General Discussion

General Discussionmid hero to pick against extremely aggresive roamers?

mid hero to pick against extremely aggresive roamers? in General Discussion

    that can not lose the 3v1 matchup very hard and still carry the game


      dragon knight?


        puck is hard to gank as a roamer
        mirana can escape easily

        you wont carry when you get trilaned mid, but 3 people mid means that your safelane farms free and your offlane gets space

        if you know youll get ganked a lot dont pick stuff like TA, strong laners

        if you get trilaned hope you picked smth with escapes

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          The still carry the game part is hard to achieve if ur hero can win vs a trilane
          Most of these heroes are midgame dominators that fall off hard like razor viper dk puck etc
          U can pick qop if enemy has no instant disables or silences

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            with all that space created you don't have to worry about anything, your safelane will be free farming away..


              I've won games as invoker when it's a trilane vs trilane mid, cuz am freefarmed while I was in the middle of constant skirmishes

              Palmen aus Plastik

                sf but only if you are good with razes. Those sweet triple kills early game will decide the game right there. As someone laboriously pointed out in this forum, lvl 1 triple raze does 510 damage :P

                Plus, 6 mins into the game you wont even be in lane. Raze the wave and jungle right?

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                  ^ bro you lost your past 4 SF games lul


                    sf is shit against too much aggression cuz he is super squishy
                    sure he has turn around play, but he usually just dies before he can do too much
                    he is kinda the opposite of what ur saying, sf thrives with just a +1 to disable the enemy so he can kill them
                    he is kinda bad when alone against aggression


                      HaHAa great sf tips, the best part is when you get ganked really early and you can't fall back to the jungle as sf, bcs their roamers are following you around the map! Sf mid bs trialane is best!!!


                        You literally described how to lose a game as sf, if you don't get counter ganks mid

                        Chocolate Sailor

                          Keep in mind that being against a trilane mid essentially makes you an offlaner. Farming well is less of a possibility and you're just trying to survive and soak XP. That said, I would look towards strong hard-to-kill offlaners like Tidehunter, Timbersaw, and Omniknight. Depending on how much disable the enemies have, you might be able to get away with picking QoP or Weaver.


                            Any hero with good escape mechanism or with innate tankyness. I'd say DK is one, he can come back by taking towers after he hits lvl 6, not the best at jungling but he gains extra hp regen and can clear camps with his 1st skill. The other one is WR, she's got her 3rd skill to escape, a stun and her 2nd to clear camps, plus she scales well late game. Mirana too prolly, has an escape, a stun even tho really unreliable and scales very well late game. I'd suggest other heroes but the problem with them is that they get crushed late game and aren't able to carry games that go for 50+ min or if ganked aren't able to come back (see SF, Idk how people can even suggest to run him vs a trilane, he's literally the worst in this scenario). Timbersaw is really hard to gank too after he gets a few levels, especially vs roamers like ES and ES, Pudge and SB, vs these heroes you might even end up getting a kill.

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                            Palmen aus Plastik

                              i was not saying my sf was good against trilane mid. I was saying I've seen many pro players pull off superb counter kills by way of positioning some truly great razes. The fact that I lost my sf games is neither here nor there. The good ones manage single handedly thats all. Of course, there are some obvious answers like puck and mirana, but i think OP knows those already. I'm just telling him something I have seen happen plenty of times. Take that for what you will.

                              Palmen aus Plastik

                                also by pro players i dont mean hyhy xD

                                I mean miracle - - the possibilities are endless my friends! Skill is the limit, not the hero!

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                                  i was thinking mirana actually


                                    puck and mirana are pretty annoying for a roaming pos 4


                                      I think if u constantly ganked in mid, your objective will change to "survive, get some level and try to hold the tower as long as possible". That way, ur other lane will get space and farm, hugely helping the team.
                                      Yea, it become like offlane only you play it in mid

                                      Drop Dead

                                        only Razor


                                          Antimage, QOP?


                                            Only qop, probably.


                                              Apparently Meepo pickers like me will face against a trilane usually no rotations from allied supports cuz they just afk leech the xp of the main carry.

                                              Fuck this game seriously


                                                Qop puck mirana


                                                  One of the 7.06 cancers(Necro or Veno). Even if you die, it's likely you get at least one kill. Then you can fall back and farm relatively safely, and just have huge impact on the first fight w ult, then snowball from there. You might say it's reliant on quite a few factors, but it plays out like this quite frequently.


                                                    Qop of they have more slows than stuns, Zeus can keep distance


                                                      Well what is the question? How do you know if you will be trilaned or ganked only?

                                                      Usually you find out after picking hero, right? You dont know where these supports will be.

                                                      If you see 2 roamers, good idea are escapers and heroes who can move to jungle. And be more defensive, stay on your side of river and nuke waves or just keep lane equilibrium.

