General Discussion

General DiscussionSiltbreaker act II in Matches tab on dotabuff

Siltbreaker act II in Matches tab on dotabuff in General Discussion

    @mods when?


      Don't tell me you've completed it and are working on breaking runtime records on it already? My experience has been terrible except for when on adventure mode. People in my bracket rage quit when they don't get 3 stars on the first zone. :D

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        死の恐怖 Haseo

          ^play in a 4 stack might help

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            I beat it twice. Not with our usual stack actually, but we need some better strats. We are having troubles with Siltbreaker himself.


              No job. No money. No gf. No friends. Sucks at Dota. FeelsBadMan. Dreams of 4 stack LUL.

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                i think we just need more dps the waves are much easier to dodge than sandstorm/fissures and other than that the boss doesnt rly deal that much damage if we have a dedicated dmg sponge
                i think we can pull off troll sf drow dazzle i bought deso and some1 can get caustic and we should melt him
                the lake which is the 2nd hardest stage shouldnt be a problem either we had no waveclear but razes clear bears pretty fast


                  hello the boss was at 3% last time we just became too greedy and didnt focus that ogre who makes the boss stronger, thats all


                    and from there on it only gets easier because of artifacts

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      we also died repeatedly because some heroes lacked mana + when he gets to low hp its a complete ass because u need to run around killing slardars so the faster we bring him down the lowers the chance of dying


                        ye but thats an artifact/itemization issue

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          yeah and to make it work with our lineup we need that thing that converts ur mana to hp and its mega rare


                            After it took me almost 200 games on Part 1 to complete it with all 14 heroes and get 30 stars, I realised this campaign has less to do with teamwork and skill and more to do with artifacts. Simply playing dozens of games will give you a good chance of getting atleast a decent artifact that will improve your performance in zones you have no yet crossed or struggle in. After that, even team compositions don't matter. You can literally do it with garbage heroes, and bogdugg's cudgel was clearly broken in part 1. Eventually, after playing it a few hundred times, I'm sure I'll have enough coins to go all in on one game and have atleast a couple of teammates who gathered some common sense by making the same mistakes over and over.

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                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              No abaddon is a big issue I think. We were really used to playing with that hero but now he's gone.

                              one syllable anglo-saxon


                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  but then again as i said this boss isnt rly on rhyzik lvls of damage so its salvageable

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    You don't realize how much his basic attacks do I think. Especially since he has almost-MKB and he reduces your armor by like 50 by the 3rd hit. The only reliable way against this was Abaddon ulti. Most of the time he is not actually attacking but still.

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      i got the impression rhyzik was attacking faster and dealt more dmg, didnt he?

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!