General Discussion

General Discussionhow to play PA in 2017

how to play PA in 2017 in General Discussion

    when to pick?
    what lane?
    how to itemize?
    can i spam her in solo queue?
    why not battlefury? (has slightly better winrate than deso with after 360k matches this week)
    why desolator?
    is vanguard an okay alternative to battlefury that builds from ring of health since you get it for sustainability in lane, later to build into abyssal, do you even need sustainability in lane?
    why not buy manta every game?

    Riguma Borusu

      4th or 5th pick if the enemy is low on nukes and disables but also susceptible to physical damage, depends on right clicking a lot, etc

      Yung Beethoven

        When: When the enemy team has a lot of low armor, low life heroes / heroes that really dont want anyone to come near (sniper) / teams with not much disable
        Lane: Mostly safelane, but sometimes aggro trilane.
        Items: get deso first, after that it depends. BKB, Vanguard, Sange & Yasha, Linkens are all solid choices
        Spam: no you cant, she depends on your and the enemy team.
        Why not Battlefury: Because she isnt farming creeps, but heroes. Most of the time you are facing an enemy carry which can better flash farm than you can. This is why you want to come as early as possible online which as much power as possible.
        Why desolator: see above.

        How is vanguard an alternative to battlefury? those items have completly diffrent functions.

        Question to you: WHY should you buy manta?


          well to me vanguard was always an early game alternetive to battlefury when i played antimage or other battlefury buyers, because you buy ring of health after power treads either way for sustainability in lane, but if your lane isn't going well finish the ring into vanguard for making sure you will be harder to kill and thus farm easier in lane as well as fight if needed. the ring later can be upgraded to abyssal so you aren't really wasting your money on it so you are just postponing battlefury and switching your farm ensuring item to a cheaper and less effective one in the worst case scenario. since vanguard now works on illusions it works well on antimage or pa. i've seen black^ and eternalfeed use it in pubs as well when having a hard lane.

          i think manta is a good item cause you dispell stuff like sillence or pounce so you counteract your late game weakness by getting manta as well as some items like linkeln or bkb. manta works well with skadi or AC which are both great items for pa since both utilize well with illusions, one giving stats and other aura. the armor reduction works well with your high crit percentage too.

          the second part is mostly theory craft with a little amount of testing done but i tend to think it's useful after seeing more than 70% winrate on it after numerous games in pubs by other people on average.

          Yung Beethoven

            I see. U used the word alternative incorrectly. I thought you mean that you would skip battlefury for a vanguard.

            But what you actually mean is that you rather delay your battlefury and get some sustainability via vanguard, which is a thing you can do. As you already mentioned: the vanguard isnt "wasted money" but it still delays your battlefury. But sometimes there is no other way, so i would recommend it, if you are really facing a hard lane.

            And to manta: Great, you really did think that trough (no sarcasm). But there is one problem in it. You can get the same effect with a BKB. Manta is mostly bought to dispell stuff or to push (you get it to push only on heroes with high stats items (morphling)). So: if you are facing a game with a lot of slows, silences etc. you can get a manta after a bkb. But most of the time its wasted money imo.

            I wouldnt buy skadi on pa, you just dont get any dmg and you really dont need the slow. AC is a good idea, but still is not good on a hero which already has high armor (like almost every Agi Hero).


              by midas coz it ensures you some level of farm if you cant gank or if the ganks go sour for you.
              early deso to smash enemies mouths basher into bkb to end thats how you pa lol

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                Usually there building is vlads-deso-bkb/bashe
                Manta is decent on her

                Please no bf, just dont, it doesn't worth it...

                Este comentário foi editado

                  so i took your advice itemization wise and gameplay wise and it resulted in 15-0 one sided match damage wise with a 24 minute game

                  casual gamer

                    mid deso satanic pick against low stun teams

                    satanic is the hybrid item pa always wanted. 50 damage and 500 hp, +25% lifesteal and the active

                    if u crit during rage you have full hp. if you dagger a creep you get half ur hp back. unless they have bloodthorn the chance of the bursting you down in their stuns is 0 unless they have swm+ember or similar high magic teams, where u get bkb before satanic

                    if you pick her in good games and actually have non-awful farm there is very little chance of not raping all game and winning easily, usually before they have truestrike

                    casual gamer

                      u get deso because its a huge damage amp against low armor heroes which is ur main target.

                      for hp regen i get bottle but vg pa is really good, although i did that before i could buy satanic

                      all role player

                        deso is overrated item for pa. armlet > > > desolator
                        > see my profile
                        > have 25%wr as pa
                        seriously if u buy van-deso just buy armlet
                        u need early basher and crit lv2 or 3 as pa to gank
                        "you dont need defensive item if your enemy cant hit you" *taphead

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                        Shikanoko Noko

                          When can you pick pa? When you think youre luck enought to get crit everytime you ganking


                            Pa offlane is the best right now, get your 30 mins midas/ deso and the game will end a few mins later.


                              Refresher, hex, bkb, supper basher, satanic super late game. Try it its fun.
                              2x everything and garantied 10sec bkb

                              Este comentário foi editado

                                There was a time where PA was best in mid, but the nerfs to her dagger pushes her out of there. PA at the moment can be played in safelane or offlane, but most likely with some supports because her early game is nowhere as good as it once was.

                                Vlad is no longer core since the introduction of the Lifeteal talent. A Perseverance and this talent replace Vlad. With this in mind, buy Battlefury. The Ring of Health is very good in keeping you in lane, as PA's laning has been weakened. In easy lane, you will have Battlefury and Desolator at minute 17 and in normal lane, you will get these at minute 20. Be on guard for teamfights and ganks that you can participate while you are farming. PA has a lot of mobility and can fight early on unlike Anti-Mage.

                                Late game, it's any item. The most popular is Basher into Abyssal Blade, but just any damage carry item would do.

                                Este comentário foi editado

                                  Where's benao


                                    PA has a lot of mobility and can fight early on unlike Anti-Mage.

                                    buy Battlefury.

                                    Self contradiction


                                      I completely forgot about satanic since deso isnt a UAM anymore, maybe something like phase raindrops aquila deso sata will work

                                      Story Time

                                        is it always phase boots, guys? Treads sometimes are not so bad too if no need to chase hard


                                          PA needs raw damage, not stats


                                            the phase movespeed is too valuable though


                                              usually pa builds aquilla or perseverance, so mana regen isnt much of a problem, thats why phase is better

                                              Fee Too Pee


                                                Phase > depends pick one (vanguard , wand , bottle , aquila) , deso > bkb > abysal

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  I think casual morbid mask into satanic is better than vlads now that it stacks with deso because PA builds +dmg items not +agility items so she doesn't get that much use out of the +dmg% aura on vlads. The mana regen is nice, but you can just go aquila. I think mid PA is really good actually, start with a poor man shield and enemy mids have a hard time harassing you, and once you hit 5 you have rank 3 dagger and can really push them out.

                                                  Items I like to start pms, blight stone for harassing in lane, then get phase, aquila, casual morbid mask, deso or other way around deso, morbid mask. Then if you need bkb for the match would be the time to buy it, otherwise if you need lockdown get basher, need defense vs right clickers get vanguard, otherwise I'd go for satanic upgrade. It's pretty good damage and lots of lifesteal. PA doesn't usually get full slotted as you want to end the game before then. You should realistically be ending the game around 30-35 minutes with just deso, bkb, basher in most matches.

                                                  Story Time

                                                    is not venom orb good for harassing? It gives like 15 damage from your dagger extra, 1 minute=9 daggers=135 damage extra

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      15 damage isn't much, PA doesn't really have a slot for it and already needs cheap early items like blightstone. The slow seems more valuable than the dmg.