General Discussion

General Discussionkotol gameplay in the first 20 minutes

kotol gameplay in the first 20 minutes in General Discussion

    willing to learn. how do you farm that fast aghs i see in pro games


      oh if you are wondering why cant i just watch youtube its because my internet is a donkey

      nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

        Stack jungle and clear with first skill also participating in team fight

        ASSESS Product

          I usually ask other support to buy ward/sentry or other stuff until I finish my agh and also participate in all teamfight. Don't forget to use your call when you're trying to gank someone.


            kotl is easy to farm, he have illuminate. at first 10 min i baby sit my safe lane with spamming mana leak on enemy offlaner, that will annoy them. then rotate while you stack, if you already stack clear it, and usually there is some space to farm in lane, use illuminate to push it. and always in war but behind. to keep sure that you always alive.

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