General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the maximum MMR you can calibrate?

What is the maximum MMR you can calibrate? in General Discussion

    Normal MMR and international MMR .

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      What is the purpose of living...


        3.5k mmr you cant have VHS from calibrating anymore, all those smurfs gave me aids.


          There is no purpose, atleast in my opinion. We question our existence, always trying to find a reason why are we here? what is meaning of all of this? And reason for that is that we are conscious beings. We have to ask it but we will never find the answer, no matter how much we progress as creatures.

          What was before big bang? We dont know. We cannot know. There was nothing and there wasnt nothing. Nothing cannot be something niether something cannot be nothing.

          After you die you will same thing you saw before you were born and that is.... Yes, nothing. Not nothing as we imagine it, literally nothing.


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              1 0 0 0 0 M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S