General Discussion

General DiscussionKDA ratio on point yet still in NORMAL skill bracket.

KDA ratio on point yet still in NORMAL skill bracket. in General Discussion

    okay, so i've started playing my new account, and been dominating some matches but this I didn't advance to high skill bracket even once.
    Usually i get 18/8/9 , 35/6/17 , 32/2/13 but still in normal bracket. I want some good and valid explanation.

    Here's my Profile btw.

    Jackie Treehorn

      You just play like normal skill player. Your items come too late due to bad farming and fighting and your KDA stats ( which arent that impressive) are achieved vs normal skill players. Its not the KDA the priority but other things like hero dmg and most of all - playing well. I hope that explains you. Forget the myth that you are better and system is broken ... I have like 10 accounts and I am always like 3200-3600 mmr just because my skill lvl is that high and i realize it.


        Bro compare ur stats to mine. Im even partying with ma friend right now who is 2.8k mmr and i drag him to a high skill bracket


          Look at your gpm. Rofl with so many kills i would have 1k gpm and you have got 480 or


            Your stats aer shit, you are shitty shit smurf and you deserve to be in normal skill bracket.

            @ Kench, nothing impressive, I drag easily normal-skill players in VHS in unranked on daily base, it's easy to abuse unranked and go VHS.

            bulbol sa safeguard

              The reason why you can't move out of NS is because u got low gpm/bad stats. Try harder till you can keep your GPM to 530+ and stomp more on pubs and also make sure that you wont be easily picked off on clash.


              ALLAHU AKBAR

                130 cs in 48 mins aint cool man :0


                  rofl. u dont even dominate most ur games. just a few here n there, and not with compelte dominance. complete dominance means high hero dmg, high tower dmg, good kda, good gpm xpm. and u have to be much better than every1 else in the game. if someone else in the game is doing well, then u could've been carried. you fuck


                    farm is bad


                      Agree, the fact that you lost means that you did something wrong. You can always be more efficent. Everything that you do should be for a purpose. Push lane, stack camp, take camp plus a few others, gank mid. never just walk around or site iddely by in lane (unless you are a low level carry needs to get gold from lh early in the game)


                        KDA has nothing to do with mmr lol. Thinking that kills are the most valued things in a match automatically places you in the normal skill cuz you focus on it and that is wrong. That's a normal skill player way of toughts. Think about it yourself, how there would be any support player in high or very high skill if that were the true.

                        MAXIMUM EFFORT!

                          I JUST SPAM INVO EZ 4.5K CALIBRATION ^.^

                          Este comentário foi editado

                            Kda doesn't mean a shit


                              U just bad LUL


                                0/10 in highskill nuff said

                                Panic! At The Dark

                                  You've been to high skill but fail hard. Sad life.

                                  trash player

                                    Well I don't play anywhere as well as you but I'm still in the very high skill bracket for AP and SD.



                                      heartbreaking comments. these will make you even more down than being motivated. tsss.


                                        @?a!n i know right


                                          You need patience youngblood. You will get there lately.


                                            Valve is testing u right now. U get rekt in all high skill games. But u do somewhat well in normal skills. U r somewhere in between n deserve to stay there noob


                                              You really ask why you aren't high skill? You BELONG in Normal Skill. Your builds are shit. With the gold you had in this match, you could have steam-rolled the other team, but you went and built yourself an MKB on TINY. TIIIINY.


                                                You already had a Sven, who could just take out their team (PA, Drow, Lion, and Riki) in 2 Crits. Literally 2 Crits.
                                                You should have built a tankier something to help out: blaidmail and AC, maybe a Vlad's.
                                                The Daedalus is fine with the Blink initiation, but you'd want moonshards, or at least an Echo Sabre to get off a full two hits before they turn on you. The BM would give you a few more right clicks off before their Drow and PA started mowing you down.
                                                The only player on the other team with any magic damage at all was Lion. Your team (with 4 blink daggers and a pudge) should have taken him out first. This means you have a free slot, (no need for BKB), that you could have filled with a Satanic, or something equally obnoxious.
                                                I don't even want to hear, "Well, it was all in the game, and you had to see it."
                                                IF you were High Skill material, you'd be there.

                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                  kda is the least important thing.
                                                  Look at my previous 10 ranked games. Just recalibrated to 3.1

                                                  Austin Greaves

                                                    I think you're already regretting bringing this thread, mate?


                                                      shit player Cx


                                                        maybe it's cause your trash