General Discussion

General DiscussionSpider talents on Brood?

Spider talents on Brood? in General Discussion

    Why does noone go for that? The damage talent doubles damage of big spiders and triples it for small spiders. With HP talent they are very durable against magical nukes and only cleave/axe can kill them fast. CDR gives you 25% more spiders. With AC you demolish towers veery fast.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      I think it's because people will need some time to collect a lot of spiders
      So having 50 atk spd on the hero is more reliable as DPS, good for lifesteal in fights.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        because they die. if it was truly that strong lycan/brood duo would be more popular but it isnt. also its hard to save up spiders in the mid/lategame.


          I don't know why would you go for spiderling talent when at that time enemy already have high lvl and items enough to counter spiderling already. Broodmother's strong point in last patch is her and spiderlings invi that you can catch some support or even cores that walk around left and right from enemy' tier 1 tower and snowball really fast to build 4-5 slotted"Cancer Broodmama".

          Now what can you do when you and spiderlings just showed on map everytime. even now Icefrog try to force you into Spiderlings build by nerfing right-click talents but I can't see any merit to do that.

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            Ppl will obviously try to counter broodmother, both hero picking and item building.

            It just takes someone with BF or Mjollnir and Broodmother becomes a feeding machine (while not even dying herself).

            From 15-20 minutes on, Spiders only purpose is to neutral farm and scout, so there's no sense into leveling them while having a weaker fighting Broodmother.

            It might be worthy, however, only for those < 25 minutes stomps, but those games are already won anyway, and if the enemy somehow come back, Broodmother is screwed.

            meteor hammer

              Tiny can oneshot spiderlings from 9999 range with toss + tree throw lmao

              зачем я начал поиск

                Why does noone go for that?

                Because it is literally useless. You are better off with building physical right-click, because you scale very well.
                Spiders don't scale anywhere.

                Now what can you do when you and spiderlings just showed on map everytime.

                The fact that you see spiders doesn't save you from them at all.
                In fact, even less ways to save, hence AOE doesn't make spiders disable their phase and they always hit as a stack now.
                You may hit Ember in his E with big spiders now freely, hit 2 times, move spiders away, they regen fast as fuck, harass again and kill.
                Before you would have to wait through the entire E duration to attack, now you don't really care, as long as you move the spiders away, before they die.

                It just takes someone with BF or Mjollnir and Broodmother becomes a feeding machine (while not even dying herself).

                BF/Mjol vs Brood are useless items.

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                  Bill Cutting

                    ^depends on the brood player - that bipdongoe guy seems to dump on anything with brood


                      Broods ulti is too good, and spiders to weak in the midgame to build around spiders