General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you terrorblade?

How do you terrorblade? in General Discussion
Legend 4/5 forever

    I love tb but i suck at that hero, yeah im normal skill and you are vhs pro scrubs holy shit.
    mk how do u tb? Gameplay, item builds, etc


      Spam W

      Win lane

      Win game

      Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        Farm radiance then farm nonstop till you lock item


          play terrorblade like how my friend does it

          Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

            Max Q and metamorphosis first, get ult whenever possible, stay back in fights and deal shit tons of damage. Get pt / aquila / yasha/ dragon lance if needed / manta. Then get skadii, butter etc. Build a blink if necessary

            You can farm jungle and split with illus, but be sure to participate in fights you know you can win.

            the Goat

              ^ i got 4 win streak with my fave hero

              Legend 4/5 forever

                I aint building dagon at that hero wtf
                And yeah what do u guys think about midas at tb? i can get it at 7 mins or 8 mins so is it gud?

                KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                  Not really sure about maxing Q sometimes; I just hate it when people flame me for not getting Q early game :/

                  By 7~8min rather than getting midas you could have gotten treads for attack speed/hp/mana and aquilla

                  If you have really good farm, by then you prolly have the gold to buy Band of Elvenskin [Agi +6] 2x

                  If the offlane dies or goes away you can turn your RoA on and take the t1 with meta on.

                  >Complete you Dragon lance
                  >Wait for meta CD
                  >Farm jungle
                  >Send illus to lane
                  >Auto attack on camps
                  >Micro illus
                  >Git munney
                  >Fuk futas


                    ^ty for tpis kyle


                      there was a mid TB build a few patches ago, before dragon lance got added or drum got nerfed, where you'd max Q for harass and then build into fighting items like drum / sny. it actually worked reasonably well cos ppl didn't know how to play against it, so you could get solo kills with reflection into meta.

                      midas is pretty bad on terrorblade in my opinion. midas is mostly gotten for the level acceleration and/or keeping up in farm on heroes that roam a lot rather than spend time afk farming, because all you gotta do is just use midas on a creep once every 100s and spend the next 90s doing whatever, rather than having to be actively hitting creeps in order to keep up in farm.

                      examples would be invoker cos he wants levels. sometimes greedy supports get midas because they want late game items but they can't spend time hitting creeps cos they need to be moving around the map often. it's not common right now with echo sabre being in the game but midas + blink was pretty common a few patches ago on slark, since he wants lv 11/16.

                      if you are a hero that spends most of their time actually hitting creeps and not fighitng, then you would get more farm out of a farming item such as travels, yasha or dragon lance in the case of TB (maelstrom / bfury / radiance on other heroes for example).

                      compare midas' stats to yasha. its 30 attack speed to the main hero for 2k gold, while yasha is 31 attack speed to you and illusions, makes you move between camps faster, gives 16 agi to you and illusions, and those 3 things combined help you farm quicker than being able to instantly kill one creep per 100 seconds. you still want to get dragon lance even if you're farming well imo, rarely do you get to farm uncontested for 20 minutes where you can afford to lose 14 str from an early dragon lance.

                      ur item and skill builds are fine, the issue is probably that you're not focusing on farming and/or split pushing enough. 232 cs in 40 mins isn't good. that's not a problem specific to TB, that's what most 3k and lower players have trouble with. when they're behind, they don't keep farming on core heres and instead continue to take fights they can't win, so they can never get ahead.

                      if you're in a losing position, instead of sitting behind your towers, if you want to stop the enemy from pushing, make them TP back to defend their towers. if you cannot farm your jungle because the enemy probably have it warded, go to the enemy jungle. if the enemy are ahead, they're probably not going to be in their own jungle, they're going to be in yours, trying to get map control. that's not to say don't ever take fights when you're behind, but be specific with the fights that you show up to. if a teammate gets picked off in your jungle you're already 4v5 before a fight starts, so the only reason the enemy has to not push is if they need to defend their own towers.

                      Legend 4/5 forever

                        how about this?
                        i was active farming the whole time, but im still kinda confused when should i get travel. Should i get it after i finished my radiance? or?


                          lmao u should never get radiance
                          item build is treads aquila dragon lance manta skadi

                          Arek Akashi

                            I rly don't know why people like answering questions that they have no idea about (even normal skill shits )

                            I really hope they nerf terrorblade he is becoming too mainstream feelsbadman

                            Este comentário foi editado

                              Pub TB in Normal Skill does not play like it does in higher level games. To win you must abuse map control. Go treads -> yasha -> manta style to start. Avoid fights. Push with illusions while farming the jungle. Take a tower or dmg a tower every chance you get, but don't risk getting caught.

                              You will quickly become strong enough to rax the enemy while some fight is happening at a tier 2 tower in another lane. This is how you win. Get 8k tower dmg. Objective gaming wins for TB in Normal Skill games; no one will port back in time to stop you.


                                farm with illusions


                                  I play Terrorblade a lot and I like to think I'm decent with it, but hey, who am I to have any opinion, I'm just a normal skill scrub with little respect in the Dotabuff forums. lol. But anyway, I guess Terrorblade isn't so easy to play. As OP as his skillet looks, it isn't.

                                  SUNDER - A lot of times, you'll get locked down so hard, Sunder won't even be an option. Also, you gotta choose your targets, don't just sunder any measly hero who has low health pool to begin with. Sundering that Timbersaw or Sven with 2500 health and a million armour is better than that 800 - 900 health Lion or Oracle. (Of course, if you're in a really tight spot, Sunder whoever)

                                  METAMORPHOSIS - Don't use Metamorphosis like it's blink or something. It has a long cooldown and you preferably shouldn't use it to farm Ancients (or farm at all, imo, Meta is not a farming tool, your illusions are.) Metamorph for rosh is only very situational, so you should generally press E only when you want to push towers or before a teamfight.

                                  Your ILLUSIONS ( W skill or Manta) - Don't waste money on Radiance, it isn't the best item for Terrorblade. Your Conjure Image illusion can clear out a small-medium camp by himself after a few items (Treads, Aquila and Manta). You can also use your illusions to farm the lane while you farm the jungle or vice-versa. Skadi illusions can easily clear two jungle camps before dying/expiring.

                                  REFLECTION - Underrated and underestimated skill which deals considerable damage to stats-based heroes. That Agi Morphling or PL are gonna hit themselves pretty hard, 'innit? Otherwise, it's a reliable AOE Slow.

                                  As far as items go - the usual Treads, Aquila, Drums if you REALLY want to, Manta (SnY, depending on the situation, I personally like Manta better, almost always). Butterfly is core for me. A situational BKB and another Skadi for more stats (Haven't really done that, but I like the idea.) Might want to build Heart if you like, but only as a sixth item. MKB if required. If you want more damage after Manta, Skadi and Butterfly, then a Daedalus (or hey, another Butterfly lol)

                                  Dragon Lance is getting more and more popular and I guess it's an okay item for the stats and range it provides. I don't build it, and I probably never will. But hey, don't listen to me, again, I'm just a normal skill lowlife.

                                  I'm not the best with Terrorblade, and I definitely have a LOT to improve, but here are my two cents on the hero.


                                    treads is pretty weak tbh, imo travels are core on him

                                    radiance is shit


                                      ^ Are you THE Zenoth? (Legendary TB player, that is?)


                                        @Zenoth: do you think TB is a good Ursa counter? Or is it ursa countering TB?
                                        i'm reading different opinions

                                        KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                                          Zenoth sama I've been getting treads because I feel too squishy right now even with more fuckin armor :(

                                          Il try doing RoA> D lance> yasha> trav

                                          Before it was RoA>Yasha>Trav

                                          the Goat

                                            @Bion dont do the dagon build i realised that was a bullshit build


                                              i miss when it was rat tb with 4 butterfly's


                                                dragon lance before yasha definitely because bulking up is pretty important

                                                i like early raindrops too, if they dont catch you the value it gives for mana regen is pretty decent, and if they try to catch you it may be the difference between getting sunder off or not

                                                between pms/roa/dlance/raindrops i don't have an issue with hp early game, which lets me be greedy and get travels over treads

                                                imo ursa sucks against tb in general since he's predominantly single target and doesn't have particularly good mobility. with a catcher like bat he can melt tb pretty quickly but that's about it


                                                  @Zenoth: you're not a human, and so is your TB..



                                                    Can you pls give me a starting/progression build or guide on tb? I really want to pick up this hero, but I am unsure about itembuilds and general playstile.


                                                      1. : 1 1 1
                                                      2.: 1 4 4 0
                                                      The ult
                                                      Aquila drangon lance manta
                                                      And then you win
                                                      Start pushing the offlane Tower at 3:40 with Siege creep and move on to all t1s then rosh and get t2s and then end

                                                      KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                                                        ^ @3:40 you barely have a complete aquilla, thats some balls to try to push the offlane tower LOL

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          What about dominator? Yea or nay? I think it's pretty good since tb fights so early now and satanic late is fantastic on him


                                                            I got 397 cs in 40 min with radiance in bot match. Still needs practice. Btw terror is really hard with microing illusions.


                                                              ^set auto attack for summoned units ez