General Discussion

General DiscussionLately i keep getting LC offlane more than Axe offlane. what happened

Lately i keep getting LC offlane more than Axe offlane. what happened in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    Waow , thats pretty good
    Now , if only people realized axe can still farm fast offlane with offlane camps even though zoned


    LC offlane feels like poorman offlane axe tbh

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      but she push away faster than axe later in the game


        lc has better single target lockdown and is much less reliant on blink
        thing is if u cuck axe enough early to delay his blink he is severely crippled.


          also lc has PTA


            LC + Agh's buff is way too legit. Also, harder to kite a LC than Axe.


              shes not poor mans axe.... each one serves a different purpose.... axe is for dominating a weak safelane to the point were he can cut the lane get blink and win the game.....he provides initiation in an AOE and is almost unkillable if snowballs hard enough
              she deals with harder lane better than axe and can snowball to be the damage dealer on ur team not just the initiator....her pressure on enemy supports is way higher than that of axe... also at lvl 25 u get zero cooldown on your w so she actually makes sieging that much easier for your hard carry unlike axe who cant siege high ground for shit except maybe give his team pipe and crimson guard buffs


                Come on LC scales way better than axe. How can you even call her poor man axe. Ivent played that hero much but still she is really good offline and has push disable


                  Axe scales well cuz blademail scales.


                    Honestly, I think LC is the better offlaner. Even if you're up against a strong Trilane, LC is more likely to get something out of the lane, due to PTA and her nuke, Overwhelming odds. This means she's harder to kill, and harder to zone out. Axe has no escapes or dispels, he's easier to deal with.


                      im surprised no one mentioned lcs 2nd but its ok


                        it was mentioned three times dude lol

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                          LC is more stable, but axe is better at dominating certain lanes
                          axe loses harder but also wins harder
                          axe also has more uptime, he can initiate and reinitiate very often


                            as 1k that's how i see it, use LC to deal with squishy ranged safelaners, use axe so you can easy dominate melee safelaners as simple as that at least for me :3


                              I think comparing Axe and LC is nonsense since LC item builds are mostly on the hitters side like the Mjolnir, SE, Deso, AC idk Abbysal while Axe item builds are mostly for tanking and utility like Crimson, Pipe, Shivas Guard, Solar Crest, HoT so these 2 heroes are completely different and I am strongly disagreeing about LC being poor-mans AXE.


                                axe is weaker in offlane

                                only thrives against these super weak safelanes like solo slark or some shit.

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