General Discussion

General DiscussionCK MoM?

CK MoM? in General Discussion

    i think it's good

    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      The Terrorblade an Troll Warlord MoM build was a joke before, until pro player did it and prove that it was good situational.

      CK MoM is tasty.

      Pale Mannie

        it works when you got a 4 sec stun and your ult on cd i guess. also good for farming since he's shit at it

        Potato Marshal

          But the attack speed bonus won't benefit your phantasm illusions since you're silenced and can't even summon them.


            it's just in case you don't have ultimate or the team fight is small enough for you not to use ultimate

            Potato Marshal

              I guess I see the logic in it, since it means CK won't have to rely on his ult so much, and gives him a better means of farming. But I really dislike getting it on heroes with abilities with cooldowns lower than the MoM silence. And the attack speed won't be that great since you won't have many, if any levels in your crit in the early game.

              chicken spook,,,,

                Echo is better



                  Also, wondering why people have started building it on Void. And why they no longer max Q first.


                    guess MoM is in the situational item category


                      CK already basically 1shots everyone with his illusions + 2nd ability

                      why would you need mom, you'd ltierally lower your dps in a temafight because after you kill 1 guy, you can't kill another for a lot of time.

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        Also, wondering why people have started building it on Void. And why they no longer max Q first.

                        Chrono MoM gives good kill potential.
                        Increases farming speed.
                        Max Q was never the go to build.

                        Potato Marshal

                          ^I think he was asking why people went echo on Void. People have always went MoM first on Void back before time dilation replaced backtrack.


                            I'm pretty sure MOM void is really asking people to kill you


                              cookie as what i've said it's when your ultimate is on cooldown or it's only a small team fight


                                Yeah, that's true. But the problem is, it makes you really vulnerable and silenced on a hero you don't wanna be silenced on. Quite like Terrorblade. Metamorphosis and the Mask of Madness attack speed sounds insane on paper in fights and sieges, but you just can't afford to put yourself in that position because you need your spells for survival. I'm not saying I have a better alternative for what MOM gives you in the early game, but maybe you should be able to dispel the silence using Manta or BKB.

                                Este comentário foi editado
                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                  Metamorphosis and the Mask of Madness attack speed sounds insane on paper in fights and sieges, but you just can't afford to put yourself in that position because you need your spells for survival.

                                  Mask of Madness on TB had a correct time in using it. Never use it in a Chaotic Clash or else, your dead in a sec.

                                  I'm not a TB player (with only 8 games and my last TB hero was 5 months ago. Lol) and I tried that MoM and its good. It makes your farm insanely fast and melt some towers.

                                  I'm referring to this game btw.

                                  MoM is not the best item for TB. But it works.

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    I think Midas is better