General Discussion

General DiscussionLost 600 mmr in 2 weeks

Lost 600 mmr in 2 weeks in General Discussion

    It's okay mate, go to my profile and click "matches" then consider that is your recent matches
    Me a 4k trying so hard to get to the 5k, everytime I'm queuing, i always hope to play in the 5k bracket (i don't mind being the lowest in the team since i will pick pugna anyway)
    You play in SEA server as well, maybe we can try party q sometimes (but careful, i always make a calls)


      I see lc as the only hero this meta thst is still better jungle than offlane.
      Before jungle change - there were many, ursa, naix, axe, troll :(


        @Carmilla , thx bro ill do just that! (besides the flaming part)

        @ Cookie, i guess i'd better start paying more attention to the meta in more of a observational way, since i usually adapt by playing , thx for the advices!


          Within a month or two i went to 3.8 k to 4.3 k and i realized that if u want to gain mmr u should practise a lot heroes. i was playing couple heroes and i was loosing. I learned to play mid carry and supp heroes that has good winrate or fits pubs such as ls (altough ls has 50 above winrate rage is best)

          The thing is that u should be able to stand where u are when bad teams keep coming. And when good or normal teams come u will gain
          100 mmr a day like me.


            @Thinker , well what happen if the bad teams won't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming?


              i feel you because it happens like this 5 day bad teams u lsoe 50 mmr total, and 1 day normal teams not even good you gain 100 mmr.
              U should manage to hold on ur mmr and not get tilted.
              and practise a lot of heroes too.


                @Thinker , its pretty hard to hold mmr when i keep losing tho lol , yeah im actually using this mmr drop to play other roles, since i spam support 4 most of the time

                Kim Jisoo

                  Such thing as a forced 50% winrate doesnt exist, but players are matched up according to behaviour score. So you have the 5 lowest behaviour score vs the 5 highest behaviour score. So if you have a low behaviour you are matched up with feeders/people who get reported /people who leave more often. This is the so called "hidden pool". A valve developer said that players are matched according to their behaviour in-game i'm not inventing it.


                    ^Oh shit not this again.....fuck this is gonna be a six pages thread since it already has 2 and the hidden pool theory just came up now

                    Kim Jisoo

                      "We are making some improvements to matchmaking to put players with similar play styles together. For example, players who repeatedly abandon games before they begin, or intentionally throw the match. We want to make sure these sorts of players can more easily find each other, to increase everybody's enjoyment of the game. " from It's not a theory. I'm just saying if you act toxic you get matched up with toxic players and vs non-toxic players. I'm not saying it's "hidden pool holding you back" because if you act toxic you probably deserve to drop. Just trying to figure out if this was the case

                      Story Time

                        actually if you change your name after a streak (winning or losing) your karma will normalize :D no kappa


                          there's no way there's a hidden pool at high mmr, or a hidden pool at all.

                          if there was the queue times would've be insane.

                          you just have selective memory because of the tilt

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                          Kim Jisoo

                            I had account at the same mmr with completely different behaviour score and I could feel the difference. Have 2 account at the same mmr bring one to 10k and one to 0 behaviour and play 10 games in each you'll notice the difference.


                              YAAS ITS ONE OF THOSE THREADS.....w8ing patiently for slq's insight

                              Kim Jisoo

                                I want to point out: if this is the case (you get matched with tilted people because you are an asshole) you totally deserve to drop. People with good comunication and good Dota skill will always climb.


                                  Regarding behaviour score...I have 5000 bs...5000...and I get teammates from heaven in solo im speechless on how good my mid is every game ..... my roamer is always a god sent.. he is incredibly friendly and always talks im 100% sure bs has nothing to do with anything... .maybe theres a hidden pool...but it definitely has nothing to do with bs

                                  Potato Marshal

                                    What if there's secretly a way they throw people with high winrate into Dire side, and people with low winrates into Radiant side? :thinking:


                                      @Dhanatosss , like i said i don't talk much at games, i only communicate when there's people communicating too, so im pretty sure i have neutral behaviour scores

                                      This starts out as my rant post, but fuck it this is more interesting now, continue on!


                                        @op is enigma a good offlaner? is he a good jungler?

                                        Kim Jisoo

                                          @stan, not sure if troll but i'll write it anyway : >2700 mmr > good team mates. Pick one
                                          @hidden So it's probably not your case. There could be many reasons (playing while bad humour, not tryharding, not fitting the meta, etc etc etc only you can analyze your own games)

                                          Mlada i Luda

                                            BS matters , i can writte a shit tons of comments to prove it , but why would I? just trust me in this if you want, but BS matters less as the mmr rise, at 1 point its doesnt matter at all , it would be practiclt imposible to queue for artezy lol. helloooo jacked wtf are you doing here son? it seems you lost the way , im prety sure 'dumbfest party' is being organised somewhere else loooooooooooool. @Hidden pool's victim... you prety sure? jsut go check it brah.

                                            meteor hammer

                                              enigma has been a good offlaner for months

                                              meteor hammer

                                                at one point he was completely busted inthe offlane and amazing but apparently hes worse now


                                                  @diox, i think you might wanna see how iceiceice crazily destroys lane with enigma offlane, personally i think he's the type of hero that's really good at offlane when u get to really know him, like when to rotate farm between camps or lane, when to actually start pushing, item choices like that etc etc

                                                  he's still a good jungler but i think people really value him in offlane since he can reduce the enemy exp (denying the range creep) and controlling the lane.

                                                  @mafioso, yes im quite sure sir!

                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                    lol , you rly confusing me now, maybe its your english or the way you express. instead of im quite sure, would be better specify how exatcly your bs is. not that it matters in your mmr from waht i know , jsut made me a little bit curious right now. neutral bs is from 8000to 9000. prety much


                                                      BS is complete BS!!! Hidden pool is poop and does not exist.

                                                      Cuckie is correct that it is your feeble mind playing tricks on your in the form of selective memory. It is trying to isolate and protect you because god forbid YOU are actually the problem in your game.

                                                      Here is some crappy evidence. My B score is 10,000. My first game this morning I was sky Mage. Our brood player freaked out and decided to pick brood and say " I didn't get mid, therefore Im going offlane Brood and feeding while rushing radiance, F you blue player". Yeah he went 0-7 and was a total toxic twat.

                                                      Needless to say, you get toxic wieners every game regardless of BS.

                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                        and thats the case when your argument turns like a bumerang on you, your counintg only in a game which your brain selected for you so you can comme with this argument. if you can read correct and not let your brain read what yo uwants to , you would understand. i clearly said that BS matters. i know 'BS matters ' its not a specified sentences and different people can tranlsate in int thery own way. buti specified that as the mmr rise it matters less, for example artezy babyrage is not effected at all, cause his mmr is to high and will matched with few people based on mmr, doesnt matter how his bs is. and who said that 10000 is perfect ofc there are toxic ,retards players in everybracket, as the bs lowers theyr number increases.


                                                          Here is some crappy evidence.

                                                          Crappy evidence implying the ironic nature of using one game to explain. I should have made that more clear I was being Sarcastic.
                                                          Sorry about that.

                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                            Here is some crappy evidence. i did not even read that part though, it looks that you completely missed the argument, sry you have to hear it from me but , dont bother yourself with those kinds of analises its clear that your brain is not made for that, you cant even understand and argmuent and ofc not analise it either, but you also have not a clear idea at all waht about you talking. you jsut said hidden pool not exist, and asocciate it with your crapy evidence, that means nothing overall

                                                            Livin' Real Good



                                                              4480 now

                                                              just been stuck at mid 4k for months, probably deserve to lose tho, been playing bad this month.

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                                                                dota 2 is a team game without doubt, however, personal skills matter. if you as an individual in the team can make a difference, your performance is the direct result of winning.

                                                                this 5220 average games, i carried 4 babies in my team, alone. there were countless misplays and bad decisions [dp feeding mid, crying no help from supports, sk smoked with me, but halfway he stopped and warded somewhere, while i found lina and he got away with tp] all these small shits are what differentiate the level difference between high and low mmr players.


                                                                there is no hidden pool or shit, its all skills, communications, decisions, and leadership.

                                                                *if you want to learn top riki play in offlane, u can watch the replay.

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                                                                  No such thing as hidden pool, only players who are delusional about their skill levels.

                                                                  You lost a bunch of MMR because you were playing on tilt, and (I suspect, even though I haven't looked at your games) because you failed to adapt to your team's needs. This is the #1 reason I see people losing games that are otherwise winnable.

                                                                  Let's say you're a carry/mid player, and matchmaking put you with 3 other carry/mid players. You're left with 1 support player. What are you going to do? Force your way into those roles and push them off to support/offlane? Sometimes that works, but usually it leads to bitter confrontations and people will just ruin the game (by jungling worthless heroes). The game ruining is usually subtle, but it still makes games extremely unenjoyable, and then you come to dotabuff forums to vent your frustrations.

                                                                  I went from 5500 -> 5100 a couple years ago, and about a year ago I went from 6500 -> 6200. It helps to think of your MMR fluctuations in cycles, but if you improve you'll gain points in the long run. You need to adjust your mentality and remain stoic even if the game isn't going your way.

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                                                                    Most people at higher MMRs don't play support (or hate playing support), yet it behooves these people to know Aui2k supports inferior players on a regular basis and keeps his 8k MMR. An old dotabuff forum user (Kitrak) is around 7k and plays support in almost all his games. My friend Beesa supported his way to 8K (again) despite the majority of his experience as a carry player.

                                                                    It amuses me greatly whenever people complain about "no support picks" when they never, ever pick support. The other players on your team are thinking the exact same thing.

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                                                                      Yes ! I know ice ice plays enigma offlane didn't get to watch it. Finally I got answers to my question to settle cuki vs blunt. Cuki was right


                                                                        @ging San, but have u experienced games where your team didn't do anything, while your enemy team is basically high mmr in disguise? Are you saying you can still carry 4 dawdling babies against 5 proper / good players?

                                                                        @traumatize, first of all, this is my first dotabuff vent bruh
                                                                        Secondly, I do adapt to what my team needs, as you can see my roles varies in ranked games
                                                                        Third of all, people in high mmr does play support sir, it Is required after all.


                                                                          ^ In SEA, even if players are noob, and you scolded them, they would still tryhard and play, thats why SEA is good.

                                                                          i can literally scold them here and there and they still listen to me. They can be the one making all the shit mistakes, but as long as im the one making the play, working hard not to make mistakes, i still have high chance of winning the game.


                                                                            @ging San, it's like you're speaking of different server here, the last time I asked an earthshaker to come stun for me , he said I was a whiner, and the last time I asked a dazzle why didn't he grave me, he said because he was the enemy's team, I don't remember the last time I have a good DotA communication in that 600 mmr loss.

                                                                            It's like you're saying If you play flawlessly and your team fed 5 deaths each before 10 min, it will be fine anyway, have u thought that the enemy team might just end the game before you had any chance doing anything since they're snowballing from all of your team's feed?

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                                                                              Maybe you don't sound like a boss enough so people don't listen to u lol

                                                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                                                its because youre a shitstain and relied on comms for your 6.6k. meanwhile a pro like me mute my team and still manage to play as a team


                                                                                  @ DT Liquids, I like your confidence sir

                                                                                  @diox, I should use a voice changer then lol


                                                                                    ^ i lead the game all the time. people say i sound like mushi.

                                                                                    even if i scold, i dont scold in a bad way, just telling what they can do next, not repeating mistakes.


                                                                                      @ging San, well I guess you're quite a positive guy, I respect that.
                                                                                      I hope you never experience what I did.

                                                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                                                        well i had my doubts but now that iread your last comment GIng san, im 100% sure your like siraction slacks , you suck at dota in individual skills and your mmr is inflated by your communication skills, cause your a sick person enough retard in brain , to commit so much in game trying to organize team like you playing in TI, mostly of players dont do that , there are a few people with such a sick brain . yeah you got it right you suck in dota, probably 3k max if you play like a normal human being.

                                                                                        Mlada i Luda

                                                                                          forgot that your a riki spamer, so that makes my argument even stronger when i compare you with slacks, you probably 2k skills max for real


                                                                                            ^ autism


                                                                                              @potato marshall , how can you constantly play space cow and doesnt get bored at all??

                                                                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                                                                yeah autisem thats waht imeaned with sick brain was just avoiding the that word its being overused glad that you got it though. btw sry for my intervention, i realised later that your that riki spammer retard guy, that make completely sense with waht you write, but would never intervention ifi realised it before i jsut try to avoid retards.


                                                                                                  popcorn == ready

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    seat == warm


                                                                                                      @Kael , how do you even get bored playing that hero, he is really fun,fucking people every lane whenever he wish.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!