General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker with treads and not midas anymore.

Invoker with treads and not midas anymore. in General Discussion

    I saw pro players go for treads rather than midas now on invoker? Can you guys explain why?


      midas efficiency reduced 2 patches ago after being buffed right before, used to be 100 less gold for the recipy and 30 more gold per use

      more early fighting

      tread switching and stats increase farming speed and enable a little bit of early fighting

      they might just build treads because the midas timing sucks but they already bought gloves of haste. thats what i do as spirit breaker.

      Story Time

        also nerfing the ranged creep xp is kind of bad for midas now

        Bill Cutting

          I saw Sumiyah doing this but only when he can literally get a 12 min aghs


            Sumiyah is not a good invoker


              i thought you almost always want to go to the jungle to use the midas though


                Treads and Midas don't do the same thing, just cuz u go treads don't mean u can't go Midas etc
                Also only seems viable in turbo


                  Sumiya is not good voker because he has 7k games with him while playing in 5k avg games

                  Its much worth playing 10 games on 7k avg mmr
                  Than 1000 games on 5k avg

                  idk what half the champio...

                    They gets treads so they have enough attack speed to cancel mobility skills with continuous attacks and cold snap, such as storms ult, am blink ect.


                      Sumiya is best invoker


                        ^^ mmr assasin midas give atack speed also lmao its not that, its much cheaper and u can tread switch for dmg mana hp or more atack speed and is item who give together movement speed and u have 1 more slot free ,


                          Lmao ywn dont be ironic many trashes here will start watching him and feed


                            im not

                            Bill Cutting

                              A guy with 7k invoker games is not good at the hero. Ok.



                                PLS DONT LISTEN HIM AND FEED MY GAMES , TY.

                                Este comentário foi editado

                                  Ofc course hes not good

                                  If i have 7k games on tinker in 3k mmr , am i better than W33 who have 200 games with him?


                                    hes 7k


                                      and hes better than any pro at invoker


                                        ^ NOOOOOOOOOOOO RIP MY PUB GAMEEs 16 .november

                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                          Where is sumiya dotabuff link

                                          Palmen aus Plastik

                                            It doesnt matter what mmr he is. Those perfect combos and game sense pretty much show. He may not be a 7k player, but is most definitely a 10k invoker. Where I see him getting trashed is sadly in the lane against a higher mmr player. He is like s4. Not great lane mechanics, but makes up for it in the midgame, with his superb playmaking abilities. The guy has almost infinite kill potential with combos that should not be possible to land so accurately.


                                              Where I see him getting trashed is sadly in the lane against a higher mmr player.

                                              you already said it yourself
                                              he's trash and only looks good cuz he played in 5k bracket as a 7k player


                                                youre trash


                                                  3k players in this thread saying sumiya is trash :axe_laugh:

                                                  Palmen aus Plastik

                                                    no man, thats not what i said fauzan. dota is not just about laning. You cant just ignore the rest of my statements. He's way too good at the hero in every other aspect of the game. He's just at his weakest in lane. Which is still great. But I've seen some 7-8k players outlane him with heroes Invoker shouldnt lose to. Unlike most other people, I actually check his matches in entirety rather than just his youtube videos.

                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                      He knows the hero inside out. He's certainly one of the best invoker players.


                                                        One hero dotard like donger

                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                          why u say someone in trash? Its obvious he know the hero inside out

                                                          Justin Weaver

                                                            Almost 7k invo games with 70% win rate and 7 kda ratio, and the 2k guy in normal skill bracket is saying Sumiya is bad, people should learn how he lands those ice walls, and it's a pleasure to watch him switching strategy against different heroes in lane. He might not be the best invoker out there, but he is deifintely one of the best invos

                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                              He never played 7k mmr game in life while pros play all day

                                                              10 games in 7k mmr > 7000 games in 5k

                                                              And sumiya is not best invoker ywn is troling you all he want you to play tread voker in my games and make me lose mmr pls no


                                                                How did this turn into a sumiya discussion thread lol. I find being a good player and being a good invoker player 2 entirely different entity, with one being in macro gaming and the other being micro mechanics. There will always be room for debate regarding if he is overrated or not, but I have no questions for his mastery of the hero.

                                                                On topic.
                                                                The recent meta favours early skirmishes and rotations, and invoker isn't one of the strongest/sustainable laners out there. I feel treads gives you a safety net to neutrals and stats to survive or at least to wait out your defensive rotations. A midas, in comparison could delay your aghs by a while, and this could give a lot of momentum to your opponents, and also mentioned above with regards to change in lane mechanics.

                                                                Palmen aus Plastik

                                                                  sometimes i wonder whether this forum understands english...

                                                                  on topic - i remember people of this same forum laughing at the idea of skipping midas, and now it suddenly appeals to them because Sumiya does it. Fickle be thy name, dotabuff. I doubt if most people here even think for themselves.


                                                                    Why not build both PT and Midas?


                                                                      ^might delay core item by a minute or two, which can be punished severely if the opponents see it. They smoke gank just as you're 900 gold off... the gold you could've saved from treads

                                                                      Bill Cutting

                                                                        I don’t know if skipping Midas is good or not a better player will need to answer that.

                                                                        I just said I think sumiya does it when he can get a very fast aghs by skipping Midas and getting treads


                                                                          Why does it hurt to read this thread?

                                                                            Este comentário foi excluído



                                                                                90% of the games you wouldn't want to skip midas. The thing is players should analyze WHY some pros do it in certain situations.

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  everyone who says sumiya is a bad invoker is a fucking retard <- scientific fact


                                                                                    Should i skip midas on bad laning stages ?


                                                                                      Gg ywn brainwashed u all