General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I stop being a gold dispenser machine?

How do I stop being a gold dispenser machine? in General Discussion

    So, one of my biggest problem in the game is, despite getting good early game, I stop scaling from mid game, which is pretty much normal for hard supports. But me, I just become completely useless and basically die every team fight after maybe throwing one stun. which means I get robbed of any possible gold/xp when my team wins a fight. which translates into me being even more useless.

    I'm trying to get better, but staying behind means I'm usually out of position to time my disables correctly. and staying near my teams mean I'm just a walking bounty rune for the enemy

    I don't seem to have this problem when playing position 3/4 when I get a little farm to sustain myself, even though I make a lot of mistakes. but being a ward bitch is really hard on me. Becoming a decent hard support is my long term goal and any help would be appreciated.

    example games: (this one I was very bad because I haven't had played kotl since 2014, and was kinda lost)

    Livin' Real Good

      Well the thing about KOTL is that he's absolutely garbage late game, to me anyways, so I wouldn't expect anyone to be " picking him for the late game. "


        kotl late game is wave clear and getting your teamates into position and out of scrapes. still very helpful

        Livin' Real Good

          Yeah, I knew someone would say that, but in a fight? Chh, he's be the first one i'd go on just for an ez kill and confidence booster, to get him out of the fight before it even starts, that's how squishy he is.

          Not Supp-ort

            Kotl is amazing late game. If u have no impact then u are building him wrong


              almost all supports are that squishy by forty minutes and kotl ought to be one of the harder supports to get to because he'll be sitting behind the rest of his team throwing out horse waves (dont remember what that spell's called XD )

              Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                The best way is to watch your replay / or during game ,and take note why you were out position/ died. There is always 1 or 2 guys that really hate you. He will wait until you show your face, and kill you first. In late game, it's all about your safety. You need to stay in range to follow up your team, but as well as stay far enough to not in enemy's vision.

                If you look at my profile, I understand what it feels to play position 5. It's good to have a goal. Another way to improve is to play carry. I main in support, but I still can play mid and carries decently. Since I play them, I understand the mindset. You need to outsmart them. Try to put yourself as the enemy's mid/ carry. If you were them, what would you do? To be the best hard sup, you need to be able to read the game , predict what the enemy is doing and will do, and go 1 step ahead of them.

                Este comentário foi editado

                  ^well said


                    Play Lich or CM - both have farm/exp boost in one of their skills (frostbite jungling with CM, sacrifice lich), mana management with them is easier and you have helpful spell/aura for teammates. Both have ultimates that are dangerous even in late game and both can make good use of items such as veil, aghs, glimmer or euls but they can work with tranquils, wand and wind lace...

                    Bad Intentions

                      yo op lol i just had to commend your title man :D dats some guud stuff thread title :D

                      well i guess if its "unintentional feeding" is the prob, you just really have to have that "spider sense" man, u gotta have dat :]]

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