General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm really bad at mid lane

I'm really bad at mid lane in General Discussion
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    I'm trying mid lane, but I am not good enough. Please help me

    play for fun

      read chaq's guide to mid, some things might be outdated but i think it's still very good midlane guide


        is mid still a thing in dota?

        Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

          Watch the video in youtube entitled “How suma1l always wins mid”.

          In my case, it really helped me get high win rate in ranked as mid.

          Suck my tiny curry dick

            Just jungle. You can’t lose lane if you jungle.

            SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

              Just blame ur supp for not rotating to gank mid when u lose lane and if yr supp did come to mid lane blame them for all the failed ganks and shared xp. Thats the best guide to mid


                i used to be an offlaner previous patch where 3v1 is still in meta. i learn alot from there, creep agro, constantly harrass by 2 supports etc... now im spamming 2 heroes in mid. lycan and clinkz. yeah watch also the video how sumail wins mid.


                  you dont need to be good in every position imo
                  find your comfort position, and play other positions just to get enough knowledge to play with those positions, know their timings and movements

                  i know tons of players who prefer 3/4 position, just like me, and say they suck as mid


                    to be honest midlane specialists hit a brick wall when you get to the high ranks, because the majority of players here are midlane specialists so you don't get your lane very often.

                    But yeah, mid is great for grinding mmr this patch, it's also great for getting flamed and reported if you lose it.

                    3 biggest tips.

                    Know your matchup, and know your hero.
                    Knowing your hero means you know the limitations of how aggressive you can play, how many hits it takes to farm a creep at different timings etc. eg. lvl 3 pugna blast + 1 auto attack kills a range creep etc.
                    This could be invoker vs SF, TA vs lina etc etc, If you know your matchup well you can turn an unfavourable matchup into a favourable one, Know when they are strong, know when you are stong. Play your powerspikes.
                    A huge example of this is Storm vs Xin, Xins flameguard lvl 1 blocks 80 damage -> remnant does 140 damage. So levels 1-2 storm will dominate, At level 3
                    Xins Flame guard will block 220 damage
                    Storm spirit's lvl 1 remanant will deal 140 damage + level 2 over load will deal 60 damage. That means you will deal 200 magic damage and won't break Xins shield if you go 1-0-2 on storm
                    If however you do the maths and skill 2-0-1 on storm, your lvl 2 remnant will deal 180 damage and your lvl 1 overload will deal 40 damage, this will mean you do 220 magic damage and are able to break xins flameguard with 1 remnant and will allow you to absolutely dumpster your lane

                    Like the example above, Knowing the finer details of matchups will give you a huge edge compared to a player that doesn't know it.

                    Pick into favourable matchups,
                    Don't pick your tinker into a storm because you're a Gosu tinker, Don't pick your clinkz into the pugna because you're a next gen clinkz, just pick the matchup that gives you the best chance to win your lane.
                    If your matchup is a difficult one. eg. invoker vs TA, try and adapt your build/playstyle and coordinate with your team. There is times where an early point in wex - > coldsnap -> tornado -> meatball on a 70% hp TA, however midgame it gets harder as you go on.
                    (my lane will be hard, i'll go quas wex and get an urn for the refraction. we can gank the ta at lvl 3-5, I need a sentry for Ta's level 6, Can we get a ward for the ancients please) this sorta thought process lets your team be aware that he matchup is super hard, however you're planning ahead on ways to come back into the game after a lost lane.
                    If you can pick a matchup that favours you, you'll be in a commanding position come midgame.

                    Watch replays, Watch what the pros do or simply high level pub players in your watch tab, watch how they control lanes, the item choices, how they skill and how they act depending on who's showing on the map, watch how they glyph the wave or play aggressive to punish poor choices from the enemies, watch how they apply pressure, watch how they farm and why they are farming in certain areas, watch how they move depending on how much information is presented to them. EG.
                    'The enemy pudge showed in botlane, that zues isn't very scary on his own i should go pressure zues under the tower instead of farming the jungle camps'
                    'the enemy pudge is missing and last seen heading mid, it probably isn't safe for me to pressure the zues under the tower, i can go jungle till he shows up again'
                    Watch how they play around powerspikes, If they died.. what did they die too, could it have been prevented etc.
                    Watch a replay with an analytical mind and get inside the head of the player playing it. You can pause replays even live games and think 'I would farm here, or rotate here, or use X spells here, buy X item here' if you need more time, then you can unpause and see if the higher ranked player did the same thing you did, if he made a mistake or a correct decision etc.
                    we're in a world where we have an incredible amount of resources at our disposal, learn from others and don't make the same mistakes they do.


                      Get lvl 2 first and zone. Then deny everything.


                        Also, Be a jew, use the courier alot assuming you are good enough to capitalise off the early advantages
                        (i will spam mangos and salves)
                        It is much better to get 600 gold and the enemy hero get 200 gold, than for you to get 1000 gold and the enemy hero get 500 gold.

                        3 : 1 ratio vs 2 : 1

                        flourishing new leaf

                          Maybe you shouldn't go midlane then!

                          How to progress with other lanes and in this case mid? Select 1 hero you're good at, not necessarily mid laner and play him mid like you know he can be played - profit. Cheers, you're a midlaner now, and hopefully a good one! Extrapolate your knowledge of that hero going mid to others you think you can pull off playing mid - Profit, now you're a midlaner with a varied pool!!

                          And supposedly a good one. If you can't pull it off then you're just garbage and keep yourself out of midlane

                          A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                            One of the most important in winning mid is last hitting, dont underestimate the power of last hitting
                            If im not wrong denying gives emeny 25% exp only, and you get that 25% too
                            time your last hit well through training different heroes
                            Since every hero has different projectile speed and damage
                            Spamming heroes is still the best way to earn mmrs, play some meta heroes, and play your signature heroes so that you can adapt to matchups like me
                            And soon you will get a good mmr income(+25~per day)


                              @Washed Up
                              Then why do I always see “Jungling lost” when I jungle BibleThump