General Discussion

General DiscussionAre general EU players better than general US or SEA players?

Are general EU players better than general US or SEA players? in General Discussion
wait for me

    I used to be a SEA player. The main problem I felt there is the lack of proper communication. So I changed server to USE/USW, mostly USE. My win rate went from 48 to 50+. It'd higher but I play a lot of BP abuse. Anyway, the wins came at a big cost. A LOT of US players are racist. I play 1-5 games a day at lest 80% time I have to play with either a racist teammate or opponent, sometimes both. While constantly playing in 300+ ping, focusing on game become harder when someone is being racist. Of course I mute them (I mute a lot) but it's overall just a bad experience.

    So I'm thinking about switching to EU server. I wanna know about EU servers. Please share your thoughts

    King of Low Prio

      can u get the fuck off my servers u apes


        NS in EU is lame, lots of toxic ppl and russians. I play both eu E and eu W, ppl are diffrent some flame some has PMA some just chill n play. When I reached VHS I noticed ppl more concentrate on playing than flaming n shit =]


          ur just shit that cant handle sea dota, best dota.


            I think that general racist is better than general necrophile.


              If u had 48% in sea then u were ranked higher than your true skill level and was in the process of getting adjusted down. If it really had to do with communication u wouldve had at least 50 but it wasnt. It was just you not being good enough. U getting 2 percent more in another server simply means the mmr there is on a different scale since mmr numbers do not directly translate across servers and u were lower there than your true skill level. You playing on 300 ping is really ruining the games for your allies and 300 ping is definitely obvious when observed by others since u would always seem like u were retarded in reaction times and i dont blame them for flaming u. It is alr hard to rank, no need for 300 ping foreigners who have no business playing on server halfway across the globe.


                EU doto Most chillaxed doto. Im usually the only one whos Flaming


                  you are ns so I assume you play for the joy and not tryhard. Then EU servers are quite nice and chilled, but sometimes you encounter a russian talking in his language on mic and noone understands him... or there's some1 who flames the whole match in team chat an allchat and most toxic things are 4stacks from countries like bosnia or so... this is when even I just go feed intentionally and do some weird random shit cuz I want this game to be over.


                    Hey, let me say this.

                    If your winrate in EU is higher than in SEA, but you are still the same person playing within the span of a short time, wouldn't SEA be higher skilled than EU? or at least it's harder to win in SEA, which might imply the same thing.

                    It's either that, or you have improved A LOT while playing in EU.

                    Your Wife's Boyfriend

                      there s not much difference, especially in normal skill (no offense), but yea, the only good thing is that there are more english speakers than sea. You ll be matched with a lot of toxic players in eu (same as every other server) so dont put your expectations too high (the grass is always greener on the other side).


                        no, europe just has 3-4 times as many players as na does so naturally the games there are better because theres more players at high mmrr and stuff

                        ive played a lot of eu recently and its nice because there arent too many throwers/people that are impossible to play with past mid 6k

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