General Discussion

General DiscussionLegion commander balanced

Legion commander balanced in General Discussion
Final Boss

    Lc needs more buffs guys, she is still too weak. I mean, come on, a hero that farms blink at 6-8 min while farming in the jungle(with 3rd and 2nd skill which is the way she should be played) and then gank mid for an ez kill and start snowballing out of control clearly needs more buffs. I know people think the hero doesnt work in vhs games and whatnot but most of the players in vhs are stupid af since they take her to lane and max 1st skill. She can kill almost any hard carry late game as long as she presses R. And she is pretty balanced in 1v5 fights too. Please ice frog more buffs.

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    Johnny Rico

      M8 stop plis stop, it was tinker, them pa now legion.
      Wants to counter legion, pick a riki or bh go fuck her on the jungle block the medium camps on the start so she will need to farm the hard ones, when she is low hp, kill her.
      Or just pick dazzle,oracle, omniknight, pudge, etc.
      Heros that can disrupt her duel, but what do i know i am a normal skill pleb...

      And nice low prio m8 keep it going LUL


        ^ OP is being sarcastic...


          I've killed many people with her first skill the damage can be HUGE

          Johnny Rico

            @muffinman he is complaining again about some other hero, prob because he got raped by a lc

            Livin' Real Good

              I used to like playing her alot, but now I can't stand here due to how bad people are with her, she's already picked enough, if he was ever meta i'd probably quit dota for 3 months until the new patch came out with her nerfed. Her pick rate and jungle LC would SOAR to pudge levels, no thanks.


                lmao Jungle LC is fucking useless


                  Actually legion is quite OP. If draft well so that he's not countered, no one can fight him. Blink BKB BM (and maybe forcestaff if enemy got linken) wrecks everyone. Imagine a 500GPM hero can solo-kill a carry with 700+GPM in 5 secs.

                  Any buffs on him will be broken.


                    Jungle LC SeemsGood Kappa


                      What does normal match vhs mean?


                        "with 3rd and 2nd skill which is the way she should be played"

                        Stopped readin there


                          ^U are 1k

                          muted all, it's just a ga...

                            Pick lc, show us if he is OP with ur winrate

                            stupid fuck 2000

                              When I see the enemy team pick jungle LC, I just tell someone in my team to pick riki and go kill her and steal her last hits. EZ 25 min gg every time.


                                he is the precariously annoying snowbally type hero that is on the verge of being OP, shitty as fuck to play against in pubs with or against, but shit enough in competitive to make him get buffs. just remake the fukn hero pls

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                                  *She... She. LC is a girl.

                                  Don't know why this bothered me so much.

                                  ✪ BATSSS

                                    If u wound up with an lc that wins many duels in a 3 Hour game... Just call gg...
                                    She will still scale extremely well even if she is already 24 Slotted...


                                      Riki and bh do not counter jungle Lc that much. Lc doest not lose as much hp as axe and doom while jungling.

                                      Lc wont die to riki or bh unless the lc is really too stupid to maintain at least 3/4hp.


                                        Tomorrow OP will get rekt by a techies and make another retarded tread saying techies is OP.


                                          ^^ Farming efficiency and survival

                                          Choose one.

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                                            Riki can steal her farm and place wards in jungle so ez. Just take riki into their jungle with obs, take a last hit from hard camp, place ward, walk away and block more camps. Same with bh.

                                            Final Boss

                                              pick pudge and feed lc duels, pick omni(lol) lc is mostly picked with an omni to combo with her,maybe not in 1k pubs. Bh and riki= 2 hits once she has armlet


                                                ^u should look at it in diffrent way
                                                Sure they all lose duels but if lc duel with someone else they can kill her or interupt her duel and therefore they counter her. I think riki is the best one

                                                Final Boss

                                                  just pick riki and bh and camp her in the jungle while getting next to 0 farm yourself. The same way you would play against a good lone druid. She can always go lane if you camp her jungle and again armlet=ez kills. If you do lane with her take her mid against a melee hero(like pudge). 6-7 min armlet ez mid pudge.

                                                  Final Boss

                                                    @Fs.King Oh look another butthurt tinker/invoker player.


                                                      riki and bh can do a lot more without farm than lc can
                                                      lc = core
                                                      riki/bh = support
                                                      +u can kill lc and steal last hits or call team to kill or whatevs
                                                      LEGION ISNT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING OP

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                                                      Final Boss

                                                        @Zaywop why look at it in a different way when we all know what really happens when riki/bh is picked vs lc or pudge for that matter. If you wanna win vs her you need ursa and omni but then again its not like she has no team herself.

                                                        Final Boss

                                                          You can steal last hits and she leaves the jungle to go lane. You can kill her teammates with dumb if she is dumb enough to be in the jungle when the enemy team has a riki/bh missing.

                                                          Final Boss

                                                            Her "heal" is a buff that gives 120 attack speed good regen and removes debuffs just like abaddon skill, 1st skill is a mini echo slam that you can spam after every few seconds. passive is 85% with a 25% proc chance. Ult is a better doom. She almost never loses the duel as long as she knows dota basics.

                                                            Final Boss

                                                              Doom uses ult on someone gets stunned and raped. He has 0 armor. Any decent team destroys him. Lc on the other hand destroys the enemy team even in a 1v5 scenario after 35+ minutes.


                                                                she isnt op
                                                                many heroes can do many thins


                                                                  doom with a refresher can delete 2 heroes from the game
                                                                  how is that balanced?

                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    mfw I read this in-depth anal-ysis


                                                                    Final Boss

                                                                      doom with a refresher dies before he raises his hands to delete someone from the game


                                                                        wao he can get shadow blade
                                                                        or blink

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                                                                          Op you are just...

                                                                          Final Boss

                                                                            wow he can get shadow blade
                                                                            or blink
                                                                            while the enemy team cant get sentries, or blink, or shadow blade.

                                                                            Final Boss

                                                                              The hero is completely trash, his ult does nothing. Doom is terrible late game as long as your carry has a functioning brain.

                                                                              Final Boss

                                                                                Btw his ult is countered by linken's sphere now since he doesnt have lvl death

                                                                                Final Boss

                                                                                  @Hook and Roll nice stalking dude. Whenever i post something you're always the first one to reply. I can see how badly you want the D.

                                                                                  Tu tayta

                                                                                    Tinker and Invoker shits on most of this guy's hero pool.

                                                                                    LC shits on most of them as well.

                                                                                    Threads about them being OP were created.

                                                                                    Coincidence? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                                    Final Boss

                                                                                      Invoker doesnt really shit on me neither does LC, sorry to disappoint you.

                                                                                      Final Boss

                                                                                        Go back to the threads where people whine about alchemist all the time. Lel

                                                                                        Final Boss

                                                                                          "omg alchemist so OP, he farms so fast." Yet he has 0 armor and is food for any decent mid. But Ofcourse 4k trash doesnt know that.

                                                                                          Johnny Rico

                                                                                            @Isolated Lamentation, no i dont want the d, i just like to post things on stupid topics just look at the forum

                                                                                            Tu tayta

                                                                                              Not too sure who OP is replying to, seeing as no one before him mentioned Alchemist in the entire thread.

                                                                                              OP confirmed loon? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                                              Final Boss

                                                                                                @Hook and Roll you need to get a life dude.
                                                                                                @Tu tayta "Go back to the threads where people whine about alchemist all the time. Lel" learn to read maybe? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                                                  Makes retarded treads on a shittalk forum and then tells others to get a life SeemsGood.
                                                                                                  Seriously, your argumentation is about as good as your skill at playing Dota (garbage).
                                                                                                  Doom can completly delete a hero from a fight, even when playing from behind and as a 4 Position.
                                                                                                  Legion cant do shit when behind, he does not snowball as hard as a Storm, Clinkz, Tinker,...

                                                                                                  Final Boss

                                                                                                    'Doom can completely delete a hero from a fight'
                                                                                                    In uncoordinated pubs that is. I've only made two threads yet which you claim are retarded. Comparing doom to lc is the same as comparing shit to gold. Doom is easily gankable in the jungle, almost always low hp. Cant kill anyone solo, cant gank for shit. All he does is press r and then die. Lc on the other hand can easily destroy entire teams in a fight, can gank mid as soon as she hits level 6 for ez duel, and is almost always full hp in the jungle so you cant really counter her with a riki, bh in the jungle.


                                                                                                      Yeah, I guess thats why Doom is a top pick time and time again (and got nerfed like 3 patches in a row now), while LC gets competitevely ignored since release pretty much.
                                                                                                      If you'd watch some pro games you'd see how Puppey and others gank very effectively with Doom (Scorched Earth + Infernal Blade), how Doom can erase a 30k networth Invoker from a fight while having 5k networth himself.
                                                                                                      Just because your 1k pubs cant play Doom and get rekt by an afk-farming jungle LC does not mean the heros OP. The game is balanced so it's fair on a competitive level, where multi-Million dollar tournaments are played and not for 1k plebs who cant win lanes even tough the opponent got a jungler.

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                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!