General Discussion

General DiscussionCan somebody critique my last 20 or so ranked games? Specifically Pud...

Can somebody critique my last 20 or so ranked games? Specifically Pudge mains if possible. in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I know the short answer is to get gud and stop dying so much (I think my fear of feeding has caused me to start playing pos. 4 a little too passively actually as I feel me not dying is more important than me getting a few pickoffs. But idk). But I was just hoping for some criticism and advice. I know you can only tell so much by a dotabuff but do what you can.

    specifically I want to talk about the Pudge losses, but I will take criticism off any game. For the most part any game I did not play pudge was because of a ban. I main pudge so much that I tend to panic pick sometimes. I can not help it though 1000+ games and I am not bored of the hero. I plan on sitting down and watching these replays when I have time. For itemization I mostly try to follow qupe's style of pudge, though sometimes I go for rod when I want the stats or vs high ms heroes.

    Oh, and I would rather not talk about my most recent game, as Silencer and Puck fought for mid and Puck ended up intentionally feeding about 4 or 5 deaths to antimage because silencer kept flaming him. I hate games that are lost in team chat before the game even begins. I know this does not mean last game was unwinnable, I would just rather talk about some of the other games.

    I had a good win streak then a bad lose streak, as dota usually is. But I am determined to climb in MMR. 4k is my mid-long term goal, but right now I just want to beat my personal best (about 3.8 i think). Started at 3.3, dropped to as low as mid 2k, and climbed as high as 3.8, with lots of dota breaks in between.

    EDIT: IF it was not clear from the dotabuff, I mainly play pos 4 roaming pudge. I used to play mid and offlane heroes exclusively but found my self really enjoying pos. 4 pudge lately. For starting items I generally go wind lace, ward, tango (sometimes), clarity, smoke, tp. My item progression is genrally tranqs>Soulring>extra wind lace>blink>aether but sometimes I will go rod instead of blink.

    EDIT 2: The radiance pudge was pretty much just trolling because the game was won, though it was nice with the new spell lifesteal talent. Though the spell lifesteal with radiance could be really scary on a fed pudge with a heart and an armor item or two.

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      Omg you suck hard, delete dota


        Omg you suck hard, delete dota

        Chao Vritra

          yes, this is why I try to find help among my peers. I suck at a lot of things I will never be quitting sadly.

          I have learned a lot from watching my own replays and others. I think I need to spend more time in my safelane and killing the enemy offlaner rather than trying to kill the enemy mid or carry. I also need to prioritize hook targets a bit better late game. This one game yesterday I could literally feel the moment that we lost when I hooked the wrong enemy.

          Riguma Borusu

            i hate bandwa.....

            Omg you suck hard, delete dota

            Chao Vritra

              =( =( =(


                dont first pick pudge

                i always feel that if my midlaner has no stun/slow i cant gank his lane at all

                same with safelane. first pick pudge then you get AA and PL ans boom
                no lane has setups for you to get in range to use rot, no impact early, gg

                Chao Vritra

                  dont first pick pudge
                  i always feel that if my midlaner has no stun/slow i cant gank his lane at all
                  same with safelane. first pick pudge then you get AA and PL ans boom
                  no lane has setups for you to get in range to use rot, no impact early, gg

                  Thank you for the actual response lol. I am actually quite guilty of this. In every single game I played yesterday. I guess I just had the mindset that better off they counter me than my midlaner or safelane. I guess the enemy team is just too ready for a pudge. I should probably get some alternate heroes on deck. Thanks a lot.