General Discussion

General DiscussionBest support to spam in 3k bracket

Best support to spam in 3k bracket in General Discussion

    Guys what are the best heroes to spam in 3k bracket? Ty


      I recommend picking supports that can be relevant whole game . Avoid picking ogre , cm & rubick who will just become a walking gold bag post 20min


        Wait to see my right click Ogre xD


          shadow shaman is still very strong this patch. buy blink and its pretty much game

          SASA POPOVIC

            Lockdown supports = best supports! Lion & shadowshaman, hex is best disable in the game.

            Also big impact in teamfight supports are guchi too, Tree, warlock, lich and that broken shit dark willow who can 1v1 pretty much anything before minute 20, venge is nice too, wave of terror and aura really gives your team an edge.

            Disruptor is pretty good too, but it has big skillcap, Glympse can do more harm than good. Teamates will flame and report :(

            Este comentário foi editado
            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              bane, shadow shaman, witch doctor


                Shadow Shaman is the best currently, Bane and Skywrath are perfect lane bullies, CM can be devastating if you know how to position properly.
                And disruptot can solo win games against certain heroes, if played correctly


                  dont 1st pick rubick, if u wanna first pick a support, choose venge or slardar or shaman and dont be dumb. be wary of the enemy's impactful heroes like if they have axe or any blink hero, get urn spam urn on them so they cant initiate good that should be it for me

                  jacob faggot U are my bitch

                    never forget lich

                    Lruce Bee

                      Don't pick rubick or lion below like 5k. Idk

                      Story Time

                        last pick supports so you can counter pick enemy suppots, lose the game, blame your carries, get reported and come to dotabuff to cry like a baby