General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen is the best time to create new account?

When is the best time to create new account? in General Discussion

    You see, I've just started playing this year, occasionally and lately have been playing atleast once a day. I still learning though and it's fun to win but sometimes it's really frustrating when you have a smurf teammate... I understand why because of my low mmr but i think i have improved lately compared before. So I would like to know some tips if I should create now a new account and get calibrated ? or should i just continue this account and lift up my mmr ?

    casual gamer

      "it's really frustrating when you have a smurf teammate.."

      "I should create now a new account and get calibrated ?"

      casual gamer

        just climb man it looks like ur improving or something

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          OP, just climb. Don't make a smurf. When I first played in early 2014 I calibrated to 1.6, and am now mid 3k. If I can do it, you can do it. Keep going. You learn from mistakes and if you lose, if can be annoying, but just learn from it.


            thanks guys.. i hope i can really climb and learn much as you guys.


              What would making a smurf account change? Doesn't change a thing I think.


                ^it changes a lot if you're 1k on main


                  so if you can't climb out of 1k what you're going to calibrate 6k? lol


                    @Soy, I would like to know ur suggestion instead of ur smurffing reply :)


                      but your right, i don't think i can get 6k on new smurf acct... but hey, some guys have created new acct and have calibrated more than their main... so i'm just curious as ato when should you be or what should the condition might be, that you would consider creating new account?


                        Work yourself up in the brackets, not smurf.

                        A) smurfing does not improve your skill

                        B) if u somehow calibrate higher than u should be, u will end up losing more than winning and getting back to your original mmr.

                        C) If u feel u are better than your bracket u will get high mmr even if u calibrate low. The only thing that matters is a positive winrate throughout all your ranked games. So just keep playin and lear new stuff.

                        D) difference in skill every 1k mmr points is huge. Keep that in mind cos there is no shortcut to being a better player.

                        Those who are 5k or more usually spent thousands of hours on playing dota or other simmilar games before dota.

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                          Thank you @Lex.. i think i'm just impatient specially when I see my dotabuff matches with just "normal skill" ... I'm worried if I stayed too long in Normal skill games, I won't learn learn enough for the high skill matches, if i can get one.. Anyway, thanks.. I'll be positive.


                            Normal is wide and can be anything between 0-3200 mmr. If u win more than u lose u will eventually get hs games but here,s the trick.

                            High skill is a range between 3200-3700 mmr. And u dont play on that level yet. So u are not playing hs games but normal skill. U have skill of an average dota player. There is no magic trick or shortcut to be a better player. At this momemt u are not good and accept that. If u do accept u will learn dota very fast.

                            Edit. I played 2500 games in dota 1 and 1400 in dota 2 before calibrating. So dont piss people off with making smurf accounts.

                            In addition ranked games are much more difficult than unranked.

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                              41% win rate on 700 games


                                i first made smurf because it tilted me to play with very low skill players who throw (when i just started). later i kept making smurfs if i got 24h ban due to dodge (every maintained smurf would be at least a bit higher skill than previous so using old acc was pretty boring)

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                                  Well if you don't get enough time to play because of your job or whatever then climbing from 1k to 2k even will take a long time but if you think you have improved and make a smurf and calibrate you may reach a bit faster.
                                  You sshould aim to calibrate at a position where you feel comfortable.
                                  If you calibrate at 4k but you don't have skills you wouldnt enjoy playing. It's better to get calibrated at 2.5k where you can play well and enjoy.
                                  I doubt you aim to become a professional else it would be another story.

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                                    Come on
                                    Once you figured out how to become better NS games are hilariously fun
                                    Ez stomps


                                      I get that it's 41% rate by now since i started dota really without experience..i have no other account...

                                      @bows, you're saying, you're getting better if you get bored in winning in NS games.?

                                      I hope I can figure out how to become better.. Sometimes it's just frustrating when you have smurf teamates. That's why i consider calibrating to a new accout.


                                        Well hey, I've learned to climb any bracket below 4k really easily.. sure you might calibrate 1k higher but is that ok? If you can't climb on your main that's a bit of an issue I think. Like maybe you'd be missing out on some dota knowledge or something.

                                        Regardless, I doubt making a new account will change much.


                                          No, it's just that once you figure out how to get good and stomp NS players it's fun to see youself ricing those stats
                                          I also started dota without ANY experience
                                          I fucking died at min -2 when I first started
                                          The only guy who was teaching me how to play was a 2k retard with 3k play hours
                                          Just read guides, be disciplined about shit tons of things, watch what pros do, and everytime you play, do your best, use your logic, and always be aware of your own mistakes and try to fix them

                                          King Dave

                                            Make a smurf. If you are lucky you will calibrate at a higher MMR, you will lose a higher percentage of games, but you will learn more. Therefore increasing your skill at a faster rate than if you try to just grind it out on your normal account.


                                              Lul even if you reach VHS on your smurf you'll get paired with 9 delusional smurfs who think they deserve 4k but actually they don't

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                                                I'd have to disagree with the "increasing your skill" bit.

                                                "Report ____ he's a fucking stupid noob feeder gg" doesn't teach you much.


                                                  You should also count how much irrelevant, messy, pub games that it takes to unlock MMR
                                                  You're going to waste like 100 hours for an account that isn't even gonna guarantee you decent MMR for you to learn something, not worth it


                                                    Actually, lately these days I've been watching higher competitive game plays. I also watched my own replay too to know where my mistakes are. And sometimes, when you're on the mood, you get the job done. But there those unlucky days that you really have these shitty teammates who are not objective to the game and just cancers that pulls the team down.. This is very difficult for me especially when my hero pool is more on supports.

                                                    I hope I'm not one of the cancers that's why I would like to be on a higher competitive game. I think i'm just too impatient right now..