General Discussion

General DiscussionBehavioral score means nothing

Behavioral score means nothing in General Discussion
Chaos Reaper

    I have a 2k BS and

    I am toxic player,

    still won my last 14 games mostly as support.


    Este tópico foi editado

      Whoah winning games with a hero you have already been spamming.
      behavior score losers officially btfo


        and when was BS something? 10k+ BS and bad day you get same as 1k BS. Also do you want to play with 5k mmr and 1k BS or 1kmmr and 5k BS? Whitch is best for you in team? BS is something like commends just to put your ego higher. 900commends on 1kmmr or 15commends on 4kmmr. Who is better? mmr and game skill(Normal, high or VH bracket) is only to see where are you and how good you are.

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          nice humblebrag attempt