General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat if your mmr calibration started at 0?

What if your mmr calibration started at 0? in General Discussion



      I'd be happy

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        it would be hell because of smurfers


          You will have to start climbing at 0 mmr

          doc joferlyn simp

            If calibration started at 0 MMR for all of us, it would mean players like w33 would have to play with/against players like me.

            Imagine an aspiring high school basketball player playing serious matchups vs a professional basketball player and a toddler, while being teammates with a normal middle-aged man.

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              bright side : no smurfs no acc buyers
              dark side : it will be literally impossible for less than 4-5k players to win a match since a 7+k skill will be matched with 2- k

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                    i never flame people
                    i point out mistakes, bring the best out of everyone, and magically never got flamed up until now even on my last wk game

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                        doc joferlyn simp



                            it is almost impossible to treat a sane people with respect and get a toxic reply
                            i believe that (in most cases) people actions are a mirror of your actions

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              You have no idea how people change when given the comfort of anonymity. A normally mild-mannered person might act like a gigantic asshole online because he knows he won't be held liable for his actions.


                                bet soon enough valve will change or alter the ranking system since Miracle nearly got 10k which is probably the max mmr you can get


                                  how is pointing out mistakes politely so that he wont do it again which might be gamelosing is retarded


                                    it would be different if dota 2 started with 0 calibration since there'd be known professionals yet only w3 pro players


                                      but then that means they never had manners in the first place , they just barely stop themselves because they acting like animals afraid of being punished


                                        pointing out mistakes only happens in low mmr where mistakes are abundant


                                          when i saw my teammate doing such stupid things i just watch them and tell myself "iv'e been there, but... *facepalm*"

                                          doc joferlyn simp


                                            Of course they had manners. They were able to control themselves and act civil in front of others, and in the end that's all it takes to be considered "good-mannered".


                                              well i am from a 3rd world country at very bad position atm so i learned that the true manners are what you have when you are know that no one see/can punish you.
                                              for example if you see a lone girl at night in my country there is a very good chance she will get raped and so those who help her instead are the real good mannered people because they can just rape/steal/kill her and they will almost certainlyl never get punished

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                If a person is acting well in front of us, we have no choice but to label him as a good person. Who are we to judge him otherwise, when the basis of how we judge him is on how he acted when we are there. Why second-guess a person helping other people, if that's all we know?

                                                Your kind of "mannered" is some kind of philosophical shit about how a person really is. However the context here is how a person is behaving offline, when compared to how he behaves online, nothing more.


                                                  no doubt we must treat who act well as a good people but that still i would disrespect them once the started acting assholes when they know people cant reach them.
                                                  and yeah my example is kinda of shitty philosophy but sadly it does happen during calamities/wars all around the world

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    Wow put a break on the real life shit I'm just here to shitpost, we can table that for another time fam.


                                                      Wow put a break on the real life shit I'm just here to shitpost, we can table that for another time fam.

                                                      Your wikipedia page long rambles against that guy who pretends to be 4k were shitposts? :thinking:

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        Of course they weren't, it just so happened that that time was tabled for being an asshole online.

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          I'm a busy man Bryant, I like to keep things orderly ayy lmao


                                                            ok back to shitposting

                                                            so how about what if mmr calibration always start at 7k :) ?

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              Miracle would be 16k now lmao


                                                                Then I wouldn't have to pretend I'm 3k


                                                                  dem everyone's so real

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!