General Discussion

General DiscussionHow often do you guys win your double downs?

How often do you guys win your double downs? in General Discussion

    I've lost 5 and won 1
    Not sure why but it feels like bad luck when I double down

    Super Senko-san Time

      When I announce it in all chat, I always lose. When I don't, I always win.

      死の恐怖 Haseo

        used it once , never use it again after that


          i don't use it at all

          also jdf8

            i use it when the enemy team has double downs syndrome and is running down mid


              i won about 60% of them, i think


                I literally win double down every single time.

                I kept screwing up the first month or so though.

                Este comentário foi editado
                Pale Mannie

                  i only lost 2

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    lost almost every single one
                    no matter how easy the game is, something will go wrong and our ancient will explode
                    today i lost vs 20 min phase bf pa, 380 gpm jungle troll, and random huskar who by himself suicided into our entire team multple times, once with aegis


                      i lose every single one, because if i lose one i need to win 2 to be +-0

                      => 66% winrate


                        i use it when the enemy team has double downs syndrome and is running down mid

                        theres always at least one game a week with 90% possibility of win
                        i lost one of those games though

                        Mr. Perfect

                          Im super selective of when i use them now. First few times I was using them just because i had them. Now i only use them when i feel like my team has strongly outdrafted the opposing team so ive won my last 5 in a row


                            I only use it when there's nothing abnormal about our picks and our line up isn't greedy so i can farm the whole map myself ^_^
                            OR when i'm in party with my friends so I know no one will be tilted.
                            I've won about 10 and lost about 2


                              lost more than half..

                              Giff me Wingman

                                won all except for 1. But they were int ranked which doesn't mean much. All you do is check avg MMR of each team and u know when game is lost/won


                                  haven't lost a single one yet, although i'm very selective with the matches i double down on

                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                    im too much of a pu55y to use em lmao
                                    doesnt matter cuz ive climbed 1000 mmr already and its only been 3 months of casual play


                                      Lost all


                                        won 2 out of 3


                                          Lost 1


                                            I won once when I played carry with s shitty draft. Lost the rest as supports with a clear outdraft, my carry just keep finding the ways to amuse me.


                                              Played just once, won

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                I lost like 2-3, but I was on a huge losing streak at the time so not super surprised.

                                                I've won my last 2 pretty easily. One was vs a techies and a fp am and a bs so I knew their lanes would be super fucked up and techies sucks as a hero.

                                                The other we actually almost lost, but enemy picked no hard carry, they last picked bristle and then offlaned him lol it was safe lane sand king + sky. A good team would've be able to use enigma to push and their bb sold all his shit while raging but he didn't build carry items, I think he had pipe and shit like that. Safe lane bb probably would've won that game.


                                                  Ok im done lost 2 consecutive double downs on solo queue again, wont use double down ever again


                                                    So far I've lost one and that was just because HC on my team raged over something our supports did and he decided to "teach him a lesson" since he dd'ed too. Overall, I double down when I see that my team is adequate and my hero goes well against enemy's draft.


                                                      lost only 1 so far when one of my teammates abandoned

                                                      my secret is to double down when I see slark in the enemy team because only dumb kids pick him now, hero is overnerfed


                                                        I feel like if i havent used double down in my life, i would have been 5k now, because i tend to play super aggressively whenever i double down

                                                        Story Time

                                                          do u need compendium for that?


                                                            Yes you need one, spent most of my allowance just to be able to get 3 double down tokens a week. and it was disappointing

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Double down when enemy team has typical pub loser heroes like antimage unless they literally all draft around him with a trilane, good offlaner and mid. Like if I saw AM, sk, od, cm, lion no way in hell I would double down, but am, jug, lina, bristle, lc? Fuck yeah they're gonna fight over all the lanes.

                                                              Other pub losers are stuff people can't play like brood, chen, oracle, visage, morph and just bad heroes like np, qop. Slark isn't bad enough to double down vs. If your supports feed him and you have no lockdown good luck with that.

                                                              Other time to double down is when they have no hard carry cus pubs can't coordinate enough to end games early so eventually your team of 4 carries will be stronger. Maybe you just need bkbs idk, but you'll wipe the floor with them eventually. It's why I double downd vs od, sk, enigma, bb and sky. Good team on paper, in reality none of those right click towers enough and bkb counters most of them and they become very reliant on enigma to land big black holes or bristle to carry hard.

                                                              The exception to this is if it's all str heroes who run at you non stop like axe and tide. You just won't be able to kill them. A team like axe, tide, bb, dragon knight, wk seems stupid but it's ridiculously strong in pub games if they just deathball.

                                                              also jdf8

                                                                jug bristle sounds like the dankest combo of 2k17


                                                                  i shud have doubled down this game
                                                                  fuckers ran safelane sf lmao


                                                                    ez 03 in a row


                                                                      ^youre Super inflated right now bruh lol


                                                                        not really, i threw most of my games from 4100-3800 before


                                                                          i use it on only party game ! have won 4/5 lel


                                                                            I don't think that Dire Wolf should be allowed to access keyboard after making number of posts about game strategy while not moving out of normal skill. Correct me if I'm wrong.


                                                                              Unsure what my DD are like overall would think about 70% wins as I get 3 a week its been quite good for my rank.
                                                                              Pretty standard if I see the enemy team has a week lineup and I am playing in my pref position 3 rather than having to support I am more likely to DD.
                                                                              Never use it as a support as I feel I do not contribute as much to the game from pos 4/5 and I can affect the outcome more as a 3.
                                                                              I think my WR are testament to this as well.


                                                                                I think i used around 4-5 times , only lost once


                                                                                  Used once. Won once. Never again am I doing that because my heart was pounding the whole time.


                                                                                    I've probably won 1/3 of my double downs at most . 😧

                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!