General Discussion

General DiscussionTo my SEA 4k players

To my SEA 4k players in General Discussion

    How did you guys climb from legend to ancient? This shit is brain damaging. What heroes did you play, what did you focus on in the game. If you had an idea for everygame what was it?

    Use chatwhell=mute

      enjoy the games and forget about the idiots. just limit ur heropool. mine was some random support and necrofos last year.
      but most importantly enjoy the game.

      but u said dota was fun :(

        Make a smurf. Practice your hero there. Then only play on your main account after so many games (depends on you how many, 50 or 100). We take a different road from talented ones, for me, don't have the time and money as a student but I am consistenly ranking up. Good luck.

        Mode Idiot

          I use juger guys. Sometimes spectre, medusa , luna. I pick pusher carry.
          For supp i only use omni and cm.
          I hope u can get ancient asap. Legend in sea is so hard. Too many booster at there. Gl

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            I just played 5 or 6 heroes and kind of learned what Dota is.

            Este comentário foi editado
            Lruce Bee

              Post the account you are talking about. This one is just all normal skill games.

              3to4k is a grind. Sticking to one strat/hero/ playstyle.

              It can be something like focusin solely on farming efficiently and getting good tower damage, or learning how to team fight at appropriate times and take objectives, or just focusing on getting a ton of kills.

              Focusing on one pos or one hero helps you to grind and reduce the number of variables in your gameplay and helps you to do what I mentioned in the third paragraph.

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                Will link my acc here tommorow. Legend is nuts man. There was a first pick invoker in my team and he stole the mid of an ancient 5. That ancient 5 picked OD.

                Tl:dr both fucked up their lanes and OD abandoned 10 mins in whole game was disaster and I left at 13 mins.


                  When i created a smurf, i just sticked to one role(mid) and managed to climb from archon to ancient in a month without playing regularly.

                  I suggest that you pick a role that you like, practice 3-5 heroes for that role. I personally spammed sf, visage, dark willow when i climbed.


                    I am at 3k right now and I dont feel like pushing and taking towers make a big difference. After getting all of their tier one towers + warding their jungle enemy team just 5 man me to death.

                    lowprio gaming

                      yeah maybe its better to spam carry in this lower tier. even if you support the first pick carries are just to dumb to play the game


                        Gorgc imitator^

                        lowprio gaming

                          i love watching gorgc hes a very chill player

                          the better spidey

                            I got to Divine in SEA by spamming Spectre (~90% of my games) and I actually rarely had to first pick. You'll be surprised how being friendly and communicative gets you listened. I'll mark the safelane ASAP, then proceed to ask for my role and tell my team that I'm better at this role than support or something.

                            A couple of games the guy who picked carry would offer me to SWAP heroes with him.

                            So... yeah, communication. A mic is really important I feel.

                            Some games I have to play other roles/heroes, and I'll do my best to let that slide and not go head to head with a person who clearly seems tilted / convinced to play something.

                            Este comentário foi editado
                            lowprio gaming

                              I do get that communication is key. but what do i do if like before the runes even spawn two of my team are already cursing each other? haha idk. I just suck too. coz if i am a good player i should be able to carry my team. but yeah ill still try my best. haha

                              but u said dota was fun :(

                                Pick sven. Build 3 battle fury.

                                love scars / you hurt me

                                  watch anime = instant divine


                                    U take out your dick and jacking off while playing, it helps

                                    Lruce Bee

                                      @allec that's why youre 3k. Because you just don't get it.


                                        This is exactly my issue as well. Few times reach 3.9k and never been break the 4k barrier. 3.5k-4k literally is the hell of the bracket, mid first picker every game and followed by all core until the 4th pick. Did an adjusting by last pick support didnt tend to affect much since those cores mostly playing not safe (die alone because of hunting enemy heroes or solo farm at the map) and shit at farming.


                                          But I'd just take conclusion of me being sucks in this game


                                            These people at 3200 mmr are fucked mate and they all bad. My 2 cents. I dont know if I still wanna make an effort to climb if the level of toxicity increases by mmr. Its just not worth.

                                            A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                              well, sea is toxic no matter what mmr << coming from a 6.7k player currently


                                                Its not that all are bad. It is when the skill gap between players become too wide. There are quite a lot of professional players smurfing at 3k+ mmr when their original accounts are 5k+. Of course there are account buyers too. The problem with the meta is that heroes get strong too fast when they are ahead. When heroes are constantly buffed they snowball better.

                                                samalaingik hunker

                                                  just noticed this is fresh


                                                    There's so much to it.

                                                    To start with, i was and am always learning new stuff. From gameleap, from bsj coaching sessions, from every educational content there was.

                                                    Secondly, i started testing out spamming different heroes till i found which heroes i was comfortable on, in a way it didn't bore me spamming them. Mine is brood and clinkz and jug and shaman and slardar

                                                    Thirdly, i'd find a high rank spammer of that hero and watch his every available replay playing that hero.

                                                    Then, i'd spam that hero trying to copy the dude, and i'd miserably fail for like 5 games in a row. Then i'd continue until i start doing it a bit better and better, until at like 20 games in i start doing ok.

                                                    Last mechanical part is keep learning and applying it in your spamming. You won't just get better at the hero. Your whole dota 2 understanding gets better so much faster than it normally would

                                                    And lastly, and most importantly (4 to 5 times more important than anything else) I've been doing "personal development" stuff for last 2 years, so my mind is so much more ready than a normal person for growing. For example i don't care about winning or losing a game as much as a normal player, i almost never get triggered, i dont look for my teammates mistakes, i either win or i learn smth from my loss which matters to me more than winning.

                                                    Took me 10 days to go from 3k flat to 3700. Now im at 4.3k


                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                      hi, you might want to follow my fv guide to get blue star. Im pro ever.

                                                      Divine 1 player