General Discussion

General Discussionroaming and general dota skill

roaming and general dota skill in General Discussion

    Is it true that playing roamers consistently doesnt really make you better at dota?
    Like if ur spamming SB/NS and win the majority of games, you gain mmr yet not really become better at the game?


      Not necessarily. Roaming is a legit and important position. Atleast according to pro players. You don't lane, so you rarely get better at maintaining lane equilibrium, last hitting and farming patterns.

      But you do get better at map awareness, understanding hero strengths and power spikes by knowing which heroes you can gank, and which you can't. There's always a lot to do even when you're not ganking, which will make your focus on the clock and time management also improve.


        yes but arent laning skills the core part of general dota skill?


          quality advice

          死の恐怖 Haseo



              Btw Im not considering earth spirit/io or something else requiring advanced micro
              Im only talking about heroes with simple mechaincs yet really big impact e.g. bounty huner, night stalker, spirit breaker, riki


                whats wrong with roaming. if u can have high impact, then it means u kinda know how to play dota? dota doesnt discriminate how you choose to play/win it.


                  thats just plain dumb.

                  roaming pos 4 is a role just like pos 1 safelane is a role.

                  thats like saying a pos 5 player isnt good at the game because he isnt a good mid player.

                  maybe you dont know this because you suck at roaming (judging by your games) but roaming requires a lot of skill.

                  you need to assess which lane needs your help initially or which enemy hero you have to harrass at start, which heros you can/can't harrass, not messing up creep equilibrium while harrassing, be at the right place at the right time, getting lvls without being in a lane and xp leeching, rune controlling and so much else. different skill set but skill nontheless.

                  everyone knows those people that just pick pudge roaming when they dont get a core and then accomplish nothing. tahts not because they cant hook, its because they dont know how to roam.

                  i also find it fun that people think sb needs no skill. i barely loose games against sb, because most players just press q on an enemy hero, chargs through the entire wave and help push all waves to the enemy team, constantly overextend and die alone, have no impact early game, dont support (sb's without dust, no deep vision in jungle). also the strength of sb isnt himself, its the lack of skill ib lower brackets. lower brackets farm in dumb places, have no teamplay, bad vision. as sb in 3k you just run from pickoff to pickoff until you win the game. also no one roams in 3k, you have all the time in the world to destroy lanes, since 4 and even 5 cores and insanely greedy lineups are standard in 3k, which you just run over with a sb.


                    that's so much bullshit, an efficient roam is the hardest role in the game.

                    why do you think there's no good roamers in low mmr?

                    everyone who learns to properly roam skyrockets to high mmr, even if the rest of their gameplay is shit.


                      basically if you cant lane you also dont have the knowledge to have a good impact on those lanes.

                      if i see a SS doing a pull with a troll in lane against a beastmaster i know thats where ill go next as soon as the beastmaster crosses past the river. a player without laning knowledge just goes randomly to lanes.

                      9/10 of my games i completely destroy 2 enemy lanes no matter what hero i play, even with zeus roaming.

                      Potato Marshal

                        There's a reason why only people with low MMR talk about how there are all these easy ways gaining MMR that they they've never tried themselves, and refuse to do with excuses like "it would make the game too easy".


                          Different roles require and help you improve on different aspects.
                          Case closed.

                          Este comentário foi editado
                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                            be like potato the mmr inflator

                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                              lich picker


                                yes, no respect for sb/lich spammers


                                the thing is, i kinda stuck in 3600 but I tied to play bh/ns yesterday and went 6-0 all games were so super easy for me. I cant say the same thing when im playing carry/offlane (mid is usually 3 icons from the start in my mmr so i dont even try it)

                                I just picked bh/ns, gimped enemy mid and all games were fast and easy