General Discussion

General DiscussionConveying ideas for CM/BC?

Conveying ideas for CM/BC? in General Discussion

    Looking for some advice.

    So, I have a regular team for CM/BC. We all have fun together and whatnot, even if we lose.

    The problem is not winning or losing, I am looking for some advice on how to be properly heard, in terms of suggesting heroes for the draft. I may not be the best player on the team, but I do try and do my research on a multitude of trends and metas, as well as synergies and counters, but I really dont know how to convey that information to my Team captain, or to anyone else for that matter on the team without immediately getting shot down.

    can someone help me with this? or Am I taking it too seriously, even if it is BC?
    Thanks guys!


      what is bc? cm is captain mode right?

      er,watching a pro teams replay together as 5 with your friends is a good idea
      get that wat they are doing,try to copy them


        With that weak laning of urs no wonder u lose first picking an AA? U need stuns and disables u didn't even coupled him with a ck a void won't do vs enchantress and u only pick void for a combo u had none

        U need to come up with 1 2 potential lane ups before attempting for CM,BC(battle cup) specially in ure bracket where hero pools of players are too limited usually


          Aye, I am aware of that, and i am also not the one who drafted the team, That's what this post is aimed at-HOW do I SHARE my ideas to my Team captain? Not; This is what i drafted, what can I improve. XD


            It's not about sharing ideas ure Captain have no idea what his doing that's what I'm saying


              yup just tell your cap
              hi,let's copy this pro player team
              about how they ward,play,drafting and stuff
              it works wonders

              boni top fan

                Base your draft around what heroes your friends can play well.