General Discussion

General DiscussionTilt- what am i doing wrong?

Tilt- what am i doing wrong? in General Discussion
a10 hunter eye edging psl...

    i am tilt, is there some things i can work on based on what u see from my previous game?
    ive lost 500 mmr over 2 days
    i know my mmr is nothing special but i am trying to improve

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      you have such mmr, so that if we tell you what you need to improve it would be everything, but does it help?


        oi mate you need to improve everything

        chicken spook,,,,

          i am tilt

          Story Time

            u, motherfocker, need meditation

            a10 hunter eye edging psl...

              'everything' is a bit brief


                His majesty Tilt in person.

                one-man bukakke

                  yo, im in the same bracket. Wen ppl get closer to the top in his bracket they tend to stress a lot and if they dont win their first game on a day, it usually means playing tilted 2 or 3 gamed more that day. You will lose mmr.

                  Just calm down, chill and try to dont mind that much getting to 3k (I can tell you is the same bullshit as high 1k~high 2k) so dont make it a big deal and if you are good enough, eventually you will regain that lost mmr and climb further.

                  pd: try to pick roaming supports. Thise are specially good wen the ppl can be tilted that easy. So many ez wins wen you shit on their midlaner or safelane and they proceed to chainfeed because they are tilted and want those risky plays to get into the game again.


                    have you done the all hero challenge?
                    have you done it one more time to make sure you didn't just get a lucky win at the first run?
                    have you played every role in the game and know what the role is supposed to do?
                    are you sure that you are doing the right things necessary from the role you are playing the most?

                    the more you know about the game roles the more you will know how the people facing you think and thus patterns will create that will lead you to more victories

                    implying you don't lose the will to play the game


                      you lost 8 games in a row in the same day, if you lost one game that already tilted you, just take some time to relax or to understand what happened. Also you have some heroes with 60% win rate and others with <50%, try to focus on the former ones.


                        You see Light Yagami tilt alot that's why he lose to L.

                        a10 hunter eye edging psl...

                          thanks this is some good advice