taking farm and exp , i could not do my usuall stuff, at that point i dont care i want that guy to loose that game lul. but what i said it rly works , im sure.

                Mlada i Luda

                  'Yua病猫 9 hours ago
                  I love having a cent in my team when playing invoker' .... lol. yeah this also , since 30 -40 % of your games you gonna have an invo in your team, he wil be much more useful if you playing a tanky frontliner beast that cant alos set up stuns for invo to ss. your shity invo will looks like miracle invoker if yo uare runnign fights for him

                  Potato Marshal

                    I did pretty well as cw back in 3k. You can easily catch someone off guard with a double edge > attack > stomp > attack > double edge combo. Double edge is so good, especially in the laning stage, 400 aoe damage for no mana on a 5 second cooldown.

                    With a few exceptions like Ursa, you can wreck most melee carries in lane with double edge.

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                    Story Time

                      ^funny but when centaur is in my team things do not go well, despite that on paper centaur looks very good in total


                        CW cant do much expect initiating on someone, prodiving auras (pipe and stuff) and tanking damage at later stages. lower brackets ( i guess below 4k) dont have the coordination for an immediate follow up to a stun and just tanking wont help you. At least thats why i stopped playing him.
                        there isnt a lot of ouplay-potential whe compared to other offlaners like magnus, axe, weaver, underlord or LC imo. My general rule is if i dont pull off game winning stuff no one of my team will, and centaur doesnt really offer those plays...


                          Cent has a lot of outplay potential, especially with double edge

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