General Discussion

General Discussionxaxaxa

xaxaxa in General Discussion


    I marked safe lane and ask to pick support but he picked pa. Gege
    I told necrophos to come safe with me he said "No. U and pa go safe"
    Gege. We are mega creeped. They pushed and creeps destroying our anciet i rushed but its too late. No fucking body noticed. Gege
    Oh wait. This theard not meant to be serious. Im not mad at all. I play for fun. This game was cool tho. Sad part is carry aint work for a low ass skill player like me. I cant 1vs9. I dont have that skill yet(i start playing dota past fall with no moba experince and playing online for first time on this account). I enjoy playing carry but if i want to win i should pick tanks and support.



        Feels bad man :((

        sin blyadi

          predict my mmr


            check my winrate as disruptor and lich... seriously these heroes are noobproof and you always have big impact and aren't common picks so some players miscalculate what you can do...

            as lich you go hardlane and destroy enemy safelane by sacrifice range creep and nuke spam (and if you get some nice partner such as bristle, gege, you already won...). Thanks to sacrifice you won't fall behind in levels even if you roam and lich is pretty fast so lesstime spent walking warding and getting to position to ganks (but setting up ganks is not ideal as lich since you only have one nuke/slow, no way to stop tp etc). Later on you keep relevance due to ulti and frost armour.

            as disruptor you get some clarities, harrass out offlaners, stackpull if needed, if offlaners overextend it's easy kill with kinetic field (ofc when you have some sort of carry that doesn't hit like wet noodle in laning phase). at lvl4 (lvl2 glimpse, value points in thunder and kinetic) you can easily gank majority of mid heroes. Later on you still keep relevance due to thunderstrike being nice to drag some cs for items, glimpse being gank setup and ulti. And disruptor combo is one of the easiest to perform...

            If you position yourself behind cores and somewhere around the fog you easily win whole teamfight just by casting some spells, add glimmer on some1 being focused or euls/forcestaff... Usually enemy will just focus you in every clash after you win some teamfights but your cores will just run over enemy and kill them while they chase you... at least this works in 2,5k where I play ;-)


              Thank u very much. I like lion and cm. Disreptor is a little bit hard but lich is really cool hero. Got to start practicing disreptor


                Yeah but then you have to play Lich. I would rather stick my genitals in a bees nest.


                  Pick sniper


                    Pick sniper



                      lm ao

                        LOL NICE TROLLING

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