General Discussion

General DiscussionNo Shadowblade tusk new meta?

No Shadowblade tusk new meta? in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    Ok, been in 3 games now with ally tusk not going shadowblade? is this real? he stomps with sb and seting him make mek and arcanes instead is really sad being play position 4/5.

    Riguma Borusu

      People who build shit like arcanes and mek in (esp low) normal skill (on tusk) are fucking retarded. If you get that level of farm you should transition into a core because let's be real, they'll have 4 burst/right click cores as well, so yo should maximize your damage output.


        uld better delete this thread before u get flamed into oblivion

        Riguma Borusu

          ^He's in normal skill dude, offlane tusk making shit like mek and arcanes is usually not worth it.


            Tusk is probably one of the fewer heroes who I think should be played based on spells and not items i.e. a utility hero + far more better cores than Tusk. In pubs, you make Shadowblade + Desolator on Tusk as core and one shot (or, one-punch) squishy enemy but what then? Potential is way bigger as position 4, in my opinion.

            Riguma Borusu

              Sure, but 1-3k tusk players are not Universe, they aren't going to save their teammates that often, hit really good shards that often, or in general outplay their opponents real hard based on tusk's skillset. And in a lot of games, whatever you do won't be enough anyway because lategame the enemy has 4 right click cores.


                its not about skill tier, if u go shadowblade when they arent squishy and u arent doing particularly well its an extreme waste of gold


                  shadowblade is not a legit item for tusk

                  Osama blin dagger

                    played tusk 4 times only on normal skill ....4 wins ...4 arcanes and meks (greaves)
                    i know dat i am a bad player but it's so legit :v

                    Óðinn H

                      The guys saying Tusk should always go shadowblade in lowtier games are actually so stupid.

                      Of course if a player much better than the shittier 2k mmr he can roll fuckface with ShadowBlade, but a player that is on his skill level going arcanes mek is equally good if not even way better.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^It's kinda like tranquls soulring roaming mirana, in lower brackets you just go straight for damage and survivability items because you can't consistently depend on teammates, you don't want to win 51% games, you want to win at least 60-70%, if you're much better, up to something like 95%. If you're any better than people in your bracket, and pick a hero like roam mirana or offlane tusk, you want to be able to deal damage and get to push. But you're right, this only works if you're beyond the avg skill level of where you play, if you just want to teamplay with people who're at the same level as you, you should go utility/support tusk build.

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                        Óðinn H

                          who buys soulring tranquil on a roaming mirana


                            why would u need a soulring and any sort of hp regen for mirana


                              I recalled one of my game where I make Tusk so scared to use SB simply using a gem and won, maybe you could only see those shadowblade tusk in normal skill bracket and after that you won't see any players playing shadowblade tusk.


                                Tusk can be built in so many different ways. Don't be confined to only a "shadowblade tusk." Learn to adjust your builds/mindset on builds according to the state of the game you're in.

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                                    Dagger tusk is better for counter-initiation/channel cancel.


                                      Go greave blink tusk SeemsGood