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    Unfortunately i calibrated my mmr at 350 games played and got 1.3k. after that i didn't play ranked solo for over a 6 months. now im at about 1000 games played and i calibrated 2.1k on my second account and i want to start ranked on my main as well
    i just want to be good at a few heroes rather than being jack of all and master of none. so which hero do you recommend me using,

    morphling (extremely hard o kill in 1k as no one picks silences and counters, but takes longer time than other carries to come online)
    alchemist, terrorblade(going the split-push build with manta and BOTs, when you come up and start hitting towers no one gets in your way to stop you)
    pa (very good hero mid game but as soon as enemy gets mkb, the game turns 180)
    invoker(i am a good invoker and play him on my second account quite often)
    windranger(playing invoker, wr, sometimes pa and alchemist allows me to play the mid lane so at least our team doesn't fail mid and i become capable enough to carry my team)

    sorry to annoy you with my scrub stories but i would appreciate your help
    plus excuse me for my English as it inst my first language


      Heroes that you are good and most comfortable with from the list except PL
      PL is too situational and even then he's too weak
      Go for morph if you can actually play him
      AM works for me and it'll work for you for sure if you can play him well


        play what you like, i know players 6k who only play carry wisp...

        hero doesn't matter, only thing that matters is the player's skill


          at the moment i am pretty confident with morphling and terrorblade.
          however what are your thoughts on invoker and wr.


            i have none thoughts on any hero on this meta in low mmr, picks do't matter in low mmr. picks only matter in 6k+, you can get there by picking anything, all you need is skill

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              thats correct.
              however if for eg i play mid then that gives my team an advantage as i will win mid (confident in my skill, not being a douche :P) but my question is that to win games in lower skill, is it more rewarding to play mid/carry/ganker/pusher


                Just don't do
                Cliff jungling NP
                Jungle LC
                Carry dagon bounty hunter
                Carry tusk
                and other gamelosing shits that alot of 1k still do


                  Mid is the most rewarding imo
                  But still you'd have more retards fighting over mid compared to fighting over safelane


                    Ganking roaming playstyle is too unreliable to win,you gank people that doesn't even know how to control the lane and ganking will most likely fail due to that problem
                    Rest is reliable as long as you're good

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                      #Hot asawa ni Marcos

                        I'm Vhs and only play slark


                          1k game played still 2k pffft... damn son

                          Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                            Like people said, just play whatever you comfortable with. I would actually advice you not to limit yourself to carries, as playing support is good practice and can even yield some key insights on core roles just because you can now see it from another perspective. I have played on SEA for 2 months, luckily on another account from a friend there, and read a lot about how SEA players bemoan the SEA mentality of being toxic; only picking carries; my team consist of retards and are holding me back; constant blaming and the general lack of self reflectance, but when I look at their accounts and check their wordcloud they aren't better themselves and are doing the exact same thing. So rise above it and your MMR will probably rise too.


                              Moved to Australia recently. Havnt had a chance to play in au servery yet but hopefully ill be even higher mmr than before


                                Isn't AU server has as much toxic pricks as SEA server?


                                  Oh good really???


                                    There's no differnece between 1k and 2k mmr dont worry about it.


                                      I started this acc at 1.3 then it dropped to 900 bc I was dogshit. Play whatever you're most comfortable with and don't tilt. There are so many games I've lose because I'd get titled and give up. 1k is easy to get out of, 2k is the same just keep playing fam


                                        Spam spectre like badman then booom welcome to 9k.


                                          Spectre spam?
                                          Wait we're still in 6.86?


                                   not even sure which build for spectre even works atm


                                              Usual radi manta then other stuff build
                                              Drum was nerfed
                                              Haunt CD was increased
                                              Basically the 6.87 nerf says "fuck your midgame fighting build"