General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is techies so shiat

Why is techies so shiat in General Discussion

    30 base damage, 270 base movement speed, literally a ranged creep?
    Forced to buy mana regen items so he still attacks like a noodle the entire game.

    Has 7 base armor for some fuking reason as a super far ranged hero?? Just nerf his retardedly high armor and range and give him normal base damage FFS.

    Has to AFK for 50 seconds bare minimum to plant mines and after that has to go back to base to regen?

    his ult also costs too much mana. 200 mana for 300 damage just because he can store burst damage and has a low cool down.
    His suicide is op tho.

    also I played 10 games of techies to see whether I'd get reported, surprisingly I still got<3, but the games were filled with shitty smurfers which I doubt have any reports.

    Dire Wolf

      because techies is horrible to play with or against that's why. Nerfed so no one will pick him and valve doesn't have to admit their mistake and delete him from the game.

      BSJ. LGD

        every kill I get on techies puts a smile on my face tho snd when u get enough items on him he's pretty fun. And yes I feel bad for my opponents too hahaha, techies is that badly designed to play against.


          this guy isnt even a hero anymore

          casual gamer

            and thank god for that

            Giff me Wingman

              Techies is one of those heroes you just can't balance, Either he is broken as fuck or trash.

              Pre nerf he was fucking OP as shit, after nerf useless.

              Vem Comigo

                ^ You can, change his abilities, buff the dmg of the mines to 75% of what it was, rework his ult, remove his stasis, and trade for ult, make a mine that stuns, for 2 secs, them disarms and slow for more 4 secs after the stun, make him a tf burst hero


                  I love Techies

                  La Lumière

                    He plants things that are invisible. Like lmao camp rosh for 10 mins with ult and anyone that is real will get demolished. Like what experiment was saying, he is either broken as fuck or a complete pile of trash.

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