General Discussion

General Discussionmake some ez drafts for capt mode

make some ez drafts for capt mode in General Discussion



      qop, sven, slardar, dazzle, lion

      sin blyadi

        how to auto-lose a cm - use a draft from offered on db

        Best Treant EU

          drow, luna, venge, lion, slardar




              Gotta know how to ban and counter pick too. And know people's strengths. Requires communication and skill. Meaning, not really worth it unless you are playing with a party.
              My favorite draft:
              Offlane: void
              Mid: DP
              Roam: BH or Mirana
              Safe: Pugna support, your pick of carry.

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              ✪ BATSSS

                Personal liking:
                First Ban Phase Ban Earthshaker, Sven
                First Pick Phase, Pick Dazzle/Omni/WD/Warlock (Safelane Supp) Beastmaster/NP/Broodmother (Offlane)
                Second Ban Phase, Ember, and other hero based on enemy draft
                Second Pick Phase, NP/Chen (as jungle) Lycan/Drow/PL/Venge (Carry)
                Final Ban Phase, Based on enemy draft
                Final Pick Phase, DK/DP/Tink/Snip (Mid)
                I used the Beast-Lycan-DK-Dazzle-Chen and won in 21 minutes

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                  mid : luna, PA
                  hard lane : SF
                  safe lane : void
                  jungle : LC

                  go for SEA MODE and win all the game.


                    Winning with support in your team is like 'meh'

                    Winning without support is badass.


                      ^Forever normal skill.


                        even as player and captain you must pick all carry. if they all farmed no body stop you and your team.

                        ✪ BATSSS

                          XD wkwkkwkw Are u Sure?

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                            ✪ BATSSS

                              Y are u spamming 1 message dozens of times

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                                  first phase; Void phoenix
                                  second phase; disruptor invoker
                                  last phase; terrorblade


                                  ✪ BATSSS

                                    Well technically by spamming a message ... Youre the retard

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                                      i can tell your mmr based on your drafts xd


                                        @TranQuility, I played with you earlier today, so I don't doubt it.

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                                          ✪ BATSSS

                                            Its better if you do.. I like critics it motivates me to improve myself

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                                              ✪ BATSSS

                                                Oh right... I mean in my current level and my smurf's mmr this is very viable... Anyways thx


                                                  did he ever say it was his one and only strat

                                                  ✪ BATSSS

                                                    It is... We lane and jungle for 7 minutes, then push every lane, the enemy barely fought back... Despite a magnus sven in enemy team


                                                      I mean considering almost any strat works at our skill level as long as you have a strat. you could probably pick all supports, pull a lvl one rosh and then 5 man push down mid lane and win. so considering he has a strat that could work at a higher level I'd say he's not retarded

                                                      ✪ BATSSS

                                                        Yes and Mekarazium here states "medal" as NS players should get better

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                                                          Visage - Venge - Drow - Lycan - Invoker

                                                          Weaver - Dazzle - Slardar - Lion - TA

                                                          Ogre - Venge - Centaur - Terrorblade - DP

                                                          Come on dude, there are way too many different drafts to choose from. what you really need to do is make sure you have an idea, and make sure that whoever you're playing with can play their heroes, or if they don't play any heroes that fit, choose an easier hero to pick up. Instead of ember to counter PL, pick sven, it's easier to pick up sven than ember.


                                                            My fav is this but its hard
                                                            Phoenix - void - elder - invoker - beastmaster


                                                              wombo combo lol. might as well go for THE PLAY

                                                              Naga - TideHunter - Dark Seer - Puck - Lina
                                                              whoops, wrong team

                                                              Rubrick - Enigma - Shaman - Jugg - Enchant

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                                                              Hatsune Miku

                                                                Ban: invoker,bounty,timber,storm,enigma



                                                                  Rigamortus, the point in drafting is to both ban out the problematic heroes, and trick the enemy into making bad choices so your team works out. Every single team has their own issues, and to show an example, just throw out any team composition you can come up with, no matter how op it might seem. i'll show you how to counter that draft, and maybe how you can prevent that from happening.

                                                                  ASSESS Product

                                                                    Last time I play against 5 carry with balance pick, we win the game in 15 min.

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!