General Discussion

General Discussionpoor man's crystal maiden????

poor man's crystal maiden???? in General Discussion

    Who do you guys think will replace cm after the inevitable nerfs next patch..... I kinda want to increase my support hero pool..... also any general tips on supporting will be of great help...... im gonna play ranked soon and I want to reach 3-4k by playing only supports



      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        Not sure. The nerf might not even be that brutal or direct, but CM is top ba3 right now.

        Arcana + many immortals = balanced usually

        They might nerf E or make it an active global with decent active and cooldown time.
        And obviously Frost Bit will get nerfed.

        But honestly, that is probably it. I don't see her getting nerfed to shit. The thing that makes CM the best support is her Aura and Frost bite. That jungle power. She can leave her carry alone. Leave vision/detection according, go jungle and stack ancients. Ez life.

        Aside from that, whether they nerf her or not, CM will always be the babe.

        I'm probably going to spam Omni and Earthshaker support. Mainly to get them on my top played heroes since I am tired of seeing all these cores on my profile since I main support now, and roaming is fun as hell. My ursa roam-support is dominating lmao


          Visage is a great support.
          edit: well more like a great anti-support, because he can rekt the enemy's support with just only his familiars.

          Este comentário foi editado
          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            ^ Oh god.

            This is so true. Learn Visage. Very underrated hero and fucking dominates. I have been fortunate to NOT go against a Visage players in over 2000 games easily. But ocassionally, I will get one on my team, and I swear to you, I have not lost a single game when a Visage is on my team.



              Pale Mannie



                  I played a shit ton of visage on my main account that has about 5 unwinnable lp games thats why I left it..... I have about 150 games now on him .... you can see in my profile I played visage a couple days ago and won 3v5..... problem with visage is he really needs another support with him since he needs midas+deso or solar crest now at a fairly early timing... I just solo support most of the games now.... so yeah thank you I will try earthshaker and jakiro out..... any tips about earthshaker tho

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    Yes actually. If you are solo supporting as ES somehow, and your team does pisspoor shit, stop supporting them and greed up a little.


                      why people wants cm to be nerf? she's poor af and a lot of support can just kill her easily


                        Dis is a very legit question

                        why people wants cm to be nerf? she's poor af and a lot of support can just kill her easily

                        Man people are illogical if they want to nerf our bae CM.


                          dont touch the 1 shot dead waifu


                            Well, pros use it a lot and in our experience, valve obviously will nerf her


                              Bring back the titan


                                I dont want cm to be nerfed ... I love cm.... its just the fact that she is kinda op rn.... she provides what a position 3 provides to the team while being a position five that can jungle.... and potentially has a black hole if she has aghanims.... if you are better than your enemies while playing crystal maiden you will shit on them unless they fucking grow a brain and actually kill the 600 hp piece of shit losing them the game


                                  Too unique to have any replacement tbh


                                    i think she will remain as one of the most universal supports