General Discussion

General Discussionhow do u analyze replays?

how do u analyze replays? in General Discussion

    i really want to improve at the game. can someone give me tips on how to analyze replays like what should i be looking at and do i need to take notes?

    basically how do i analyze my replays effectively without wasting time


      i've already explained this a couple of posts back, analyzing your own replays is useless, your overall thought process during that game VS after that game won't change even a bit

      all you'll end up doing is finding a way to not mess up doing something stupid that you shouldn't be doing in the first place.

      for example: it's like players who play LC jungle, if they were to analyse and say ''oh i missed 2 camps i could've had my blink at 9 minutes instead of 13, that way i could've gotten those ganks in the offlane and snowballed''

      but that's what you'll end up doing, you fix your mistake, but you never noticed that you PLAYED LC JUNGLE, sure you could've gotten your blink earlier, but you're still doing something retarded.

      anyways, i've explained my method in another post, someone find and link it.

      you want to analyse high mmr replays, and predict what's gonna happen ahead of time, because if you can predict that person's actions then you know your idea about the game is same as his.

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