General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to farm with Morphling?

How to farm with Morphling? in General Discussion

    Love the hero. Just don't know how to farm with him, otherwise, I would play him all the time.

    Build and farming tips, anyone?


      I heard not missing any cs helps in farming.


        buy battle fury


          ^Kek, normal skill smurf.
          ^^Really? Wow man. Thanks! Who knew? Getting last hits helps you farm? :O

          Where are the VHS shitposters? I'd rather have you guys than these guys.

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            Get a lot of last hit

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              I'm not all that great at this game but, what I do (Pretty sure it's standard) is Linkins Sphere+RoA so that you have mana regen and then don't hesitate to be greedy with mana until you get the items you need to steam roll.

              >inb4 obvious but truly effective.

              stupid fuck 2000

                ^ RoA means Rod of Atos right? Kappa Keepo 123

                Mid or Freaking Techies

                  I prefer bf than linkern coz it more cheap, more dmg and still give good mana rege


                    You can always get a casual morbid mask because with high agi morph you heal alot more %-wise as you have high dmg and atk speed and a low hp pool. You could even upgr the morbid mask to a hotd to stack neutral camps or get a dog to increase your dmg = farming speed. Late game satanic isnt a bad choice anyway.

                    also your waveform is good for clearing stacks/creep waves. If you have a radi carrier on your team aswell you can use a replicate to farm aswell.


                      what do u mean? u just have to kill creeps

                      splitpush, use wave to flashfarm and linkens or tp+replicate for sustain


                        kill a creep every 6 seconds and you're good


                          His farming capability isnt the problem. Its the time and space he needs to actually start getting objectives done that is the problem.


                            use wave form efficiently


                              I just saw Waga get 400 cs in about 30 minutes with Morphling. I know he has great game mechanics all around, but I am still skeptical of how I can do that. Morph has literally 1 good farming ability, and requires defensive + offensive (non-farming) items.

                              Sure, stats helps him farm, I am just wondering if it takes a stacking-support, great game mechanics, or just simple tricks with the hero that I am unaware of.

                              I do know you can get BoT and abuse the replicate ability (after Linkens) to farm globally. Is that all it takes?


                                u just push lanes, towers, farm jungle tp to other lane do the same


                                  Farming globally and having a support who stacks does help you farm alot quicker


                                    You hit creeps with low hp to get gold. That's how you farm

                                    C9. EternaLEnVy. HyperX

                                      max all agi then buy bf or roa for maximum efficiency


                                        Not really sure. I had to play him once in low prio (all random) and even on my low skill smurf I wasn't able to crush the 1kers like I would normally with any other hero. Just a slow farmer. I assume maxing agility is pretty important and just having your finger ready to start skilling to strength if you get ganked. Some health regen stuff works too.

                                        Best Treant EU

                                          switch to agi max at start, and u should get all creeps in lane?
                                          thats the most boring hero of all time. so ez win, its not even funny.. more ez than sven. but sven at least has high crit numbers, from which u can jerk off

                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                            with 60+ dmg early game how can u miss last hits lul


                                              get Boot> aquila > preservance > BoT > linken and farm all of the map ... also carry a quelling if needed (serious )


                                                first learn to lasthit every creep then you gonna learn to farm efficient. And don't tell me 2k mmr can lasthit all creeps



                                                  This video helps with any carry but it is specifically about Morphling too. You want to rush linkens and aquila ASAP so that you have mana regen to spam wave. Later on you can get really good farm by sending a replicate to one side of the map, pushing super deep into enemy territory with waveform spam then repeating after you jump to your replicate. Try and sit on as low agility as possible for maximum farm speed, especially when jungling. Typically once my linkens is finished unless they have something like riki cloud I will sit at one agi whenever I'm farming or splitpushing.

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