General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy am I so streaky

Why am I so streaky in General Discussion

    I will win 8 games in a row, lose 6 games in a row, win 2 games, lose 7 games, win 8 games in a row.
    Am I simply winning until I reach my skill cap, moving up a bracket, then falling back down to where I belong?



      I dont know, litteraly same things happens to me and my friends, i have spoken with them and honestly i decided to take a break until ladder stabilizes a bit, its really ridiculous, win 4-5 games out of the blue then sky dive of 7 losses where im baffled to how did i get stomped so easily and nobody did anything about it, then i stomp easily, its ridiculous!

      I mean look at my history, its either red circle or green circle, there is no middle ground!

      Este comentário foi editado

        it's just the type of player you are. for me i get big lose streaks in one day, followed by win streaks of playing smaller amounts every day.

        might be a mood/tilt thing

        Story Time

          there is no middle ground!

          there is only high ground


            look at my lose streak
            i was on a 9 win streak in ranked, and then a 10 lose streak
            1st time it happens to me :/

            SASA POPOVIC

              Well all my friends have general consensus since the update, its all win streak - loose streak that range from 3 up to 10 games, something fishy going on with matchmaking, im scared to queue at this point ^^

              Story Time

                i think streaks are typical but random, unless valve implements some AI that regulates matchmaking


                  So true


                    I'm on a green streak now. I usually lose 1-3 matches and then go back to winning, but I usually stop playing if I go on tilt/loss streak.

                    <3 more cushion for the p...

                      "i think streaks are typical but random, unless valve implements some AI that regulates matchmaking"

                      there is actually an AI that regulates matchmaking. And they calculate ur chances to win before the match. And if u get reported you will have shit games, which leads to even more shit games.

                      Thats what the behavior system is about. A great fucking mess.


                        idk , but i have 4 teammate feeder, and next game very good teammate easy win, then back to 4 feeder teammate idk what happen with matchmaking