General Discussion

General DiscussionMETA in the past

META in the past in General Discussion

    Hello. I wanted to ask really old dogs to make a list of old META picks with patch number. New people which started at 7.00 may not know the cancer of Invoker and OD in 6.86 (was it this one? :D). I think i started playing doto again somewhere at 6.85, this was probably SF and QoP patch. Anyway would like to hear how it was before so we can gather small chronological list.

    doc joferlyn simp

      You've been playing since '12 you're an old dog yourself


        6.83 Sniper *shivers*
        6.80/81 Lycan *PTSD kicks in*


          6.83 sniper troll
          6.84 lesh storm
          6.85 dont rly remember
          6.86 invoker od
          6.87 invoker still cancerous asshole alch bristle were also annoying but not that much
          6.88 game was fairly balanced


            6.88 SD LUNA PTSD


              6.86 bounty was cancer for me
              started playing dota, limited heroes and nobody knew about detection :D


                best patch was 6.74

                doc joferlyn simp

                  Best patch was 4.20 by far

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    6.83 sniper troll
                    6.84 lina lesh storm sf
                    6.85 doom NP ench
                    6.86 invo DP OD ebola
                    6.87 str heroes
                    6.88 balanced
                    6.89 balanced
                    6.90 balanced
                    6.91 balanced
                    6.92 balanced
                    6.93 balanced
                    6.94 balanced
                    6.95 balanced
                    6.96 balanced
                    6.97 balanced
                    6.98 balanced
                    6.99 balanced
                    7.00-7.04 deathball


                      No one know the underdog alchemist in the whole time. Been wrecking scrubs with him since 6.87


                        @nibba brick: i am semi old dog but latest meta i remember is that leshrack one from 6.84, heard of sniper troll but there was a lot of metas before even from dota 1. Thats also interesting part. Like when magic ember arrived some said its like dagon ember from 2009 or something.

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                          I still have a hatred for troll from sniper troll patch .By End of patch I ended up resorting to picking sniper to counter the trolls .

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            To fight cancer, you must become the cancer rofl

                            Dire Wolf

                              was sniper troll 6.83? that long ago? I do remember though, I spammed troll a lot. There was a juggenaut meta too, actually looking at the change logs it was 6.83 too. He just out of no where got +6 base agility and they buffed his level 1 crit to 20%. He was insane level 1 for a while, people would jungle him cus he had so much agility.

                              There was a bloodseeker meta for a bit too I think right after his rework before they nerfed thirst quite a bit.

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                Illusion hero meta at 6.88 is all I can remember about Dota being unsatisfying


                                  Death warding Riki was unsatisfying.


                                    chen enchantress meta way back 2011 cant remember what patch it is

                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                      6.52 Riki, Kotl

                                      6.57 DP, Necro, Und, Rhasta

                                      6.60 or 6.64 Morph

                                      Unfortunately I cannot recall more. But these are embedded in my memory.

                                      Doom, Morph and AM were always considered good by Chinese.

                                      I'll dig up some archives I have to give more info.


                                        TI5 wasnt all about razor void and sky?


                                          TI5 VOID, TI4 NAGA , TI6 MIRANA

                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                          Fee Too Pee

                                            SPECTRE ,OD ,BOUNTY HUNTER PTSD 6.86

                                            OD CAN ULTRA KILL WITH POWER TREADS


                                            Pale Mannie

                                              TI5 wasnt all about razor void and sky?

                                              this was TI4 and their deathball shit they did like in 7.00-7.04


                                                Balanced my ass. This game has never been balanced. And SF has never been OP. If you had the skills you could manage but it wouldn't secure you wins like trash troll, tinker or storm or invoker or those other really OP shits.



                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    get shit on in lane
                                                    go to jungle and farm 99x stacks
                                                    come out with 2 times the nw of opposing midlaner and go 5 man

                                                    very skilled!


                                                      TI6 was Void and Mirana, Void was definitely not picked up in TI5. Pros only started picking him up after his rework. TI5 was like SF, QOP, Storm meta.


                                                        Ayy but who the fuck remembers when WW ult was *literally* OP.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          I thought we were talking about pubs not pros though. Like sniper troll and bloodseeker were never pro pickups but they were ubiquitous in pubs for a few patches.


                                                            i heard there was a time where phantomlancer was almost an insta win


                                                              ^this was when he had 4.2 agi gain no Kappa
                                                              I joined 6.86 when OD became aids and so did invoker, DP, even sven was very strong but not cancerous.


                                                                pl wasn't almost an insta win at that moment, sd was.

                                                                literally having your 0 networth support being more usefull than the 50k networth opponent carry.

                                                                Since the day i started, only 2 meta (and not "hero meta") were cancerous as fuck (three if you are only a carry player, but that 3rd one was still kind of ok for me)

                                                                1) 6.61? somewhere there, literally play hood vanguard on everyone, full heal strat on both side (not dota2)
                                                                2) somewhere near ti4, with that 10 min deathball strat, with the only playable hero being all anti fun hero

                                                                (and so mb 3) with the ti5 era, with all carry but gyro/sf being totally unplayable

                                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                                  you forgot the troll sniper meta where everyone bought mom sny skadi


                                                                    but i agree, i dont think that first pick heroes are that broken as they used to be, dota seems more and more balanced overall
                                                                    the problem is that the patches are changed way too fast


                                                                      before dota 2 even existed heroes with CC are cancerous especially es and sk