General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is spectre always strong every patch?

Why is spectre always strong every patch? in General Discussion

    Shes just always strong. It must be her design right? Is it the ult? The damage reduction? How do you play around a spectre? How do you play against one?

    Fee Too Pee

      I never have problem with spectre.

      But thats maybe because i always play huskar , juggernaut. And roaming hero that always pressure early game

      Like, that hero is weak in my opinion. I never have problem with one. but, that is me

      Palmen aus Plastik

        I really think it's about knowing when to pick her half the time. Consistent 55 percent winrate across all brackets cannot come by picking her into a wrong lineup. If a game goes late, I'd rather have Spectre on my team than any other hero in dota. But that is the catch, you must have a strong turtling line up that is willing to give spec a chance to take over the game.


          Probably cause of drawn put pub games plying a factor

          Palmen aus Plastik

            absolutely. i don't really know a hero that can do better in lategame than spec. So if no one wants to end the game, even a bad spec will get her farm given THAT much time. The good specs will get their farm no matter what. So its a win-win situation.


              Bad Spectre is always have a farm and still doesnt have impact and die alone because gank


                As the player who love to play spectre I can certainly say "Spectre is weak". She doesn't have anything for early game like popular carries of all time. She doesn't have any nuke with low cd, doesn't have any mechanic to farm or recovery mechanic if she had bad laning stage. Also her agi growth and atk speed is so low.

                Her winrate still high because no one want to pick her unless they have a confidence to win.


                  Garbage hero in the meta and garbage in pubs. Play her enough and you'll figure out why.


                    Too reliant on laning stage, no burst capability, slow farming speed, cooldown reliant, can't hit towers for shit. You're better off with heroes like AM, jugg, BS, etc


                      ??? She isn't


                        Shes strong indeed but can fail early and have no farm first 25 min while enemie AM have manta abysal and pretty much cant do anything

                        But as longer game goes ur stronger
                        Point is do good early because enemie pressure u hard and many times in games i see spec have 0 5 and get mad afk feed etc just put pressure to enemie as much as u can


                          And also Valve nerfed her every patch because they think she is too strong for noobs who goes 50 mins farming game vs. Spectre but want to constantly buff PA dagger with 15 mana cost and 6s cd which can kill pos5 support with only 12mins deso+ aquila.

                          Fuka suginai o nīchan

                            I rly dont know it, but i think cause you only pick Spec to counter matchups.


                              In lower brackets I think it's because people from 0k to low 4k have no idea what ending the game fast is when they have no hard carry and they're vs a Spectre or another strong hard carry. So instead of finishing fast they spend 70 minutes ganking the other team and never pushing, thinking this will prevent Spectre from getting 7-slotted and raping everyone in the ultra late game.
                              A week ago I was a Jakiro and had literally no carry in my team, I told my Pudge and Mirana 4 times 'we have no carry, push now since we're stronger and while Spectre is still weak' but nah, the entire game ganking. When I said 'we have no chance late game!' for the 5th time, Pudge said 'so we give up?' Lmao like, in their mind pushing and denying a hard carry the late game where they shine in isn't even an option. In these games you can go 0-12 with Spectre in lane but you will always come back eventually 'cause games last ages. Slacks said this in his guide on how to escape low mmr and it's so fucking true, people don't know how to exploit her (many) weaknesses.


                                So what this is saying is that she has a lot of weaknesses but can always fall back on her superior late game, and her winrate is mostly inflated bu pub habits. I think the best point made was the argument that you dont pick her every game, but in the games that you do pick her she dominates?


                                  as far as i remember everytime i had a spec in my games, she got dumpstered in lane.
                                  gets 30 min radience gg

                                  or they draw the lane and buy blademail, vanguard and never get any farm


                                    She is not strong... this patch is a litle bit stronger.. but not that much...
                                    her winrate comes from pubs where scrubs dont know how to finish the game and let the game go late..
                                    i know this because im one of the scrubs who won a lot o match like this, lel
                                    But even I know that if enemys put pressures, spec cant do shit


                                      she really isn't, it's just that in pubs people tend to give her freefarm forever and never push

                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                        OP thing is, I don't see how someone can say "Spectre is a strong pick here" in any game vs any draft, 'cause she's that weak as a laner and in the early game in general. Imo the supports your team pick are what makes the difference, if you run her in a trilane for example. Pick 2 aggressive supports who can grant her at least freefarm if not kills in lane and she's great, or who can create so much space on the map that she will have those 2 early items to be able to join fights, like radiane and manta or radiance and diffusal or idk, I'm not even a Spectre player. Basically she's a good pick if the rest of your team is strong and can come online pretty fast, or if you can tell the game will have a slow pace 'cause the enemy team is greedy too and you'll have all the time to farm your items and get to the late game. Like I said I'm not even a Spectre player so I might be wrong, but I had to play tons of games vs her, especially in the patch where she was cancer.


                                          what lmao, weak laner, shit early game, ppl in lower brackets never punish you for anything, you can just farm wherever you want without ever being afraid of them killing you.


                                            Get BKB/Silver Edge & kill her lol. Pretty much every carry wins 1v1 vs her with one of those items. I think she is "OP" in pubs because people don't get those items & let her free farm.


                                              It's because in order to balance the hero for higher tier games , the hero becomes op in lower mmr (ie majority of pub games)

                                              Rogue Knight

                                                She will be always strong in every patch,nerf her or buffed her,whatever the patch, she is always has a higher wr than every hero. Yeah sure she is weak and meh in early stages and we all know that but once she got the farm she needs,she'll turn the tables around. That throne will always belong to her.

                                                Rogue Knight

                                                  She will be always strong in every patch,nerf her or buffed her,whatever the patch, she is always has a higher wr than every hero. Yeah sure she is weak and meh in early stages and we all know that but once she got the farm she needs,she'll turn the tables around. That throne will always belong to her.

                                                  meteor hammer

                                                    spectres only broken when ur team inevitably buys silver edge and dumpsters her


                                                      Her natural abilities still stand in every patch


                                                        She has a high winrate because her skills basically abuse the mistakes people make in most pubs.
                                                        First she is incredibly strong late game as people have mentioned, so pubs where people don't end games when they should (most pubs) can let her get out of control.
                                                        Second, Haunt is amazing at punishing mistakes and causing enemies to throw. If the enemy is ahead, they'll often start chasing for kills in pubs. It might normally be a safe kill but spectres ability to instantly be there while also cancelling the whole enemy teams blink can turn safe ganks/fights into throws. And of course people never factor spectre into the equation when thinking if a fight is safe to take because they see her somewhere else.
                                                        Third, Haunt is also a great win-more skill. While its great for punishing mistakes when behind it also lets you find isolated enemies and kill them while ahead. Heroes who would normally be positioned safely are suddenly out of position with haunt.
                                                        Fourth, she has an escape skill in dagger. Its not the best escape, but any sort of escape skill will tend to make a hero die less and so feed less.
                                                        Finally, dispersion counters the traditional pub mentality of dealing with a snowballing hero. In pubs when an enemy is getting out of control, the standard reaction will be to group up and throw everything at that hero. Not only does dispersion make her unexpectedly tanky, but when the entire enemy team groups up around her and hits her it does enormous amounts of damage, allowing her team to easily win the fight, even if they do manage to kill her.


                                                          On 5k bracket spec has 50% wr, what makes her balanced at best and definetaly not strong, she is vreat late game core, and reason for that is dispersion skill, on the other hand, silver edge, nulifier can fuck spec up for good.


                                                            On 5k Spec has slightly above 50% winrate, but that is it. As an easy to play hero, balancing would require that she has less than 50% winrate up there. It's fine to have supports winning more games than they lose, but a hard carry doing this can ruin the experience for some players. So yeah, she is unbalanced at least in pubs where communication is limited. In tournaments, players are put into one room, so communication is constant and direct. This is where Spectre dies off.

                                                            Until she has sub 50% winrate in any skill bracket, then we are talking.

                                                            Spectre did not take any nerf in 7.07. In fact, with Silver Edge less popular, she is even more powerful.

                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              It's because spec is a hero that doesn't require that much farm to be effective in pubs and is strong late. Most pub games go late and pubs farm like shit. That's why anti mage is a bad pub hero (7.07 notwithstanding) because he needs good fast farm to be effective.

                                                              You can get a 20 min radiance, 25 min manta, 30 min heart and be stronger than the opposing team's carry cus they farm so poorly.

                                                              Chao Vritra

                                                                one of those heroes I always lose when he is on my team, but win when the enemy picks. Same with naga, medusa