General Discussion

General Discussiondo ur teammates

do ur teammates in General Discussion

    incredible how being positive to the point of being obnoxious can win you games, been on a big upswing since stopped being toxic

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      incredible how being positive to the point of being obnoxious can win you games

      whenever i encounter ppl like that in my games i wana ruin tbh


        YEah, funny because i've had 3 games ruined in my last ~30 games and in all of those 3 games the game ruiner seemed mad at me (they got their lane stolen and i told them to chill and farm woods or sth


          why r u so mad?
          like just calm down.
          ur digging urself in a deeper hole, the more u flame people on this thread for no reason the more u validate them.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            I get them from enemies more often.


              @Jacked lol, how retarded can you be for realizing it after one day. it's clear I'm the same person from the way I write and destroy every senseless point that you make, you braindead piece of shit. Since when this "million people" know shit about critically analyzing a person and a situation when they can't even read what that person writes LMAO. "I am so fucking retarded omg, let me just spam "delusion" and "dunning krueger" 'cause honestly I have no idea what I'm talking about and everyone is using these terms, I don't even read replies but let me pretend I figured that person out". Aah, low IQ people and their lazy brains.

              @Road to Crippling Depression who's mad, sir? Like idk, do you think I reply to insults with blood in my eyes and red face? Haha not at all. I'm just controversial and I swear I can't stand idiots, and there's so many on this forum. But that's it. I'm not validating anything since I contested every nonsense bullshit they wrote with logic. Now if they find it convenient to focus on the fact that I curse a lot rather than the content of the replies, which shuts down everything they say, that's their problem. Who cares if dogs think certain things about me, since when do dogs even think :)
              "For no reason"btw? LOL try getting insulted for just expressing your opinion with your thread, after that get insults for every time you post replies on other threads, offenses coming from kids so frustrated and inferior it's ridiculous, and then come tell me "for no reason".

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                Ever heard of mute button. Saves lot of time, energy and resources. (I like muting screamers and people who tend to project, so satisfying feels almost like +48)

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                  Can't read his Long whiny ragey posts man. Something is off about the way he thinks for sure.


                    Hm hm, keep projecting






                          this benao guys or any other easily tilted player should doing streaming lul
                          we need another babyrage




                              how can u say ur not mad when all u do is insult everyone here.
                              ur even said urself u have a temper, which is why i asked why ur mad.

                              LOL try getting insulted for just expressing your opinion with your thread, after that get insults for every time you post replies on other threads, offenses coming from kids so frustrated and inferior it's ridiculous, and then come tell me "for no reason".

                              this is literally what ur doing

                              mr. rabbit

                                bws posted one on my profile smh, this guys a c*nt


                                  @Road to Crippling Depression dude I've been arguing with the same 2-3 people that insult me for every reply I leave, not everyone. I don't insult people for their own opinions, I insult them 'cause they offend me first. A lot of times I asked to have manners and that if they don't agree with what I say it's legit of course, see hidden pool or whatever topic, but why insult with personal attacks? This is what forums are for, to discuss about things, not project their own frustration, I'm not gonna accept it passively. Well I just have a temper, always been short-tempered by nature, there's no particular reason.

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    calling u a moron would surely be insulting if it wasnt so accurate, i mean u do have to be a literal moron to believe in hidden pool


                                      See lol, and I have to accept to get offended for everything I say by these clearly inferior dogs that can't even think with their own brain and use insults as a way to contest opinions? "Hidden pool doesn't exist, you're an idiot", that's how low IQ dumbshits discuss on FORUMS. No arguments, nothing, just random offenses. Don't make me open the discussion about hidden pool again, dumbshit. It was stated by a Volvo developer blah blah blah there are tons of replies about the topic, and this thread has nothing to do with that. Do you wanna argue? Add me on Steam and I'll be happy to make you sink and insult you 'till the end of times, DB is not the right place.

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        volvo dev was talking about shadowpool which exists(or at the very least existed at some point) and is an entirely different thing and has nothing to do with the moronic theory of hidden pool

                                        there is no evidence of it existing and no reasoning behind it exising, u jump on this "theory" because u are a terrible at critical thinking but ure also terrible at dota and need an external factor to put the blame on, thats all there is to it


                                          Volvo developer talked about 2 different things, the first one was hidden pool and the second one was shadow pool. There is no evidence in the sense that Volvo has never officially stated "guys, if you got trash connection, ruin games constantly or have no decent hands to get at least 50% winrate you need to know that we don't give a fuck, we're just gonna put you in a separate matchmaking pool", but that's exactly what the dev was referring to. This, plus my own experience added to the experiences other people have had that were similar to mine, gave enough room to at least consider it might actually exist. Never claimed I hold the truth of the world, but from my experience it's pretty obvious it exists, if you wanna disagree you have all the right to do it, but the only moronic thing I see here is you and your ways of "discussing". How the fuck is this not critical thinking, all I did since the first moment I found myself arguing with retards was bringing logical reasons and rational thinking. You and the other dogs that just like to spread frustration on this forum are the ones that use personal attacks 'cause you have 0 arguments. "You probably copied your insults from a streamer" LOL, nice critical thinking. "You're also terrible", says who, you? And why? Based on what? 0 arguments.


                                            i literally did not know u were the same person, and u still sounded like a fucking retard lol

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              your "experience" as well as "experience" of other hidden pool cultist is a result of a cognitive bias, critical thinking includes the ability to detect and filter those, u obviously don't

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                u also somehow try to tie together things that arent related at all which further confirms that ure terribleat critical thinking
                                                not even talking about ur "im getting personally attacked" mantra u paste in every post


                                                  yea bro, no point trying to convince delusional ppl. he'll just throw back the same shit at you. lol


                                                    Of course of course "you're a moron, hello retard, insults copied from a streamer, your opinion doesn't match mine so you're a retard", all examples of a critical and rational mind. Give me a fucking break dog. The hidden pool thing, being partially based on personal experiences is indeed not entirely objective, that's why I said you're free to disagree, but the dev statements can't be ignored.
                                                    I tie together things that aren't related 'cause you do. I take every bit of your post and reply to each thing.
                                                    @Edgy kid honestly you're one of the most hopeless people I've ever seen, it's not even worth it to reply. I swear I almost feel sad for you, I can't even get angry at your retardedness anymore.


                                                      no its because ppl have already provided u with simple explanations for the 'phenomnon' and u still try to come up with some irrelevant and far fetchd shit to protect your own ego. lol


                                                        and of course u are going to dismiss the tons of ppl who already try and tell u that you are retarded and ur way of thinking is retarded. because u wont listen. and then ur gonna say ppl are attacking u and not providing any critical analysis.

                                                        hopeless sad little person

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                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                          u cling to "copied from streamer" which was like 40 posts ago and has 0 relevance to the matter of hidden pool, then treat it as if it is a pivotal point of my entire argument or has anything to do with critical thinking(hint: it isn't supposed to). believe it or not i don't care if ur catchprases are copied or u came up with using them on ur own, it doesn't make my point more or less valid - u're a delusional moron and ur belief in hidden pool is another proof to that

                                                          i'm "free to disagree" that vanilla icecream tastes better than chocolate icecream or that yellow colour is nicer than blue.
                                                          in case of ur nimrod theory im free to say it has no ground beneath it whatsoever and that ure retarded for trying to claim otherwise

                                                          yea bro, no point trying to convince delusional ppl. he'll just throw back the same shit at you. lol

                                                          im not tryying to convince him i just got nothing better to do


                                                            *munches on popcorn


                                                              @Edgy kid "simple explainations" from a bunch of dogs that dare contradict what a Valve developer stated thinking they know more than him, WHOSE OPINION ON HIDDEN POOL IS BASED ON THEIR OWN EXPERIENCE, SO EQUALLY NOT OBJECTIVE, who even pretend they didn't see those statements and whose only way of discussing a topic is to offend the other person LOL. Oh god I'm so sorry to not agree with such enlightened minds. I-d-i-o-t-s. And of course I'm gonna dismiss the tons of dogs who already try and tell me that I'm retarded and that my way of thinking is retarded, since dogs have no ability to think and analyze things nor seeing things from other points of view and argue on things with manners. They need to bark insults to compensate the fact that they lack IQ. If you think these tons of people are right, you included, let me tell you, the best way to know an idea is wrong is seeing if it's shared among the majority of people. Dogs rely on the fact that "hey everyone thinks that way, so it must be right and I must adapt to it to feel normal" without even making an effort in truly analyzing the thing itself. Lazy, low IQ brains will always avoid reading what the other person says, 'cause that would mean dealing with another opinion, which leads to using energies to see if that person makes good points or not. And you all proved this thing so many times it's actually unbelievable. This is also a common thing in real life, especially in real life, it's what society is based on: the need of dogs to feel normal and that their opinion is shared by the majority. Why do you think trends exist? Why so many idiots spamming "dunning krueger" and "delusional" in the same period of time? That's why, sheeps. This is a zoo, not a forum with real, smart people. And you think I care about what a bunch of intellectually lazy idiots bark? Is that an attempt at making me feel alienated by all the "normal and civil" people on this forum? I. Don't. Care. Now I'm expecting you to deny the evident reality and call me a righteous retard. The truth is you have 0 arguments. If the majority of people has never experienced a thing it doesn't mean that thing doesn't exist, basic logic hopeless monkey.

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                                                                @ργυԊερ dog for real, are you done trying to manipulate the conversation in such obvious and retarded ways? You used personal attacks, threw that retarded assumption in the middle of your empty post just to make me look like a braindead kid that needs to copy insults from "celebrities". Then you claimed I have no critical thinking and ONLY THEN I mentioned that assumption again, as a reminder for you to maybe stop projecting YOUR lack of critical thinking and YOUR evident need of offending and saying nonsense things 'cause you have no arguments. AFTER THIS we started talking about hidden pool, dog. You're getting lost in your own senseless pile of shit. "u're a delusional moron and ur belief in hidden pool is another proof to that" why? WHY? WHY it can't exist? Did you provide any proof to that? Nah you didn't 'cause the only thing you can do is insulting like the worthless dumbshit you are. Why? What's the ultimate proof? Ah? Exactly, there's no ultimate proof, so the topic is still open to different opinions. "There's no proof to say that hidden pool exists, your own experience is subjective ('cause of course we have to keep ignoring the VALVE DEVELOPER STATEMENT that you CASUALLY stopped mentioning), now let me call you an idiot 'cause my opinion is different from yours, and my opinion is BASED ON MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE ONLY". You're a fucking disgrace to humanity for how brain-damaged you are. You insult me out of nowhere and I'm delusional lmao. Another sign of low IQ, not that there was the need of further evidence, is the total lack of awareness and the lack of ability to distinguish your own behavior from that of others. Stop pro-je-cting.

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  The truth is you have 0 arguments

                                                                  the burden of proof lies on somebody who suggests the theory, in this case u should provide any reasonable proofs of such thing existing before others will have to refute it. ur "experience" isn't a valid proof, you can only observe an extremely limited set of variables and u have no idea how matchmaking works from within

                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    im starting to doubt u know what critical thinking actually is or where it is applied

                                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                                      And you think I need to protect my ego on an internet forum about a small thing of an online game? Good lord you're really hopeless. Also, despite the fact that you disgust me for how frustrated and stupid you are I keep saying that your opinion is equally valid 'cause I never claimed I hold the truth lol. I came to this forum with the intention of sharing an opinion and experience, gathering other experiences and doing some research about the issue, 'cause I love this game and I noticed a change in one of its components, that is matchmaking. I don't need to prove dogs I'm right, but I can't stand dogs that bark too loudly.

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        i.e. "i just want to make any claims i want and u don't have the right to tell me theyre retarded because we don;t know 100% do we?"


                                                                          @ργυԊερ for sure, but when other people say they experienced the same thing the theory becomes slightly more valid. Not entirely of course, but slightly. If I say I saw an alien everyone is gonna ask me what drugs I'm on and treat me like I'm crazy. If more people say they had the same experience too and someone starts making some research finding, let's say, a statement from NASA saying that aliens actually do exist, the theory becomes even more valid. You're still free to not believe it, by all means, but why the fuck do you have to offend. Pages of posts and you still don't understand I hate the fact that you have to offend for no reason, I don't refuse or find your opinions retarded. And critical thinking is the actual opposite of using insults and 0 facts to contradict a person.


                                                                            No, that's not what I meant at all lol. Jesus christ, I said you're free to disagree on everything, people will always differ in opinions on a forum of course. It's about the manners, the constant personal offenses, don't expect me to accept them and be quiet. And it's also about the retarded assumptions based on literally nothing. That's how all started on this thread, me: "I had 21 pages of hate comments, surprisingly I noticed that ALL the people who left comments were the same people that intentionally ruined the games they mentioned". All of you, OUT OF NOWHERE, WITH 0 FACTS, 0 EVIDENCE, WHEN YOU WEREN'T EVEN IN THOSE GAMES: "No it can't be, 'cause.. err.. just no. You're delusional, you're retarded". Critical thinking, civil manners, smart way of discussing on a forum right there. I didn't mention you on purpose 'cause it was actually the first time I saw you comment on one of my posts, but those two retards who did the same thing and insulted for no reason had already done such things. In fact my reply was for them, to underline how braindead they are.

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              theres a fringe possibility(like .00001%) that all of the hate comments are really just people getting mad at you precisely after runing the game and u're more or less innocent, because yes there is a small possibility that a ruiner will get mad at u and leave a comment on ur wall, and if those small possibilities stack up to 21 pages of comments,well what do you know u're just a really unlicky person

                                                                              theres also a non-fringe possibility of ur behavor and 21 pages of hate being corellated and that ure actually just so unbearable people would take their time ruin the game and tell u precisely what they think about u on ur steam profile - common sense tells people its highly imporbably for people to just have tons of negative comments while being normal players

                                                                              of course i dont know FOR SURE that ure not that mega-unlucky guy so i guess i cant draw any conclusions!


                                                                                I can say the Earth is flat, its still my opinion but I'm still a delusional dipshit

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  anyway regarding the "statement of the developer" - the "Players who repeatedly engage in activities significantly harmful to the community" is a vague category and is probably closer to the actual griefers, because for just jerks and occasional feeders/ruienrs/whatever there already is a sparate matchmaking pool and it's called lpq. moreover, the dev was talking about plaer being put there for a set period of time(2 months), hidden pool is percieved as something that is permament as stangely noone who claims they're there had any success getting out!
                                                                                  moreover, the post is 3 years old and there was a lot of attempts at changing the way mm works(u probably recall the "rate ur game/ally" that visibly didn't do shit, and the behaviour score that was the start of all those hidden pool talks is a relatively recent parameter(or at least it was made visible relatively recently)


                                                                                    That's not about being unlucky, I even said it must be part of a specific personality disorder this kind of people have, to "go back where you ruined eveything and project your shit on someone else that for sure is gonna cover you in insults", I said I found it sociologically interesting too and I really meant it. I also said I had the impression I was being mistaken for their psychiatrist or something. It wasn't a common and standard situation. What reason do I have to lie on an online forum? I'm not a liar even in real life. What interest would I have in manipulating this thing, "buhu people insult me but I swear I'm a good girl"? Do you really think I need that? Dude, let's be real. If you had said it that way I would have considered your point ages ago, I actually don't know why I'm always in the middle of improbable and unclear situations now that I think about it, but that's what happened. I understand the suspects tho. See, civil manners and everything is alright.


                                                                                      @Road to Crippling Depression

                                                                                      You don't have to tell me, tell that Valve developer. He's the delusional dipshit that thinks "the Earth is flat". I had the suspect it was flat, I mean why am I not upside down when I go to Australia? Hmm. But yeah, blame him for being the scientist that made that statement, and we all know scientists for sure have more knowledge than us on that matter. Got my point?
                                                                                      Jokes aside, your example doesn't fit 'cause it hasn't been proven nor stated by developers or our lord and saviour Gabe that hidden pool doesn't exist. That guy, that is not a common 2k derp, said separate matchmaking pools do exist. His reply is 3 years old but it was repeated on a more recent thread, much more recent. And it's true, they changed the matchmaking system in some ways, but it's at least likely that it exists.

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                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        if it was an issue with them nearly everybody would have 21 pages of insults on their steam profile but somehow only YOU(and some others, all people i know who do are completely unbearable in-game btw) do
                                                                                        i also have people comment on my profile occasionally, sometimes they also happen to be the ones who broke their items or started feeding cours and if im in the mood i too respond to them

                                                                                        still with half the amount of games u played i have barely 2 pages of that shit if u subtract all the meming and tomfoolery on my wall

                                                                                        might have something to do with me not acting a rabid dog ingame and not setting "my teammates are complete reatds"-eque nicknames but probably just pure luck! :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


                                                                                          @ργυԊερ that wasn't the only statement he made. He specifically said "we are trying to improve the matchmaking system by matching people who ruin games with other people who ruin games, flamers with flamers, people who dodge games with people who dodge games", he also made a differentiation (I don't even think this term exists in english) between hidden pool and shadow pool (shadow pool is for people who dodge games, consisting in long ass period of search before finding a game, with often the search stopping at 9/10 and then starting over again). If this wasn't enough in the statement you mentioned he said "these X players are put into a SEPARATE MATCHMAKING POOL" for two months (flamers, ruiners, leavers) and until they keep running multiple instances, for people who use sandboxie and things like that. Like I said above I know the post is 3 years old but there are others more recent. This is enough to at least put its existence into discussion. From this point, I experienced hell in matchmaking and I say it exists, you probably didn't so you claim it doesn't. It's all legit.

                                                                                          Btw it looks like an endless torture because getting out isn't technically impossible, but it's practically extremely hard. Imagine being already short-tempered, trying your best to improve and be nice but all games are full of ragers, trolls and leavers. You just go crazy and your behavior worsens instead of getting better. There are exeptions I'm happy for tho, like OP. Same thing for leavers, I mention these 2 cases 'cause they apply to me directly and I know something about it, I got so many abandons due to poor connection that getting out was basically impossible for me. Having poor connection is even worse than having a temper 'cause you can't even attemp at bettering it.

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                                                                                            @ργυԊερ I didn't act like a rabid dog in fact lol, otherwise I wouldn't even get surprised at those comments, I said they'd be legit. The difference between me and you is probably that after someone ruins your game you just inform them they're gonna get reported, or call them idiots and move on or directly mute them. What I do is nonstop flaming, this is when my temper kicks in, and I mentioned it, I said I like flaming retards that give me a valid reason to insult them. So what they do, they try to obtain some sort of revenge for what I tell them (that is almost always the truth, I mean who joins games with the only purpose to ruin if not frustrated, mentally sick idiots) by projecting literally all the things they did in game and claim I did them. Sometimes they would repeat the same insults I made towards them, letter by letter, but direct them at me. Half of the comments were my replies to them, but still, 10 pages of absurd statements from not only toxic, but totally sick people. They basically can't deal with the consequences of what they do and wanna punish you, but in a childish and stupid way. That's why I mentioned my experience, it was so weird and couldn't be just a casualty. If they were legit comments from people I had flamed for no reason I wouldn't have even posted on this thread probably, especially 'cause I deleted them. Would have been something like "yea I'm a flamer, so?", no point for me. It would be like posting an average game where nothing special or peculiar happened and ask people to analyze it. You'd think, what's the point? That's how I see it at least.

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                                                                                              with good attitude u cant lose even if u try



                                                                                                this benao guys or any other easily tilted player should doing streaming lul
                                                                                                we need another babyrage

                                                                                                my internets kinda garbage
                                                                                                gotta wait for september


                                                                                                  Fuckin unreadable walls of text but I don't need to read a single thing as soon as I see u quoting valve again as that has been your central point which I have refuted many times.

                                                                                                  I think the main point of contention is not the existence of hidden pool. Believe it or not that shit doesn't even matter. You could have toxic shits in your game for all anyone cares. Everyone gets those. But if matchmaking works correctly u get toxic shits in the other team as well. So in Essence, your losses are entirely on your inability to play this game and not hidden pool.

                                                                                                  But then you are claiming that valve puts toxic players only in your team and match you against angels which is entirely proposterous and we can go into detail At length if you'd like.


                                                                                                    Look at him searching for every reply I leave just to contest it, so cuuuuute. Oh and thanks for mentioning me out of nowhere in the thread about 4ks, where you even said you checked my stats from the last 3 months just to find another excuse to spread your delusion. You're not creepy and hopeless at all edgy kid, keep entertaining me like the worthless clown you are :)

                                                                                                    Btw, "which I have refuted many times". Excuse me, who the fuck are you again? Ah right, my personal clown who thinks he holds the truth on this Earth and is able to find the courage to contest even a statement from a Valve developer, but little does he know that clowns are only capable of making people laugh :)


                                                                                                      ^english please