General Discussion

General DiscussionAfter 2 Years, Now Herald 5

After 2 Years, Now Herald 5 in General Discussion


    I knew for myself that i am still learning...after 2 years, i reach Herald 5... Thanks to Clinkz.

    1. Any advice as clinkz? my clinkz play push, ganker, and support as well. in my bracket there is no ward. so i have to do it by myself.
    2. I think i few more wins to be Guardian, but my ideal bracket is Legend. how long it can take me there? anyone have done it?
    3. to all clinkz lover, I hate bara, blood and slardar, who else should i have to be careful of?

    Willing to be taught and accept criticism.



      Herald 5 after 2 fucking years?!!???!!
      Please uninstall dota and reconsider your life decisions


        Your definition of 2 years is "I played for like a bit 2 years ago and I just came back to it 3months ago woohoo i played this for 2 years"


          the title should be saying "after almost 200 games" instead of "after 2 years" :D rolf


            200 games and herald 5 still pretty bad tbh


              I'm so bad. yeah 200 games only. first time player.


                Chill out at least the man isn't a whiny fuck like every other herald poster here

                Just do ur thing my dude, but legend is like a dream for u rn, just focus on getting guardian then crusader

                Upper Rank Demon: Tranqui...

                  Ya Bro keep doing your thing. Split Push as Clinkz is EZ mode

                  Pale Mannie

                    mmr is just a number
                    rank is just a .png
                    a friendly reminder
                    to smash the bourgeoisie


                      Dont listen to any of these mofos just keep playing and try to get better

                      Este comentário foi editado
                      Potato PC

                        Ignore your rank completely and play the game for fun on unranked match.


                          progress is progress yall are dicks


                            I feel so devastated 😞


                              good job bro clinkz is great for climbing mmr

                              low prio master

                                Im Crusader 3 after like 6 years,hate these cun.ts here like Dawn,who say herald after 2 years?Uninstal etc....You can be herald all life if you not play ranked,and still be better than Dawn ofc.
                                Btw clinkz is really good if you want to climb.


                                  don't listen to Dawn Syndrome, you are doing good, my bro.


                                    Nice to see all the retards here triggered


                                      see my recent game. i really did my best. its 4v5. i bought worth 3k wards as zeus keep dewarding, and troll got SB, so i buy gem late game. BB is so strong, my team keep dying. i never blame them, but instead i told them to disrupt them and keep push and hunting while they farm. in the end i got commends.


                                        You're playing dota the way it's meant to be played. enjoy your games, If you ever felt the need to go higher medals just watch high mmr replays for your hero.


                                          Looks fine to me. I'm assuming you're using fire arrows to harass in lane? Most heroes can't outharass you in lane with even numbers. First part of game is getting that Deso up (maybe orchid too). Ignore everything else including teamfights until you do. Once you have that, focus on roaming and slowing down the enemy carry. You can solo kill almost all heroes if you get it quick enough. BUT never engage on a group. Clinks is extremely squishy and will melt instantly if caught by any sort of crowd control. Certain heroes are just gonna wreck you everytime (like Zeus if you don't manage to initiate on him first) so don't feel too bad about those situations.

                                          Good tip for roaming is use ghost walk to search for enemies. once you find a prey, don't initiate until you have ghost walk off cd so you can instantly run away if the situation turns sour. Clinks is all about being on the edge of fights and kills and on occassion split pushing towers. He is the definition of a glass cannon, so play like a chicken and you should be alright.

                                          Good luck!


                                            Very nice advice chinaman, thanks lot. yeah, i find it zeus is hard if i dont get him first. his global can make me reveal. when clinkz show on map... all enemy team prefer to shut me down. appreciated for the tips.


                                              @Vandal, yeah, i watch some of the replays from divine players here.... i'm following how they position themselves... certain crowd team fights i admit i totally in wrong position. like engaging without vision of those supports/disablers that can shut me down or revealing myself right before they throw their stuns. most deaths is really due to my mistake.


                                                Gratz, now climb to 3k within 100 games


                                                  Dawn calling everyone else triggered when he is the only one to lash out at everyone for no reason :thinking:


                                                    ^ you are absolutely right, i need to check myself

                                                    sha bi mode

                                                      Cool and Good

                                                      Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                        Herald to Crusader bracket is actually very hard to climb coz 75% of the game, their is atleast 1 boosted/pilot account by a higher mmr player (5k or even 6k+) or a smurf, high mmr player who created a new account to stomp new players.

                                                        Luck is a factor. Coz if you are against that boosted/smurf, its hard to win.


                                                          I want a herald account so badly

                                                          Slaughtr Destny

                                                            It's progress bud, which is good. For outsiders, take a look at his activity record:

                                                            It's healthy and clearly shows aspirations outside of dota, so keep doing you!

                                                            Muhammad Sumbul

                                                              Just play unranked ,don't give a shit about the medal.It's easier to climb this way


                                                                just follow these guys,you can easily get into 3k or 4k imo by following them braindeadly


                                                                  you are on the right track and will climb in no time. i see u and i we are in the same bracket and region. if you add me, perhaps i could show you a thing or two about how to play sven or undying.


                                                                    I had a friend who climbed from 800 mmr to around 3.5k so never give up i guess.

                                                                    i sneezed on the beat

                                                                      Don't care about your mmr, just play the game.
                                                                      When you always think about your mmr you play worse, trust me.
                                                                      Instead of thinking "I'm in *some bracket*", just think "I'm PLAYING in *some bracket*".
                                                                      When/if you reach legend, you will just think "oh i want ancient", then you will probably think "I want divine" etc.


                                                                        thanks for encouragement @bullpup.

                                                                        yeah @suppress, meet many good friends in this bracket.


                                                                          if you add me, perhaps i could show you a thing or two about how to play sven or undying.

                                                                          I suggest you add HanYolo OP, he is quite the skilled player, you definitely will learn things from him, especially unorthodox builds that work. Such as the triple battle fury Sven, or casual perseverance into Aghs rush Undying.
                                                                          10/10 would recommend


                                                                            hahahaaha..... @hanYolo lets play together... add me: 335294537
                                                                            show me awesome build xD


                                                                              Unfortunately I'm a cheap bastard so i can't add peeps.



                                                                                Bazooka Joe

                                                                                  Progress is still progress. Just try to enjoy the game and don't focus too much on MMR. Play heroes that you enjoy playing not heroes that you pick just to win. When you're having fun with what you're doing, the MMR will follow.


                                                                                    I don't know why, why gaben give me Ancient 4 ? see this: Invoker is owning early to midgame, our map is so dark, i used to it though, i have to ward for my team. none of them bought one. its all by myself. but i'm fine with thou...

                                                                                    i think this is one of the lucky game since i've been playing as clinkz. i was offlane with kunkka (dotabuff says we won), and our middle and safelane (lost), i remember, i decided to roam around to help my team to recover even without my orchid. i have to sacrifice to buy wards, and place in to those tp location area, bounty area.... etc...

                                                                                    I've made tremendous pressure on top lane, taking 2 towers gain abit of economy in our team... place ward and start hunting ^^ I don't know if i be proud of this... i got 27 kills, 706gpm/957xpm, Invoker only had 608gpm/757xpm, with midas.

                                                                                    so glad that our PA came online during late game. and anothering i found out.. having Drow Ranger playing as Clinkz give me tons of damage!


                                                                                      Your clinkz is so good, just spam it, and you will get legend after like 100 games

                                                                                      flourishing new leaf

                                                                                        If you want to be a better player, pick rhasta, witch doctor, mirana, silencer and stop going carry clinkz - anyone can kill noobs with items/levels advantage.


                                                                                          I'll give u a general recipe for clinkz, u do the honework and watch pro clinkz spammers and spam hin urself till u get it done right

                                                                                          First off, the reason clinkz is good, is his skills make him strong without as much farm and items as other cores. So what the hero wants to do is leverage that advantage and make it into something.
                                                                                          So how do u do it? By doing this "pattern" type of play:
                                                                                          1) laning stage: u farm in lane only, preferably midlane. U press w and click on the enemy so u dont draw creeps to urself by right clicking him. U do this every time u arent last hitting or denying, and the enemy is not out of reach. U keep doing this till u are level 6 (watch pros do it so u learn how to do it efficiently)
                                                                                          At 6 u push the lane, go jungle, eat a big camp high hp creep. Kill the rest of the camp. Come back to lane. If the guy is out of position u can invis and kill him but mostly, just keep doing wat u were doing. U do this until u have medallion.
                                                                                          The moment u get ur medal, u go gank a killable lane, and then take their tower if possible.
                                                                                          Now ur job changes to:
                                                                                          When u have ult, eat a big jungle creep > clear the camp > go gank a killable core preferably but supps are ok too > take tower with that kill if possible > go farm jungle or push a lane until ur ulti is up again. > go back to the start of this cycle (eat creep then kill etc)
                                                                                          U keep doing this and TAKING TOWERS IF POSSIBLE is the keyword here, plus FARM IN BETWEEN.

                                                                                          Now there are games where enemy is not killable unless u have orchid. In that case u get orchid, u focus on farming jungle and lanes to get it fast, instead of ganking. When n u get ur orchid u now go gank the guy u couldnt have ganked before. And now u keep doing this until u'r close to bkb.
                                                                                          In both builds when u get close to bkb u stop running around and start farming the bkb.
                                                                                          Once u have bkb u take roshan and aegis
                                                                                          U make a pickoff or a fight depending on the situation and take all tier 2 towers with that aegis (if the game allows it, if enemy's stronger u focus on farming and pickoff on weak heroes). U get ur next set of items and next rosh. U end the game

                                                                                          This is like the main plan
                                                                                          Now a lot of stuff can go side ways and it will change
                                                                                          Game could end sooner than 2 aegises
                                                                                          Enemy can become stronger than ur team and u
                                                                                          U might have a counter in other team to u, like a doom or smth.
                                                                                          And so on.
                                                                                          In each case there's a way to deal with it, which would make this a 3000 word post so im just gonna say watch pro spammer replays or streams

                                                                                          Item builds :

                                                                                          1)if enemy doesnt have a form of not letting u kill them (pl's w, tinker laser, void q, and etc) get this:
                                                                                          Aquila > soul ring > brown boots > medallion > deso >power treads (optional) > bkb > hex > etc

                                                                                          2)if enemy does have those escapes
                                                                                          Aquila > soul ring > brown boots > orchid > power treads (optional) > bkb > nullifier > game dependant

                                                                                          Those heroes u mentioned mostly dont matter. The hero that fucks with u is sven and his e which provides huge armor to himself and everyone around him.
                                                                                          But for every hero there's a way to play against

                                                                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                            That's pretty impressive Clinkz winrate, tbh.


                                                                                              I only started a few months ago but even though i wasnt REALLLY good at him it still paid off pretty good



                                                                                                Ur doing alrite..but ters a difference between gaining mmr fast n broad knowledge bt tat depends on wat ur goal is


                                                                                                  Your Clinkz win rate is excellent!!! Now I myself am recently spamming Clinkz. Your build is right but not in the correct order. It's usually Aquila>boot>deso>orchid>blood thorn>mkb/bkb/nullifier

                                                                                                  Anyways if you are winning matches with your build (which you are) then you can just continue doing that. Your Clinkz is excellent. Just keep spamming him, he's really good.


                                                                                                    Play more w


                                                                                                      @supernova ur build doesnt make sense
                                                                                                      No soul ring
                                                                                                      And u go for a mix of the two builds. When u get deso then orchid, that's gonna be a 20 min orchid if u'r okay at farming while effectively ganking. At 20 mins mantas and linkenses and bkbs come online.

                                                                                                      If u'r at low rank u shouldnt just build ur own stuff. Follow the pros cuz they know smth that they build what they build and not what u do.

                                                                                                      It's like sitting down and trying to discover how to make fire all over again vs using all the devices men before u invented that make fire


                                                                                                        Those Clinkz numbers are impressive. So spamming is not a bad idea.

                                                                                                        Just as a general comment, if you find yourself in the slot 5 support role, there are better heroes for it. Heroes like Shadow Shaman, Witch Doctor, Crystal Maiden may not be all that exciting to play, but you can really make your carry heroes fly and you create space on the map for your other heroes to farm. Since you are not doing it so much. Especially if you have a carry hero who has a good stun (like CK, WK, Sven etc.), you could add another good stunner there to really just kill the enemy offlaners. A good hero can make a bad carry player good with all the gold and xp in the world...

                                                                                                        I have seen plenty of those 5 carry lineups work in 1k, but once players know how to farm the map, you will find little farm as a slot 5 support. Then you have to pick a hero that doesn't need so many items to come online.