General Discussion

General Discussionnever blame sup?

never blame sup? in General Discussion

    ive hear alot pro players and guides says never blame sup, but if they never buy wards, when i ask nicely they start flame or somehting, i sitll cant blame them?


      1. You aren't asking correctly if they immediately start flaming you.
      2. You can buy your own wards if they are important instead of sabotaging your support's already fragile ego.
      3. Blaming anyone, but yourself will not help you in any way.

      Chao Vritra

        The last guy pretty much summed it up. When I was playing mid a lot I would always bring my own sentry to deward or ward if I needed it.

        Also you play nothing but cores, I would not want to support you either.


          as a guy who basicaly only plays support I never had that problem of blaming a support for anything they did in the game. Even when playing a carry hero myself. I did find myself one time saying the support to stop buying wards because he had literally no idea what he was doing.

          A ward is 80 gold. 80 gold won't lose you a game, the lack of vision might.

          I am sure your attitude is the problem, I base this conclusion on your 96% core stats of your dotabuff account


            I never blame support but I always being blame when I was a support. I dunno but my bracket full of emotional cores.

            зачем я начал поиск

              I never ask anyone for anything.
              I almost never play support, because I have no idea how to.
              If a person plays like shit and behaves like shit, I report them, independently of what hero they've played in the game.

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              Cheap Laugh Guy

                I'm tilted


                  I love games where players in my team respect supports,the thing i really hate is "we need wards" everytime is 1 ward on stock,but yeah love games when carrys dont talk to my job and let me do my best

                  зачем я начал поиск

                    I don't respect a player for picking a role. What the fuck?
                    Why should I respect a shitstain, who smokes at base, can't stack camps and feeds ("I am creating space", no shit, you're not)?
                    I may respect a good support player, who makes useful rotations, actually dies only to save core/kill enemy core (profitable exchanges) and has his items/level, but not just a random "I am a support" 0-10 Rubick.

                    You don't deserve any respect for playing support, you deserve for playing good, if you do.

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                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                      they didnt play the game to suck ur dick . u need ward ? get it yourself


                        what your mean suck my dick? if they buy ward, he dont help just me, he help me my team and himself, and yes im 80% of time buying wards on my own but mostly when we dont have wards and i need buy wads as core mean i have bad farm already and peding money for wards makes everything abit complicated

                        зачем я начал поиск

                          I hate it moreso when I can't get wards for myself, because support bought them and placed in a retarded location.


                            everygame i have to beg supports to stay in the god damn lane and to buy wards/detection and end up buying it myself

                            im dazzle im gonna run bot tomy crying offlaner to do absolutely nothing, without a ward for my carry.
                            instead of pulling, getting lvls and securing my safelane
                            9/10 games i want to scream at my pos 5 player pretty much all game


                              If you play core after 30 mins mark you should buy some wards for support and stop asking why map is so dark because 80gold wards x 4 from mins 0 to 30 mins drop upon supports (sometimes support). If game goes well they still happily buy it without complaint. On the contrary, you constantly lost teamfight and still asking for ward when support has only 200 gold with mana boots, they might want to punch you in the face.


                                Supports deserve a ton of blame sometimes


                                  Just like what P9^ said, do not tell us what to do and let us do our job.

                                  Most of the time, people who talks a lot doesn't even know what they should be doing in the game.


                                    I agree with jacked. Although most support didnt deserve the flame, there are some who deserve to be flamed or in other word didnt deserve to win

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      Just don't be an asshole expecting the whole map to be covered with sentries by one support 10 minutes into the game because everybody wants to jungle

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                                        They said to not blame supports 'cause people tend to blame them for every stupid shit that happens in a game and expect even a solo support to get all the wards and sentries and dust and smoke, and of course to be in 4 different places in one moment. As a support player in ranked when these things happen to me it makes me wanna punch people in the face tbh. But if a support makes major mistakes or plays like an asshole, maybe he killsteals on purpose or never gets wards or idk, rushes aghs and greedy items without going for the utility ones to save their teammates with, of course he can be blame, like every other player in the game that plays "against" their own team.

                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                          The game of ego and responsibility throwing will never win you a game, it only frustrate the whole team including yourself. At the end all of you are playing you win and aren't going to see each other after the match. So blaming people is generally ill-advised never mind the role. Instead try to politely encourage and couch, and try to see the whole picture instead of your personal space

                                          Supports just like any other player are human beings, human beings makes suboptimal decisions.
                                          The thing is, support duty is sometimes less prominent than the cores, and them not fulfilling their duty is transparent, you can see the stock, you can see when you are being ganked, you can easily finger aspects of their duty. So it is much easier to fault the supports on smaller things. So blaming the supports is much more common and more commonly unjustified statistically compare to cores

                                          But if the supports are making big blunders, such as not buying wards whatsoever, they are absolutely not exempted from the burden


                                            Being a support is like being a good mother. No one notices/appreciates it, but when a child goes bad everyone points their fingers at the mother.

                                            Supports matter a lot more than cores, which is why they should get more of the credit or blame.

                                            Any idiot can last hit creeps in 3k+ if you create space for them in the safe lane. Key: IF you can create space for them. Who creates the space? The support does, by zoning out the enemy offlaner.

                                            Most mid lanes are evenly balanced (e.g. Tinker vs Necro). If one gets ganked, the other gets a huge advantage that carries on throughout the game. Who ganks? It's the support.

                                            Supports need to watch over all three lanes, and make important decisions like rotating and create/initiate plays.

                                            Warding isn't just dumping wards at a random spot. You have to take into account being counter warded, providing vision at the right spots, carrying dust/sentry, smoking and initiating ganks, etc.

                                            It's a hugely underappreciated role. A carry can boast about GPM and being six-slotted, so it's easier to spot when a hc does his job. There's no metric of how well someone supported.


                                              bad suport can lose game ... so if i see afk not tping and shit ofc ill blame them cuz they pick suport dont do shit and feed so its their fault. If u fail ur carry pos and blame ur sups u should get reported :D thats all

                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                why not blame supports? they mess up a lot . but mostly are those guys who play only carry and once they stuck at supporting they are a completely disaster, they literally do only harm to the team.

                                                but yeah in low mmr carry players overreact , and cry like a baby , and tend to blame supports for theyr own failure, feed like retard somewhere on the map and blame the support for not warding that exact place , and shit like this. they usually blame supports for theyr lack of map awarnes mostly.
                                                you spot a retard cause he will always blame supports every time he dies.


                                                  @Al Paqesku first time i see so low overall winrate 42%


                                                    never blame supports

                                                    they let you play core, and no matter how bad their supporting is, its ur job to carry them

                                                    supports are playing the least enjoyable role(s) in this game & they probably have the least impact on the game (apart from buying wards)

                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                      your new here than ...

                                                      i mean cause you dont know MAFIOSO XD

                                                      @higher mathematics, lol i just noticed your the op , and you have 94% of your games as a carry. did my comment offended you somehow ?!! sry was not my intention sweetheart XDDD.

                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                        ^^Supports are the least enjoyable role? Really? I find playing pos. 1 carry boring. Farm, jungle, farm, tp to another lane to farm until they get their items.

                                                        I find playing support as a challenging role. Utilizing the hero's potential with possibly a tranquil boots, magic wand, rain drop and bracer at 15 mins.

                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                          Supporting is fine
                                                          It might be triggering for some people to get flamed for basically everything while playing support although it's not always their fault


                                                            As a support player myself, carry players have no right to blame supports...

                                                            Note:theres a difference between supporting and playing a support hero


                                                              if you get flamed as a supp you're bad.

                                                              i never get flamed, literally cant remember a single game.

                                                              more like "wow this guy pulls, wow this supp buys wards, WOW this guys places good wards, WAOW this guy doesnt ruch midas on a supp, WOAW recommend"

                                                              i have more recommends then games, dont know how bad you have to be to get flames as a supo


                                                                Pretty sure most support player got flamed because they dont suicide with their carry player

                                                                ez Art

                                                                  Nothing worse than a support player playing carry and flaming supports for not doing stuff right and visceversa.


                                                                    But bounty hunter 900gpm mid

                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                      Pretty sure most support player got flamed because they dont suicide with their carry player


                                                                        I feel like volunteering for support during the pick phase grants me at least 30% of my commends alone. It's the most unwanted role in pubs, and people are grateful you can support them so they can tinker around on their precious antimage and juggernaut like babies with their favorite toy. Remove the toy, incoming shitstorm. How to solve this? Offer them mid or offlane (with a support). That's like a pacifier.

                                                                        But in all seriousness, the most true comment written in this post is by Abyss Watcher. There's a difference in choosing a support hero and supporting overall. You need to think big, you need to think perspective. You need to give information and tools to your brutish, monobrow, all brawn no brain teammates so they can hammer the right opponent at the right time, the right way. Rotations, wards, the timing of wards, calling out new items on key enemy heroes, calling miss and carrying detection for those pesky "Riki support but not really support" heroes. Supporting feels harder, simply because there's more to the role than the others.


                                                                          Mafioso has blessed this thread with his stup...
                                                                          Oh wait, he said the right thing.


                                                                            Support makes mistakes, as true as carry makes mistakes. It is just easier to blame supp cos he normally cant change the course of the game once it hits late game, while carry can boast their 6-slotted item and high number of kill.
                                                                            Lets just respect each other, I wont get mad if people ask to ward specific place for some reason, just dont use ur capslock and flame all the way. Carry also need to learn to watch map, where the obs get dewarded so they wont bark asking for wards all the time

                                                                            Mlada i Luda

                                                                     sure this is not your first time you say this XD. but its not a surprise anymore you know MAFIOSO its always right.

                                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                                I average like 40 last hits in my games (even lower if you ignore my Jakiro matches) and I still get asshole carries and mids complaining about me farming because I decide to push out waves that are pushed up to our base instead of spending a whole minute walking up to a teamfight happening in the enemy base the second I respawn.

                                                                                So many 4k shitters that think "support" means you're not allowed to get any exp or gold, and should spend the whole laning stage 4 levels below everybody while spending all your gold filling every lane and rune spot with obs and sentries so they can afk farm alone for 25 minutes.


                                                                                  No guys. The problem is no one usually blames supports because they hide in the background. If u do ur support job which is really simple like buying wards no one will blame u even if u fucking suck. That's the problem.

                                                                                  Op is probably referring to supports who don't even buy wards at all. And that's a whole different problem

                                                                                  Potato PC

                                                                                    Never blame anyone because it won't help the problem, unless they intentionally feed/troll.

                                                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                                                      if carry is having a hard time /playing bad , will always "find" something to blame support . simple as that.


                                                                                        blaming your support or anybody else is like playing against your own team partionally. doesnt lead to victory in my world

                                                                                        you might abandon and go next instead


                                                                                          The circle of blame theory.

                                                                                          Supp no gank/ward cant farm
                                                                                          Carry no farm gg
                                                                                          Supp noob
                                                                                          Carry noob
                                                                                          Never gank supp
                                                                                          Always farm carry
                                                                                          No ward cant push
                                                                                          Carry no push
                                                                                          Repeat forever

                                                                                          If everyone can plays well you wont hear a peep from anybody. I only play support these days and if I mess up I know and I expect to be told on it. I know my job, and what to do to most of the time. Dont ping “we need wards” every fucking minute just cause you got ganked. And if you play support, dont bitch about it the whole game like the lower gpm will lower your chances into getting team secret. If its not your role, think of it as practice. Everyone blames just so they dont get blamed themselves, simple as that, they cant take responsibility and mistakes nost of the time because they arent emotionally capable, and its fine.

                                                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                            Dis the kinda guy who never picks support, goes alone into enemy jungle without map control nor vision, dies and blames support cuz no ward. wpwp


                                                                                              I don't get mad when a support doesn't get wards.. But I get fuckin tilted when a support doesn't buy courier at the start without saying a thing pre game.


                                                                                                I buy my lane wards mostly myself. And I'll buy wards myself when a ward is utmostly needed if anyone else isn't buying. But I get fucking mad when support doesn't put the wards I bought when I don't have an empty slot to hold wards.


                                                                                                  Supports piss me off when they fucking auto attack every creep on safe lane and use spells to steal LHs from carry sucking every possible XP that can be sucked and rush brown boots agha feeding every 3-4 mins.


                                                                                                    flame all the other 4 people equally
                                                                                                    that way noone feels left out or focused too much

                                                                                                    I Feed GooD

                                                                                                      these poeple with 95% core talks so much about support bieng bad thats why they flame them... your supports have the same mmr as you he has almost the same skills as you... and hes playing a squishy hero with nothing but boots, wards and if hes having a good game he might get an early dagger 16mins-20mins while you cores can get that in 10mins even in bad lanes
                                                                                                      95% core means you only play core mostly carry or mid supports are helping you with what they bout you start playing support too....core players have too much ego and pride to blame themself and that is the reason why they only play cores


                                                                                                        Supports generally don't exist in my bracket

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