General Discussion

General DiscussionTinker Help

Tinker Help in General Discussion

    I feel like i did alot of stuff wrong in this game. Halp?


      i prefer maxing skill 1 and skill 2 first, then rearm. then skill 3.

      my item skill build also from :
      bottle --> soul ring --> bot --> dagger --> dagon --> any other luxury items.

      hotkey using default hotkey with quickcast on QWE, and ZXC, for blink dagger B for normal cast, mouse extra button for quickcast

      see my tinker game history, maybe can help.

      extra: just download few of my games replay and watch it . hope it can help u.

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      Welt aus Eis

        please disregard absolutely everything the poster above has said

        Skill build is flexible, you want laser lv1 99% of the times because you're gonna use it to nuke+blind the enemy mid to win trades and secure cs. Save your skill points in the early levels except for a 2nd level on laser and if you see a kill opportunity dump points on rocket and use it to secure the kill. If you're not killing people you should get march. At some point when march is lv3+ you can start using it on the creepwave to push the lane and secure runes. Stacking the hard camp is also a good idea.
        Starting items are generally null branch faerie fire with 2 pooled tangos from a support. If you're playing in a trash bracket where supports dont give you tangos you can get a set of tangos from the courier asap with the min 0 bounty rune gold. Most standard skill build at 11 is 2-4-4-1.
        If you're farming very well and already have like 1.2k gold it might be a good idea to go straight for BoTs instead of getting soul ring first, otherwise just get the soul ring. After bots and soul ring the next item is pretty much always blink dagger.
        After that you have many options, dagon is one of them but its a very pub stompy oriented build and not one of the most solid ones. If the enemy team has 2 or more right clicking heroes (e.g. slardar and sven) aghs is a very good item because of the multi hero blind. Getting aether lens before aghs is pretty good too, it increases your mana pool and the laser range upgrade and damage boost are cool.
        If it's not a good aghs game your next item should probably be bloodstone, especially if you're ahead. Bloodstone gives you a lot of mana and increases your snowball potential because you can start stacking up charges. It also allows you to suicide in case of imminent death and revive faster the more charges you have. After that your luxury items are stuff like hex, shivas, dagon 5. optional items include force staff (pretty good vs some heroes like clock) and euls.
        When fighting try to stay as far away from danger as possible while casting spells. whenever a teamfight starts blink somewhere safe and use march in a way that hits the most people. If the enemy team fights under a couple of marches during mid game thats a lost fight for them. Spam missiles whenever you can from the fog and only blink in to cast laser if you think you're not gonna die / if you need to save someone with the blind. Obviously you can be more aggressive with aghs against rightclickers since you'll be blinding everyone but still be careful with bkbs. Tinker is a very squishy hero, general rule is if someone touches you you're dead so be careful. It's also not uncommon for lower mmr players to get happy because they're godlike, start diving and just give away 1k gold when they die. Dont do that.

        edit: formatting

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          ^ +1
          A really nice guide, thank you.


            how the fuck do you play against laser early

            fucker runs into me and i miss like 3 creeps/200 hp when i trade hits with him

            Trust the plan

              сначала максишь лазер потом машинки
              и не качаешь второй скилл

              изи игра


                ^yasou, love that character but i suck with him^ translation: "Max first skill and not the second. EZ game."

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                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                  Take the advice from 3005, I've played against him, and he is very good player.

                  feeding weaboo

                    normal skill storm spirit spammer
                    teach me senpai


                      watch my latest storm spirit game if you want to criticize me. Im not giving any advice at all on this game anymore. Im not a bad player either.


                        I just watched a few of tinkerino's games, he knows what he is talking about. At least for my skill bracket...

                        Guy Riki

                          Get rapier before boots


                            git gud


                              Noob question here, can tinker rearm hand of midas??


                                @Emilia maji Tenshi "Rearm works on all items except Black King Bar, Arcane Boots, Helm of the Dominator, Hand of Midas, Refresher Orb, Linken's Sphere, Pipe of Insight, and Necronomicon." ~ Manta style is pretty cool on him though.


                                  hey danny Ive seen your newest match with storm how do you lane with storm. I love using storm but in the laning stage I'm bad last hitting with storm. I know i should use my first skill to get last hit but everytime i do that i get really aggressive by my enemy. So should i just keep aggroing the creeps. and also if you could give me more tips to be a better storm that would be nice thank you :D


                                    use march in a way that hits the most people.

                                    Id like to add here that to achieve maximum number of collisions with your march bots, you cast your march perpendicular to your targets' walk path.


                                      @POSITIVE PLAYER !!!~ Normally it depends on who I'm laning against, if they are melee I will secure first last hit with the remnant and most of the time the opposing laner will either have to let me deny the first creep or he gets hit by my remnant. If he gets hit by my remnant then I can easily pressure him out of the lane. If not then I continue to last hit and ensure that I deny most every ranged creep (this patch the ranged creep is worth just as much XP as the three melee creeps). Once I'm close to level 6 I ensure that I grab a rune, or bottle crow so that I have near full mana. If I am playing against a hero like TA then I wait for her to run just below 100 mana so that she can't use her refract, then I immediately jump on the opponent while they are either mid cast of a spell (if it is a hero like Lina and she hits the ranged creep I know she is fixing to use her q to secure cs) or while they are middle of last hitting a creep. I always zip past the target in the direction of their steps/hill behind them then auto them once, place remnant, auto, then zip for overload procs. (this always gets me an early kill). other than that if you are radiant and the lane is pushed close to an odd minute you can stack the medium camp located behind you or you can stack ancient for your Sven without making the stack obvious to the opposing laner (as if you are radiant TA in a sense). I hope I made some sense. And to everyone who is saying I am a noob and don't know what I am talking about, I LITERALLY JUST QUOTED BLITZ LEE.

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!