General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa

Medusa in General Discussion

    What is the proper item build on medusa and what should your timings be? The only one I onow of is the linkens rush but that just seems really weak right now, you do literally 0 damage. Medusa players, help please?


      Dragon Lance > Yasha > Skadi is probably the most go to items .
      Linkens timing should depend on the game , what heroes they have , or how u wanna play , if u guys are heavily ganked , and depend more towards late game , rush linkens .
      But other than that , it's pretty much just the same builds modified to the situation .
      Phase , or jsut brown boots into BoT later . Dragon lance into hurricane pike later . Yasha into Manta or just as a casual item .Linkens or BKB . Maelstorm is always a good damage dealer which u should really have by AT LEAST the 35-40 minute mark , or you can always go Butterfly first . Butterfly might be one of the best items on Dusa late game , especially if you've transitioned into BoTs . But hey , I'm just a scrub who loves Dusa a lot but doesn't wanna play it every game cuz it can get boring . So it's jsut my opinion =)
      Dusa is one of my best heroes , so you know , if you want you can check my games with her , and then find ppl who are better than me then compare , and so on =)

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      M U R D E R

        .Linkens rush is okay against certain lineups. Otherwise get yasha or lance (or maelstorm) before linkens (i think you should still aim to get it by the 15-20thth minute anyway)

        If not going linkens, min 12 or so diffusal phase lance is fine i think

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          You need a yasha or maelstrom fairly quickly to accelerate your farm. Dragon lance optional I think - it can mess up your splitshot because the extra range doesn't get added to the secondary projectiles and you don't really want hurricane pike - you want to get in the middle of the action not pushing away. Dragon lance is going to be sold 30mins in anyway when you are running out of slots.

          Manta does very little damage but what else are you going to build your yasha into?

          Personally I only get linkens for the ability not the regen - it was useful in the old farm meta but game-losing to get it now considering you by like a kitten once you have it and still can't farm quickly.

          PMS Mantra

            I've seen Phase, MoM, Maelstrom farming builds that zip through the jungle after laning phase is done. After Skadi they tend to go for Talisman of Evasion, then straight to Rapier to end the game. It takes a certain kind of player to build like that, though, being that it is a bit high risk-high reward.

            Forget me not

              She is one of my favorite hero. I usually go phase > RoA (bottle if I'm mid)> dragon Lance/yasha> Maelstrom/linken depending on the lineup. Sometime I upgrade the Lance to Pike to get more mobility and avoid getting kited or save yourself from a bad positioning and sometimes use it to secure a kill from enemy trying to run away from you, or if I build yasha then upgrade to manta. Usually I try to end the game at this time 25- 35 minutes, but if it get to late game butterfly and skadi / Daedalus / mkb is a must I think and don't forget moonshard. And if your lineup have enough damage dealer and need some more lockdown sometimes I build scythe of vyse on her.
              Just some opinion from my experience playing her.

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                Don't you out range your split shot if you get lance ?

                Forget me not

                  @Filthy what do you mean?

                  casual gamer

                    ^^ barely

                    dusa range 600 splitshot range 700

                    + 140 = 740 vs 700

                    casual gamer

                      every time I buy DL someone mentions it when its the most trivial unimportant shit ever


                        Anyone that mentions manta is a certified retard.


                          Isn't maelstrom a waste (if you're making it for farming purposes) considering how maxed split shot + mystic snake clears waves/camps in a couple of seconds?

                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                            Malevolence = Bloodthorn


                              Phase boots Aquilla magicwand for early. Yasha or mealstrom for Farm and Rest Situational. Linkens if you need it. manta if you can dodge stuff with it. Mjollnir if enemy have melee cores. Butterfly vs manaburn skadi for immortality. Deadalus for Close games dmg and rapier if they cant kill you. And Dont be scared to buy bkb if you need it. Sometimes bloodthorne can be nice vs few heros. Also im getting diffu if theres an omniknight.

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                                Have reached 3.4 k almost with mostly this hero at times, rember to farm alot coz even if ur getting owned ull have to have a decent farm i usually get yash for farming and dragon lance if they have meele carries, getting manta is not the best idea however yash for getting mobility and farming is important which gives u mobility to place ur ulti with phase.
                                Get ur linken almost before 18-20 mins if u can with yasha and phase then rush skaddi if ur not in a bad state of the game once u have skadi i have noticed any game after skadi on medusa is a 60-70% winrate for me :)


                                  If you don't build manta from your yasha do you just replace with a butterfly later on? Feels like you are super slow without any speed boost.


                                    ^ Yes Same for marlstrom
                                    @ sadist with only yasha linkens and skadi you have zero dmg. I prefer butterfly or mjollnir After linkens.


                                      dragon lance is horrible choice on medusa; even ultimate orb is more cost effectiv (cause it's freaking medusa).

                                      yasha, diffu, skady, butter bkb is probably one of the best build you can do (eventually linken instead of bkb) and later replacing yasha and then diffu (it's better to buy moonshard before replacing diffu)

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                                        dragon lance isnt very good i tihnk, it really doesnt help you much in fights at all considering you are right in the middle of it anyway, getting a faster yasha is way better for your farming speed
                                        dunno about timings but uf ure safe lane dusa you should aim to hit 180-200 at 20mins assuming uncontested , because you are free to put more points into split shot and qb is pretty good for this cos you get to eat the trees between the hard camp and easy then split
                                        some games linkens isnt needed but its underated cos this hero doesnt like getting bkb which makes you prone to getting kited by stuff like hellberd euls or silenced and killed before gaze. also why manta is decent
                                        you just get whatever enables you to fight early, most games the builds like phase aquila qb wand yasha which allows you to do this, being able to fight early, or at least your team must be able to do it as 4, is super important because if you progress into the game with a couple of t1s it really makes the map really safe for you to farm as people can never burst you before your teammates are able to tp and backup

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                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Just don't get manta, don't rush linkens, get phase always and Aquila, yasha at some point and you'll be fine. Everything else had tradeoffs not really any one best build. I would never skip Aquila though, that shit is so cheap for what it provides. Get yasha every game, up to you whether you sell it later or build sy, and Skadi is core eventually. Linkens is not core.


                                            ^ dont spread stupidity
                                            manta is good in many cases

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Manta is only good if you need to dispel something. And even then a bkb may be better. Manta is good in maybe 1 of 10 games

                                              M U R D E R

                                                like what, isnt manta really cost-effective item for vast majority of agility carries? you can build it on almost anything well, except a few like brood clinkz troll


                                                  Nothing wrong with manta on brood. Alternative way to purge dust. Do her illusions get her passive or does it not work properly?


                                                    Oh til, her manta illusions get her ulti as well. That's pretty nice.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      It's not good on medusa because the mana to activate costs her ehp from mana shield

                                                      M U R D E R

                                                        But it increases her damage output on stoned targets significantly, hence i dont think its a bad item. You have snakes anyway... Ulti, manta, snakes in teamfight, ez full mana.

                                                        I guess manta is fine on brood, syncs well with bloodthorn too.

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                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          It doesn't increase her dmg much over s&y which is cheaper. The illusions do very little dmg.

                                                          M U R D E R

                                                            The illusions actually do quite a lot of damage (if split shot is off) because medusa tends to build a lot of stats (much like all other agility carries like to build a lot of agility, which is the reason behind buying the manta in the first place).

                                                            Diffusal2, Butterfly, Manta, Linkens... all stat items, all quite good on medusa...

                                                            There is pretty much no way you can top manta damage using any item of similar cost... at least lategame. Only divine rapier comes to mind. Sny is good too though if you want to end fast and dont want to build any other slow (such as diffusal or skadi) it also allows you to build dmg items and not stats with grewter efficiency (manta and dmg items is not very good)

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                                                              i still think mom and max Q at level 10 on dusa is the way, but for some reason no one consider this item anymore


                                                                @薄氷 dusa illusions are garbage, you can barely farm a creepwave when you have 2-3 stats items, 28% dmg long cd and mana cost

                                                                M U R D E R

                                                                  Well u dont farm a creepwave with manta you kill stoned heroes with it *facepalm* as i said 6 slotted with manta single target burst will be bigger than 6slotted no manta burst in pretty much all cases.

                                                                  And stats is the way to go on almost any agility rightclicker because same attribute doubles up as DMG and AS and it also works on illusions... its extremely cost-efective in most cases

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                                                                    i saw somewhere medusa with manta skadi and stats item vs zero items bara lvl 25, those manta do no damage

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      I go mask of madness medusa all the time. My typical build is phase Aquila mask of madness, yasha, sange, Skadi, then either butter, mkb or daedulus. Daedulus is kind of the default though butter does more dps I think. I do butter if right clickers and mkb if they have potential butterfly carriers.

                                                                      You say against stoned targets but when does anyone sit and tAke medusas ult? They always turn and run which gives you 6 seconds of free dps but it's rare you actually stone anyone unless combined with other disable.

                                                                      I don't think ranged creeps get mana burn off diffusal either. Matrice probably likes it cus it's cheap agi and you can dispel yourself.

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