General Discussion

General Discussionhaving children decreases MMR

having children decreases MMR in General Discussion
Story Time

    Indeed, seems that since the birth of my child I can not play much and the occasional 1-2 games in the evening after work and bad sleep seems to be chipping out my mmr... I am not a good player in a first place, but the game is too demanding to keep up with real life and to progress in skill bracket at the same time. So back to smurfing?

    So post your OKey's below :) thanks for attention


      O k a y
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      I feel sad for you bruv

      Este comentário foi editado
      Story Time

        worst thing is that there is no more silence at home! (try to win a teamfight when baby screaming even when he is fine with his mother in another room)

        Potato Marshal

          Buy orchid for your bby, 4head. No wonder you're still not divine yet.

          Story Time

            ^i cant afford orchid, i am pos 5

            Potato Marshal

              Should've married somebody with a silence then. Learn to draft your marriage next time.

              Story Time

                ^i just went for boobs :D i am a simple man, you see

                Potato Marshal

                  I heard most titties end up being terrible late game, they really start dropping off during the mid game.

                  Solo Leveling


                    Story Time

                      I heard most titties end up being terrible late game, they really start dropping off during the mid game.

                      it is hard to concentrate on the future when you see the perfect D size

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        3d suck btw x)

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Honestly just try to find a less time/mentally consuming game/hobby


                            i thought about a joke that implies denying but I will just write down that I thought about it

                            just practice your last hit challenge for no reason whatsoever


                              Yea 3d btw good luck not having descendants and dies as a virgin


                                *3d sucks

                                casual gamer

                                  having x decreases mmr


                                  a job

                                  a wife

                                  a kid



                                  a life


                                  a functional brain


                                    the trick is to not even get high mmr so you cant decrease it

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      a functional brain

                                      glad to know


                                        time to quit bro. having a family might be the limit for playing hardcore video games(mobas, mmorpgs)


                                          a functional brain

                                          that would make me a top 100 player


                                            O k

                                            k O


                                              making some, too....

                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                your perverseness lead you to this,shame!

                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                  Having children ruins your life coz i know i made my parents very disappointed

                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                    Tell your child to be a good carry


                                                      Silence baby

                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                        You're suppose to support your children 4head. You want them to be better than you late game, you're not suppose to be selfish prick stealing all the farm the whole game. Children are useless early game but they have the strongest potential that you can only obtain IF you support them well.

                                                        chicken spook,,,,



                                                            Guys he plays a lot of silencer, I think he keeps losing bc whenever the baby cries, he clicked R on accident LUL

                                                            Lruce Bee

                                                              Doesnt matter had sex


                                                                Life isnt about sex
                                                                -fx 2018

                                                                chicken spook,,,,


                                                                  Story Time

                                                                    ^having children decreases sex too >_< well, at least he is cute and smart


                                                                      You can always pay4hookers smiley face


                                                                        Having a child, a wife, and still playing ranked... You won't live long before heart attack strikes.