General Discussion

General DiscussionNovice doto really starts at 3k?

Novice doto really starts at 3k? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Read a gud topic in reddit dotes dat 1k-3k are "essentially" the same beginner skills doto? Thoughts?

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      I feel bad for the people with alot of games and still in beginner level lul.

      Bad Intentions

        ^yo kyle, dats like the 90% of d doto populace dat u feel bad for :D cmon mannn no need to feel bad lmao


          Whered you get the 90% broski I dont think thats right


            Lmao izlude, from your last 25 games only reason you're at a high mmr is because of your team, trash player

            LIL KASALANAN

              Thats too bad because my last 25 games are mostly Int ranked party mmr; stay salty normal skill player

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                hi guys im a beginner

                M U R D E R

                  Agreed. 500 mmr = 2.5k.

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                  Bad Intentions

                    Yo kylo, just exagerating mann, but ya know, its d bulk of d populace :]


                      If 500 mmr were 2,5k, then 2,5 wouldn't exist actually

                      Petit Papillon

                        I've noticed a huge difference going trough 1.8k to 3.1k...

                        So I hardly think 500 mmr = 2m5k mmr. I think 3k is where you have pretty much mastered the game mechanics, but you lack thinking. Pretty much like an expert of chess plans 20 of possibilities before playing, but a novice (even if he had read all the chess book in the world) can't manage to plan 2 or 3 turn in advance even tough he knows the game perfectly.

                        Average 3k MMR player

                          The only difference is that people only lasthit slightly better.

                          M U R D E R

                            ^which is also not necessarilly true.

                            I have 700mmr account and ~2.5k mmr account, and the players who actually try to learn and play dota are exactly same in both. Only difference is that 700 has more people who are completely clueless at the game.


                              1 my friend said that doto starts at 5k when you know all the basics about the game


                                non-sarcastic list:

                                0-2k > barely knows what dota is.
                                2-3k > understands basics of dota, but plays very poorly.
                                3-4k > understands basics of dota, plays less poorly.
                                4-5k > understands advanced mechanics, but still makes plenty of mistakes. may seem small, but can be game losing.
                                5-6k > makes a lot less mistakes, generally is close to mastering at least 1 role.
                                6-7k > minimal mistakes, great game sense/positioning.
                                7-8k > same as above, but slightly better.
                                8k+ > irrelevant. basically the same players. obviously some are better or worse than others, but your mmr number becomes irrelevant here. IE: a 8.5k player isn't necessarily better than a 8.1k player or vice versa.

                                if you aren't babying people or being sarcastic the dotabuff tiers should be:

                                0-2k: beginner skill
                                2-3.5k: normal skill
                                3.5k to 4.9k: high skill
                                5k+: very high skill

                                but they will never change cuz most players are 2k and will cry their skill level is bad.

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                                  You can find good and bad players everywhere, there just tends to be more of them at high mmr


                                    yea MMR is honestly a joke.

                                    im coaching this 2k girl and she plays like 3.5k probably, which isn't a huge leap... but some of her friends are laughable at their mmr. one is 4k but plays like 2k.

                                    they really.. rEALLY. REALLY need to have a non-optional re calibration every season, and faster MMR swings.

                                    i played a 4k solo game for international ranked...


                                    i deserve +25 for this apparently.

                                    probably should be +100

                                    (same goes for boosted retards, should lose 100 points when they feed 0-20)

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                                      +rep for effing up a storm spirit.


                                        he was a moron.

                                        he should have won but he kept letting me kill him because he ran out of mana.

                                        if he was 7k i woulda lost.

                                        saving private RTZ

                                          I think 3k is where you have pretty much mastered the game mechanics

                                          This is some next levek bullshit. Similar to the Relentless' "the only difference betweeb 4k and 6k is reaction time"


                                            >0-2k > barely knows what dota is.

                                            Moronic. Even shitty, shitty players below 1k buy wards and courier, place reasonably good wards (if they remember to, they need to be reminded but will do it), and nearly always buy very sensible if very formulaic item builds. Not very good at adapting to the game with items, but still do sometimes.

                                            Honestly, the playerbase has improved a HUGE amount. Even the lowest tier of players know how to buy items, not to autoattack waves, know how to stack and pull, etc.


                                              I have a 2.5 k friend who doesnt know what most of heros' skills do. He position himself very bad. Have very poor reaction time. Forgets to use his active items in fights.

                                              As a carry farms very slow, miss many last hits. Controlling hero and stacking with dominated creep is too much for him. Has zero knowledge about what hero counters another.

                                              Games in low brackets last very long, people dont know how to use their advantage into objectives. U can pretty much carry with anything, even with Rubick if u are originally 5k in 2k game. Diving and dying under enemy tower is pretty common - "I have to get that kill" - what never happens.

                                              Often people are fighting 24/7 like it's kinda deathmatch or something, but even if they win teamfight they go to farming instead of taking rosh/towers. In 2-3 k u can pretty much just afk farm till u get 5-6 slotted and rape everyone. Or just pick slark and go 30-0 just with silver ege.

                                              And then in the end my friend buys courier and place wards pretty reasonably as u mentioned above lol.

                                              What Marlan said its pretty much true.

                                              CLEETUS McFarland

                                                This blog is full of bs .


                                                  People at 2k mainly know the rough idea of what you're supposed to do. they know you are supposed to smoke, deward, last hit, pull etc.

                                                  we just forget to do it most of the time and are rubbish at execution when we do remember.

                                                  LIL KASALANAN

                                                    People at 2k mainly know the rough idea

                                                    This is so funny
                                                    we just forget to do it most of the time



                                                      With full responsibility i can say that true doto starts at 5.5 k


                                                        I agree on each rank you find good players,i get my rank 4years ago...was all diffrent, now everyone try hard calibration till get what they want....i dont care what rank i have i do enjoy a lot on 2k

                                                        LIL KASALANAN

                                                          If you're enjoying your sub 50% winrate then thats all you.


                                                              rofl u nerds that played dota since dota 1 for over 13 years & r still 4k r the most cancerous shitstains in the community ( aka Benao ) , if i played for 13 years i wouldn't be satisfied under a 7k mmr , + dota has been my first rts/moba game & im playing it since 8 months , so yea 2.5k mmr & proud exdee ( the game i played for 7 years aka WoW im really good at multi gladiator & 3k rating when highest rating is around 3.2k & could stomp u shits so ez )

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                                                                ^i usually report people who are arguing with me over something ingame based on their dota 1 knowledge
                                                                how fucking horrible you must be to be 4k after playing the game for 10 years

                                                                novice doto starts at 5k

                                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                                  i think if u compare skill/years played , benao is the shittiest player in dota history hands down

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!