General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre Skill Build

Spectre Skill Build in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    I'm looking to stray away from the usual Max Dagger - Value point Dispersion - Max Desolate build.

    When is it good to max Dispersion after Dagger instead of Desolate?

    When is it good not max Dagger first?

    When is it good to get a little bit of both?

    Goblin slayer

      If you are in a solo lane, you can max dispersion to get the value of dispersion's tankiness paired with poorman shield.


        u should max dagger. its what tortelini recommends.

        Goblin slayer

          You won't max dagger if you are in a free farming lane (like literally the enemy offlaner is just jungling)


            Eh, i dont actually know how his passive works. why would u max the passive in farming lane?
            i like using dagger to farm.


              You get a lot more damage out of your first ulti if you max Desolate first.
              Dispersion level 1 gives you 10% more HP, which is solid, but each level after that gives you 4%. That ends up being like 25 more total HP early in the game. It gets better as the game goes on, but I don't think 4% is going to help you lane, and the damage you return gets splashed onto creeps, pushing your lane. Ideally you can max Dagger and Desolate first so you can contribute and get in fights.

              "You won't max dagger if you are in a free farming lane (like literally the enemy offlaner is just jungling)"
              I think in that situation you might not even get Dispersion at all.

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                Maxing desolate cud have some merit tho it sounds a bit situational but maxing dispersion is just bad cuz it gives extremely little value in the early game

                chicken spook,,,,

                  Dagger is just way better for farming and killing heroes in the early game
                  Camp to camp mobility? Pretend that you can clear camps like a goddamn sven for one milisecond? Hello?
                  The only variation I can see with spectre's build is 4401 which is honestly sounds dumb or 0100 at lvl 1 when you're on a free lane

                  Potato Marshal

                    Dispersion scales horribly in the early game, you only reflect 4% each level, and the full amount only gets reflected if the enemy is within 300 units of you.

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                    Fox McCloud

                      From what i see in the recent dbuff guides, you max dagger ALWAYS. Makes sense.

                      However, there's this one interesting build of replacing Urn with Aquila and maxing Dispersion after max Dagger and a point in Desolate. What do u guys think?

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        Aquila seems like a decent replacement if your team lacks structure hitting steroid or when you're behind that you can't get urn charges from pickoff, or when someone else already got urn

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          I can't think of any situation where maxing dispersion 2nd would be useful tbh

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                              I think maxing dispersion 2nd comes in when your opp has alot of burst (preferably magical burst), which in that case you can go for max dispersion -> raindrops -> hood which makes you frustratingly tanky in fights. Other than just looking at dispersion as a damage skill, it's good to also see it as a way to increase your survivability in a fight, as against nukers they pretty much don't have much to offer after the initial wave of burst, and going for this build allows u to survive that initial burst and get more attacks in afterwards.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Never max dispersion unless you are literally jungling. If you were to afk jungle spec then 0/4/4 would be better than dagger. But you'd be a retard for afk jungling on spectre.

                                Not maxing dagger forces you to go phase boots which is ok I guess, but you will be way too slow chasing for kills off ult with treads and not a maxed dagger.

                                Max deso can be quite good depending.

                                Este comentário foi editado

                                  I think its not a good idea to max dispersion after you finish maxing desolate first because you are gonna have a hard time chasing heroes when the time comes that you will use your ult to join fights and also you don't have to worry about sustains if you bought Urn of Shadows and just rack up charges.

                                  Also dispersion shines the most in late game not in early game.


                                    I'm pretty sure spec always goes phase in the urn build


                                      whatever build you make, don't start your game without healing and restore items.

                                      Story Time

                                        about the items, pls confirm that specter that goes radiance as first item is autistic

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          As first big item? No (slip in treads/phase pms urn and maybe stick/raindrop/aquila)
                                          First item? Yes


                                            max desolate first
                                            get oov if you need the extra slow