General Discussion

General DiscussionMe Complaining

Me Complaining in General Discussion

    Glad I get placed with fucking stupid Drow's that are literally half my MMR.

    Refused to push with us, typed "lol" every time he died. tried to rat and got picked, refused to end the game and stood in enemy base AFK until they all re-spawned and died. An hour and eleven minutes of my day all for nothing, we could of won easy had he actually tried.


      complaining about ppl half your mmr when you're not even 6k. lol.
      also nice heart pudge bro


        I'm just mad that me and my team managed to drag out the game long enough for her to get farmed since she got ruined early and mid game, and she does nothing with it. The heart was a meme I had like 11k gold so I just bought it cuz I could, but it did help though lol.


          Me complaining about you complaining


            here's a list of things you could buy with 11k that coul help even more.

            force staff, pipe, Aghs, euls, glimmer, shivas, sheep stick

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              heart is an item bought by 1ks because they suck at the game and need to be tanky


                dont listen to these hater man. follow your heart!


                  i aint a hater. just a fellow 1k trying to helpo another 1k


                    Play pudge buy atos miss hook anyways report team.
                    Nah but I see where youre coming from

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                      ^ah yes i forgot about atos. also another very legit item instead of heart.

                      meteor hammer
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                          who are you ? 1600 mmr complaining about 800 mmr ? K.


                            I never claimed I was good at the game guys lmao I know I'm bad chill the fuck out.


                              Heart is good in some cases

                              meteor hammer

                                sorry dude i couldnt waste that sick burn though

                                100% WINRATE MASTER

                                  Nothing u can do since u are still in normal skill bracket. Go make a new account and calibrate


                                    chill the fuck out

                                    How about you do it yourself
                                    It's just a game
                                    Pls enjoy game


                                      heart is rarely what you'd buy on pudge if you had the money.
                                      you talking about the 0.1% of games that heart is good bws?


                                        forcestaff at least u can save that dumb ass drow who didnt get a pike.


                                          ^perma ban profile pic xD

                                          meteor hammer

                                            2/20 of top game


                                              so 10% of games? xd
                                              but if u realized they got heart only after they got all the other useful shit that i said u shd get if u had the money.


                                                In some cases you don't really need extra utility and the hp regen helps you with dragged out fights so it's not that bad I guess

                                                meteor hammer

                                                  but if u realized they got heart only after they got all the other useful shit that i said u shd get if u had the money.


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                                                    i duno man, if its just about making him unkillable there are better items that give utlity. its not like he just front lines everyfight


                                                      I'm just against the "heart is 1k item cuz they sloppy its bad item 100%" mentality as much as "hey guys i buy blink instead of sb im better than 1k"

                                                      meteor hammer

                                                        pudge already gets a ton of hp. u get way more efficiency building armor evasion or mres than more raw hp

                                                        however if you look at the enemy team in both games they lack sustained high physical damage imo. sven+mag in the second game but they're playing against void tinker and a million long range stuns. the first game is 3 magic damage cd heroes, then mk and weaver


                                                          instead of goin heart wouldnt shivas or other item be more helpful here. he gets armor that aoe is really good.
                                                          plus enemy line up has huge physical dmg dealer.

                                                          honestly forcestaff wont save a suicidal drow like that


                                                            but 1ks definitely favour heart on a lot of heroes because of their sloppiness. thats a fact.
                                                            similarly the reasons they get sb is also the wrong reason, even if the item itself is good.

                                                            meteor hammer

                                                              im not a pudge player, but i personally would definitely be buying halberd shiva sheep agh crest etc etc etc way before i even thought about heart.

                                                              i see it most often in the ultra lategame when a pudge has 5k-6k hp and heart is literally the only way he will ever be able to attend a push after a teamfight

                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                in general low skill players value tankiness and passives a little too much imo


                                                                  forcestaff can easily save drow from WK stun and follow-up lina stun

                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                    im not an expert but i imagine she was a-clicking down lanes and dying by herself, as 800 mmr players are wont to do

                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                      Low-MMR players really love getting hearts, because they don't know how too coordinate to burst someone down quickly , and they buy much fewer utility items to help chase down or lock down somebody, so they'll often be able to just walk away and regen a huge chunk of their health. Hearth is also pretty shit on Pudge if you have 0 armor items.

                                                                      Pudge's main purpose is to pull someone from the enemy team towards your team and kill them quickly to make the fight 5v4 before they even get a chance to react. I don't know how 1k players play Pudge where a heart rush is good, maybe they expect to just slowly chase someone down and rot them the death.