General Discussion

General Discussionhotd on clinkz

hotd on clinkz in General Discussion

    Guys, what do u think about hotd on clinkz this patch?

    Right now it is possible to dominate and eat creep everytime ult is up. also ulti received some buffs to 9% and 90% dmg and hp. Eating standard creep (1.1k hp) gives 99 dmg and 990 hp while dominated creep 1.4k hp gives 1260 hp and 126 dmg. That means 2k item hotd, besides normal stats also gives + 270hp and 27 dmg when ult is up (76% uptime).

    Imagine scenario: dominate ogre frostmage -> w8 untill cd on hotd is up -> give urself buff +8 armor -> eat ogre -> dominate wolf (36% dmg aplification). With it you are beast that can tank everything and hits like a truck.

    I played some games with it on 3k and it looked pretty cool imo. Managed to push hg and rax on 20-24minutes into game with only hotd deso and medalion (i play mostly offlane clinkz)

    feel free to share your thoughts, would it work on higher mmr?

    Riguma Borusu

      This actually sounds legit as fuck, but I wonder how you time it, that is, when you actually get it.

      And dominator actually gives you HP regen to use your soul ring freely too, as well as a potential way to cancel TPs for tanky targets (by using a centaur creep).


        not a bad idea, but I think that its situational
        a lot of the time u just need a fast deso and the dmg u effectively get from HotD doesn't matter too much


          may be instead of soul ring so you don't delay you desolator but the idea seems OP on paper

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              Purge creep pogchamp


                wait... so people buy soul ring for clinkz? I only need 50 gold clarity for the mana satisfaction


                  ^i believe the now buy solar crest instead for the sustain

                  Savvy Cat

                    Solar Crest seems op on him the way it is now. He can completely forgo MKB and Bloodthorn to take down evasion items and heroes while becoming a tank on his own. Treads switch is a lot of mana and ult is so far apart he has ample time to regenerate lost mana from that to nullify Soul Ring. Honestly, this hero is such a stomp tier, its sickening.


                      thread switch and solar crest can sustain the mana for clarity is just an extra item in case your mana got depleted below 10% and soul ring is a waste of 800 gold


                        soul ring used to be crazy good with the old ulti

                        now its a bit worse
                        i think still good though (better than solar or orchid or anything else if you look just at mana)

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Sounds kinda legit
                          But then again what kind of retard would just walk around and think "oh theres a 1k hp wolf wandering around i wonder who own it" and die multiple times in a row to the same shit

                          Savvy Cat

                            Isn't the point of having HotD to eat your own creep? Like use Ice Armor, then eat it because it gained more hp than the typical Neutral had?


                              well you dont want downtime on the hotd. after eating a creep you will want to get a new one asap. but instead of making it follow you when you go gank, why dont you push a lane with a wildwing or attach a satyr/wolf to your teammates who are jungling? its a pretty good idea imo


                                This guy has my irl name....

                                Mad Respect bro

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                                  ^ thanks,

                                  btw dmg gained from ult is considered as base dmg and gets aplified by alpha wolf too. at lvl 18 with hotd, deso and 30% dmg aura on ult clinkz got smth like 240 + 140 dmg and 2.8k hp

                                  there's few games i played this build;

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                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I did this once a long time ago before the helm and ult changes and it was good then, probably better now.


                                      "thread switch and solar crest can sustain the mana for clarity is just an extra item in case your mana got depleted below 10% and soul ring is a waste of 800 gold"

                                      Solar crest is almost 3k gold so I don't think you should should just wait on that to have mana regen. Also I think you're probably slowing down everything you do if don't have a consistent source of mana. Clinks has a very small mana pool


                                        first off the components of the item is trash on clinkz
                                        clinkz is a slow farmer right now because of the ulti cd changes u used to be a hard camp eating beast and thats speeds up your farm but now you have to play with an ulti with downtime and can no longer farm hard camps w/o expending a lot of time/mana. You should do something when u have your ulti up. because of that i think clinkz is more of a 5 man hero now imo and solar crest is very good first pickup item on him after aquila treads soul ring. the buffs on clinkz is ice frog compensating because he destroyed yet another hero its like with ld being dead because of 2nd downtime.
                                        hope this helps


                                          yeah i played this way before they nerfed hotd. i dont play clinkz too much but back than it was a strong item because of the +6 or +8 stats and the possibility to eat a amplified creep as mentioned by op. definately worth it back than, and i think its still very good after hotd nerf.


                                            i think it will be better with satanic due to the lifesteal